00:000 00:000 OC: OpenCore DBG-057-2020-04-06 is loading in Optional mode (0/0)... 00:180 00:180 OC: Boot timestamp - 2020.04.23 22:23:20 00:361 00:180 OCCPU: MP services threads 4 (enabled 4) - Success 00:542 00:181 OCCPU: MP services Pkg 1 Cores 2 Threads 2 - Success 00:723 00:181 OCCPU: Found Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600U CPU @ 2.10GHz 00:903 00:180 OCCPU: Signature 40651 Stepping 1 Model 45 Family 6 Type 0 ExtModel 4 ExtFamily 0 uCode 1C 01:110 00:206 OCCPU: Detected Apple Processor Type: 07 -> 0705 01:291 00:181 OCCPU: Ratio Min 8 Max 27 Current 20 Turbo 33 30 30 30 01:472 00:181 OCCPU: Timer address is 1808 from LPC 01:754 00:281 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromTSC 2693763402Hz 2693MHz 01:934 00:180 OCCPU: CPUFrequency 2693763402Hz 2693MHz 02:116 00:181 OCCPU: FSBFrequency 99769014Hz 99MHz 02:295 00:179 OCCPU: Pkg 1 Cores 2 Threads 4 02:605 00:309 OC: OcLoadNvramSupport... 02:785 00:180 OC: Not deleting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:UIScale, matches add 02:966 00:180 OC: Deleting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:DefaultBackgroundColor - Not Found 03:147 00:181 OC: Deleting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args - Not Found 03:343 00:195 OC: Setting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:DefaultBackgroundColor - Success 03:524 00:180 OC: Setting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:UIScale - ignored, exists 03:704 00:180 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:SystemAudioVolume - ignored, exists 03:925 00:220 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args - Success 04:106 00:180 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:csr-active-config - ignored, exists 04:302 00:195 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:prev-lang:kbd - Success 04:483 00:180 OC: Current version is DBG-057-2020-04-06 04:679 00:195 OC: OcLoadUefiSupport... 04:860 00:181 AIFTimerBoostInit Current timer is 549254 05:041 00:180 AIFTimerBoostInit changed period 549254 to 50000 05:328 00:287 AmiEfiKeycodeProtocol is unavailable on gST->ConsoleHandle - Unsupported 05:534 00:206 gST->ConIn D9F68290 vs found D9F68290 05:716 00:181 OCABC: RTDFRG 1 DEVMMIO 0 NOSU 0 NOVRWR 0 NOSB 0 NOHBMAP 0 SMSLIDE 1 WRUNPROT 1 05:896 00:180 OCABC: FEXITBS 0 PRMRG 0 CSLIDE 1 PRSRV 0 RBMAP 1 VMAP 1 APPLOS 0 RTPERMS 0 06:077 00:180 OCABC: Firmware has 2045814 free pages (872822 in lower 4 GB) 06:258 00:180 OCABC: Awaiting rendezvous with OpenRuntime r10 06:439 00:181 OC: Got 9 drivers 06:619 00:180 OC: Driver HfsPlus.efi at 0 is being loaded... 06:847 00:227 OC: Driver HfsPlus.efi at 0 is successfully loaded! 07:036 00:188 OC: Driver HfsPlus.efi at 0 needs connection. 07:216 00:180 OC: Driver ApfsDriverLoader.efi at 1 is being loaded... 07:407 00:190 OC: Driver ApfsDriverLoader.efi at 1 is successfully loaded! 07:588 00:181 OC: Driver ApfsDriverLoader.efi at 1 needs connection. 07:768 00:179 OC: Driver OpenRuntime.efi at 2 is being loaded... 08:074 00:305 OCABC: Got rendezvous with OpenRuntime r10 08:287 00:213 OCABC: MAT support is 0 08:468 00:181 OC: Driver OpenRuntime.efi at 2 is successfully loaded! 08:649 00:180 OC: Driver #OpenUsbKbDxe.efi at 3 is being loaded... 08:830 00:180 OC: Driver #HiiDatabase.efi at 4 is being loaded... 09:011 00:181 OC: Driver #NvmExpressDxe.efi at 5 is being loaded... 09:192 00:180 OC: Driver XhciDxe.efi at 6 is being loaded... 09:382 00:190 OC: Driver XhciDxe.efi at 6 is successfully loaded! 09:589 00:206 OC: Driver XhciDxe.efi at 6 needs connection. 09:770 00:181 OC: Driver #AudioDxe.efi at 7 is being loaded... 09:951 00:180 OC: Driver #OpenCanopy.efi at 8 is being loaded... 10:131 00:180 OC: Connecting drivers... 10:439 00:307 OC: Connecting drivers done... 10:620 00:180 OCC: GOP exists on ConsoleOutHandle and has 5 modes 10:874 00:254 OC: Requested resolution is 0x0@0 (max: 1) from Max 11:080 00:206 OCC: Requesting 0x0@0 (max: 1) resolution, curr 0, total 5 11:261 00:180 OCC: Mode 0 - 640x480:1 11:442 00:180 OCC: Mode 1 - 1024x768:1 11:623 00:180 OCC: Mode 2 - 1280x1024:1 11:804 00:180 OCC: Mode 3 - 800x600:1 11:985 00:180 OCC: Mode 4 - 1920x1080:1 12:166 00:180 OCC: Setting mode 4 with 1920x1080 resolution 13:021 00:855 OCC: Changed resolution mode to 4 13:201 00:180 OC: Changed resolution to 0x0@0 (max: 1) from Max - Success 13:382 00:180 OCC: Using builtin text renderer with 1 scale 13:576 00:193 OCC: Install console control (D995A568/0/0), current - Success 13:757 00:181 OC: Requested console mode is 0x0 (max: 1) from Max 13:937 00:180 OCC: Requesting 0x0 (max: 1) console mode, curr 0, max 1 14:149 00:211 OCC: Mode 0 - 238x65 14:354 00:205 OCC: Current console mode matches desired mode 0, forcing update 14:535 00:180 OCC: Setting mode 0 (prev 0) with 238x65 console mode 14:716 00:180 OCC: Changed console mode to 0 14:897 00:180 OC: Changed console mode to 0x0 (max: 1) from Max - Success 15:078 00:181 OC: Requested not to use audio 15:259 00:180 OC: OcLoadAcpiSupport... 15:439 00:180 OCA: Found 24 ACPI tables 15:646 00:206 OCA: Detected table 50434146 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEF8000 of 268 bytes at index 0 15:826 00:180 OCA: Detected table 43494C53 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEFD000 of 374 bytes at index 1 16:007 00:180 OCA: Detected table 50474244 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEFB000 of 52 bytes at index 2 16:188 00:181 OCA: Detected table 54444345 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEFA000 of 82 bytes at index 3 16:369 00:180 OCA: Detected table 54455048 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEF7000 of 56 bytes at index 4 16:549 00:180 OCA: Detected table 43495041 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEF6000 of 152 bytes at index 5 16:837 00:288 OCA: Detected table 4746434D (2020204A472D5054) at DCEF5000 of 60 bytes at index 6 17:043 00:206 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (31544453532D5054) at DCEF4000 of 51 bytes at index 7 17:224 00:180 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (32544453532D5054) at DCEF3000 of 1158 bytes at index 8 17:405 00:180 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (6963684161746153) at DCEE1000 of 2507 bytes at index 9 17:586 00:181 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (747461425F766D52) at DCEE0000 of 338 bytes at index 10 17:767 00:180 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (0074734930757043) at DCEDF000 of 2037 bytes at index 11 17:948 00:180 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (0000006D50757043) at DCEDE000 of 2776 bytes at index 12 18:129 00:181 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (0020746473536153) at DCEDC000 of 4700 bytes at index 13 18:309 00:179 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (6C62615463707043) at DCEDB000 of 889 bytes at index 14 18:515 00:206 OCA: Detected table 54434350 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEDA000 of 110 bytes at index 15 18:696 00:180 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (6C6261545F637043) at DCED9000 of 2756 bytes at index 16 18:877 00:180 OCA: Detected table 49464555 (2020204A472D5054) at DCED8000 of 66 bytes at index 17 19:058 00:181 OCA: Detected table 4D44534D (2020204A472D5054) at DCD52000 of 85 bytes at index 18 19:238 00:180 OCA: Detected table 21465341 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEFC000 of 165 bytes at index 19 19:526 00:287 OCA: Detected table 42544142 (2020204A472D5054) at DCED7000 of 70 bytes at index 20 19:706 00:179 OCA: Detected table 54445046 (2020204A472D5054) at DCED6000 of 100 bytes at index 21 19:912 00:206 OCA: Detected table 49464555 (2020204A472D5054) at DCED5000 of 738 bytes at index 22 20:093 00:180 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (006C734173666649) at DCED4000 of 208 bytes at index 23 20:274 00:180 OC: Skipping add ACPI DSDT.aml (0) 20:455 00:180 OC: Skipping add ACPI SSDT-1.aml (0) 20:636 00:180 OCA: Inserted table 54445353 (0067756C50757043) of 167 bytes into ACPI at index 24 20:817 00:180 OC: Skipping add ACPI SSDT-SBUS-MCHC.aml (0) 20:997 00:180 OC: Skipping add ACPI SSDT-PNLF.aml (0) 21:212 00:215 OCA: Inserted table 54445353 (0000434574647353) of 125 bytes into ACPI at index 25 21:393 00:180 OC: Skipping add ACPI SSDT-UIAC.aml (0) 21:574 00:180 OC: Skipping add ACPI SSDT-EC-USBX.aml (0) 21:754 00:180 OCA: Inserted table 54445353 (46464F5F78434845) of 109 bytes into ACPI at index 26 21:934 00:179 OC: Skipping add ACPI SSDT-AWAC.aml (0) 22:146 00:211 OC: Skipping add ACPI SSDT-RTC0.aml (0) 22:325 00:179 OC: Skipping add ACPI SSDT-ALS0.aml (0) 22:532 00:206 OC: Skipping add ACPI SSDT-PMC.aml (0) 22:713 00:180 OCA: FACS signature is 0 (0) 22:894 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 50434146 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEF8000 of 268 bytes at index 0 23:075 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 43494C53 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEFD000 of 374 bytes at index 1 23:256 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 50474244 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEFB000 of 52 bytes at index 2 23:437 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54444345 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEFA000 of 82 bytes at index 3 23:616 00:179 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54455048 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEF7000 of 56 bytes at index 4 23:823 00:206 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 43495041 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEF6000 of 152 bytes at index 5 24:004 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 4746434D (2020204A472D5054) at DCEF5000 of 60 bytes at index 6 24:185 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (31544453532D5054) at DCEF4000 of 51 bytes at index 7 24:366 00:181 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (32544453532D5054) at DCEF3000 of 1158 bytes at index 8 24:546 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (6963684161746153) at DCEE1000 of 2507 bytes at index 9 24:727 00:181 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (747461425F766D52) at DCEE0000 of 338 bytes at index 10 24:938 00:210 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0074734930757043) at DCEDF000 of 2037 bytes at index 11 25:145 00:206 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0000006D50757043) at DCEDE000 of 2776 bytes at index 12 25:326 00:181 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0020746473536153) at DCEDC000 of 4700 bytes at index 13 25:507 00:181 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (6C62615463707043) at DCEDB000 of 889 bytes at index 14 25:688 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54434350 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEDA000 of 110 bytes at index 15 25:869 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (6C6261545F637043) at DCED9000 of 2756 bytes at index 16 26:050 00:181 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 49464555 (2020204A472D5054) at DCED8000 of 66 bytes at index 17 26:230 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 4D44534D (2020204A472D5054) at DCD52000 of 85 bytes at index 18 26:457 00:226 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 21465341 (2020204A472D5054) at DCEFC000 of 165 bytes at index 19 26:637 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 42544142 (2020204A472D5054) at DCED7000 of 70 bytes at index 20 26:818 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445046 (2020204A472D5054) at DCED6000 of 100 bytes at index 21 26:999 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 49464555 (2020204A472D5054) at DCED5000 of 738 bytes at index 22 27:179 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (006C734173666649) at DCED4000 of 208 bytes at index 23 27:360 00:180 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0067756C50757043) at DCCEF000 of 167 bytes at index 24 27:647 00:287 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0000434574647353) at DCCEE000 of 125 bytes at index 25 27:854 00:206 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (46464F5F78434845) at DCCED000 of 109 bytes at index 26