00:000 00:000 BS: Starting OpenCore application... 00:000 00:000 BS: Booter path - \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 00:000 00:000 OCFS: Trying to locate filesystem on 827F0418 84EF3A18 00:000 00:000 OCFS: Filesystem DP - \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 00:000 00:000 BS: Trying to load OpenCore image... 00:000 00:000 BS: Relative path - EFI 00:000 00:000 BS: Startup path - EFI\OpenCore.efi (0) 00:000 00:000 BS: Fallback to absolute path - EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 BS: Read OpenCore image of 983040 bytes 00:000 00:000 OCM: Loaded image at 8115EA98 handle 00:000 00:000 OCM: Loaded image has DeviceHandle 827F0418 FilePath 811E1898 ours DevicePath 844FDC98 00:000 00:000 OCCPU: TSC Adjust 0 00:000 00:000 OCCPU: Fallback Core Crystal Clock Frequency 24000000Hz 00:000 00:000 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromART 2904000000Hz 2904MHz = 24000000 * 242 / 2 00:000 00:000 OC: Starting OpenCore... 00:000 00:000 OC: Booter path - EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 OCFS: Trying to locate filesystem on 827F0418 811E1898 00:000 00:000 OCFS: Filesystem DP - EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 OC: Absolute booter path - EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 OC: Storage root EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 OCST: Missing vault data, ignoring... 00:000 00:000 OC: OcMiscEarlyInit... 00:000 00:000 OC: Loaded configuration of 37316 bytes 00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for HibernateSkipsPicker at 2 index, context ! 00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for PointerDwellClickTimeout at 5 index, context ! 00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for PointerDwellDoubleClickTimeout at 6 index, context ! 00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for PointerDwellRadius at 7 index, context ! 00:000 00:000 OC: Got 4 drivers 00:000 00:000 OC: Watchdog status is 0 00:031 00:031 OC: OpenCore DBG-083-2022-08-01 is loading in Optional mode (0/0)... 00:062 00:031 OC: Boot timestamp - 2023.11.26 13:30:12 00:085 00:022 OCCPU: MP services threads 12 (enabled 12) - Success 00:106 00:020 OCCPU: MP services Pkg 1 Cores 6 Threads 2 - Success 00:128 00:022 OCCPU: Found Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz 00:150 00:021 OCCPU: Signature A0653 Stepping 3 Model A5 Family 6 Type 0 ExtModel A ExtFamily 0 uCode E0 CPUID MAX (16/80000008) 00:182 00:031 OCCPU: EIST CFG Lock 0 00:203 00:021 OCCPU: TSC Adjust 0 00:227 00:023 OCCPU: Fallback Core Crystal Clock Frequency 24000000Hz 00:248 00:021 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromART 2904000000Hz 2904MHz = 24000000 * 242 / 2 00:271 00:022 OCCPU: Timer address is 0 from Unknown INTEL 00:291 00:020 OCCPU: Failed to get FSBFrequency data using Apple Platform Info - Not Found 00:324 00:032 OCCPU: Intel TSC: 2904000000Hz, 2904MHz; FSB: 100137931Hz, 100MHz; MaxBusRatio: 29 00:346 00:022 OCCPU: Detected Apple Processor Type: 06 -> 0609 00:369 00:022 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromTSC 0Hz 0MHz 00:390 00:020 OCCPU: CPUFrequency 2904000000Hz 2904MHz 00:413 00:023 OCCPU: FSBFrequency 100137931Hz 100MHz 00:443 00:030 OCCPU: Pkg 1 Cores 6 Threads 12 00:468 00:024 OC: OcLoadNvramSupport... 00:508 00:040 OCVAR: Locate emulated NVRAM protocol - Not Found 00:534 00:025 OC: Deleting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:DefaultBackgroundColor - Not Found 00:556 00:022 OC: Not deleting NVRAM 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:rtc-blacklist, matches add 00:580 00:024 OC: Deleting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args - Not Found 00:611 00:031 OC: Deleting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:ForceDisplayRotationInEFI - Not Found 00:637 00:025 OC: Deleting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:csr-active-config - Not Found 00:662 00:025 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:DefaultBackgroundColor - Success 00:686 00:024 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:rtc-blacklist - Not Found 00:710 00:024 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:ForceDisplayRotationInEFI - Success 00:747 00:036 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:SystemAudioVolume - Success 00:773 00:025 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args - Success 00:798 00:025 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:csr-active-config - Success 00:823 00:024 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:prev-lang:kbd - Success 00:849 00:026 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:run-efi-updater - Success 00:881 00:031 OC: Current version is DBG-083-2022-08-01 00:905 00:024 OC: OcMiscMiddleInit... 00:927 00:021 OC: Setting NVRAM 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:boot-path = PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(1,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x3F,0x64000)/EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi - Success 00:950 00:022 OC: StorageHandle 827F0418 with Disabled LauncherOption pointing to Default 00:973 00:023 OC: OcLoadUefiSupport... 00:996 00:022 OCAU: OcAudioInstallProtocols (0, 0) 01:027 00:031 OCAU: 4B228577-6274-4A48-82AE-0713A1171987 protocol - Not Found 01:050 00:023 OCAU: C32332DF-FC56-4FE1-9358-BA0D529B24CD protocol - Not Found 01:072 00:021 OCAU: F4CB0B78-243B-11E7-A524-B8E8562CBAFA protocol - Not Found 01:094 00:022 OCAU: 3224B169-EC34-46D2-B779-E1B1687F525F protocol - Not Found 01:115 00:020 OCAE: Builtin installed 01:145 00:029 OCRTC: Wake log is 0x5A 0xFF 185 0x7F 01:169 00:024 OCOS: Discovered rotate NVRAM override to 0 01:199 00:030 OC: Automatic SB model j137 from model iMacPro1,1 01:222 00:023 OC: Loading Apple Secure Boot with j137 (level 1) 01:265 00:042 OCII: AIFTimerBoostInit Current timer is 10000 01:291 00:025 OC: Installing KeySupport... 01:314 00:022 OCII: gST->ConIn 86637B90 vs found 86637B90 01:334 00:020 AIK: Using 5 (50ms) 01:366 00:031 OCABC: ALRBL 0 RTDFRG 1 DEVMMIO 1 NOSU 0 NOVRWR 0 NOSB 0 FBSIG 0 NOHBMAP 0 SMSLIDE 1 WRUNPROT 0 01:389 00:022 OCABC: FEXITBS 0 PRMRG 0 CSLIDE 1 MSLIDE 0 PRSRV 1 RBMAP 1 VMAP 0 APPLOS 0 RTPERMS 1 ARBAR -1 01:411 00:022 OCABC: Firmware has 4074759 free pages (476423 in lower 4 GB) 01:432 00:020 OCABC: Awaiting rendezvous with OpenRuntime r12 01:455 00:022 OC: RequestBootVarRouting 1 01:507 00:051 OC: AVX enabled - 1 01:533 00:026 OC: Got 4 drivers 01:553 00:020 OC: Driver HfsPlus.efi at 0 (HfsPlus.efi) is being loaded... 01:813 00:259 OCABC: EfiBootRt candidate - 01:835 00:022 OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0) 01:858 00:022 OCB: Arch filtering 0(37892)->80E59018(37892) caps 4 - Success 01:880 00:022 OCABC: Recovering trashed GetMemoryMap pointer 01:903 00:022 OC: Driver HfsPlus.efi at 0 is successfully loaded! 01:925 00:021 OC: Driver HfsPlus.efi at 0 needs connection. 01:958 00:033 OC: Driver OpenCanopy.efi at 1 (OpenCanopy.efi) is being loaded... 01:982 00:023 OCABC: EfiBootRt candidate - 02:004 00:022 OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0) 02:026 00:021 OCB: Arch filtering 0(163840)->80D13018(163840) caps 4 - Success 02:049 00:022 OCABC: Recovering trashed GetMemoryMap pointer 02:078 00:028 OCCPU: TSC Adjust 0 02:103 00:025 OCCPU: Fallback Core Crystal Clock Frequency 24000000Hz 02:125 00:021 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromART 2904000000Hz 2904MHz = 24000000 * 242 / 2 02:148 00:022 OCUI: Registered custom GUI protocol 02:168 00:020 OC: Driver OpenCanopy.efi at 1 is successfully loaded! 02:191 00:022 OC: Driver OpenRuntime.efi at 2 (OpenRuntime.efi) is being loaded... 02:222 00:031 OCABC: EfiBootRt candidate - 02:245 00:023 OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0) 02:266 00:021 OCB: Arch filtering 0(40964)->80E58018(40964) caps 4 - Success 02:290 00:023 OCABC: Recovering trashed GetMemoryMap pointer 02:311 00:021 OCABC: Got rendezvous with OpenRuntime r12 02:334 00:022 OCABC: MAT support is 1 02:364 00:029 OC: Driver OpenRuntime.efi at 2 is successfully loaded! 02:387 00:022 OC: Driver ResetNvramEntry.efi at 3 () is being loaded... 02:411 00:024 OCABC: EfiBootRt candidate - 02:434 00:022 OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0) 02:455 00:021 OCB: Arch filtering 0(69636)->80E51018(69636) caps 4 - Success 02:488 00:032 OCABC: Recovering trashed GetMemoryMap pointer 02:510 00:022 OCCPU: TSC Adjust 0 02:533 00:022 OCCPU: Fallback Core Crystal Clock Frequency 24000000Hz 02:553 00:020 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromART 2904000000Hz 2904MHz = 24000000 * 242 / 2 02:576 00:022 OC: Driver ResetNvramEntry.efi at 3 is successfully loaded! 02:598 00:021 OC: Connecting drivers... 02:772 00:174 OC: Connecting drivers done... 02:798 00:025 OC: Found 4 pointer devices - Success 02:821 00:022 OCJS: PartitionInfo is Success 02:843 00:022 OCC: Installing GOP (Unsupported) on ConsoleOutHandle... 02:866 00:022 OC: Requested resolution is 0x0@0 (max: 1, force: 0) from Max 02:894 00:028 OCC: Requesting 0x0@0 (max: 1) resolution, curr 3, total 5 02:919 00:024 OCC: Current FB at 0x4000000000 (0x300000), format 1, res 1024x768 scan 1024 02:962 00:042 OCC: Mode 0 - 1920x1080:1 02:985 00:023 OCC: Mode 1 - 640x480:1 03:006 00:021 OCC: Mode 2 - 800x600:1 03:029 00:023 OCC: Mode 3 - 1024x768:1 03:061 00:031 OCC: Mode 4 - 1280x1024:1 03:084 00:023 OCC: Setting mode 0 with 1920x1080 resolution 03:155 00:070 OCC: Changed resolution mode to 0 03:194 00:038 OC: Changed resolution to 0x0@0 (max: 1, force: 0) from Max - Success 03:215 00:021 OCC: Using builtin text renderer with 1 scale 03:278 00:062 OCC: Install console control (6DDFF900/0/0), current - Success 03:304 00:025 OCC: Setup ASCII Output - Success 03:327 00:023 OC: Requested console mode is 0x0 (max: 0) from 03:359 00:031 OC: Requested not to use audio 03:382 00:023 OC: OcMiscLoadSystemReport... 03:402 00:020 OC: OcLoadAcpiSupport... 03:425 00:022 OCA: Found 21 ACPI tables 03:447 00:022 OCA: Detected table FACP (50434146) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 88A42000 of 276 bytes at index 0 03:470 00:022 OCA: Detected DSDT at 889FB000 of 290626 bytes at index 0 03:500 00:030 OCA: Detected table MCFG (4746434D) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 88A46000 of 60 bytes at index 1 03:524 00:023 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0074647353757043) at 88A43000 of 8251 bytes at index 2 03:546 00:021 OCA: Detected table FIDT (54444946) (OEM 00000049204D2041) at 889FA000 of 156 bytes at index 3 03:568 00:022 OCA: Detected table FPDT (54445046) (OEM 00000000004C4D43) at 888BA000 of 68 bytes at index 4 03:589 00:020 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0020746473536153) at 889F5000 of 12492 bytes at index 5 03:622 00:033 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0074647353676550) at 889F1000 of 15994 bytes at index 6 03:666 00:043 OCA: Detected table HPET (54455048) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889F0000 of 56 bytes at index 7 03:689 00:023 OCA: Detected table APIC (43495041) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889EF000 of 356 bytes at index 8 03:710 00:021 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 7076525F72656854) at 889ED000 of 5243 bytes at index 9 03:733 00:023 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 3464736D635F6878) at 889E9000 of 15003 bytes at index 10 03:755 00:021 OCA: Detected table NHLT (544C484E) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889E7000 of 6177 bytes at index 11 03:788 00:032 OCA: Detected table LPIT (5449504C) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889E5000 of 148 bytes at index 12 03:808 00:020 OCA: Detected table WSMT (544D5357) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889E4000 of 40 bytes at index 13 03:831 00:022 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6376654464697450) at 889E1000 of 10016 bytes at index 14 03:853 00:022 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 4365707954746254) at 889DE000 of 9650 bytes at index 15 03:876 00:022 OCA: Detected table DBGP (50474244) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889DD000 of 52 bytes at index 16 03:906 00:030 OCA: Detected table DBG2 (32474244) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889DC000 of 84 bytes at index 17 03:930 00:023 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6C62615443627355) at 889DA000 of 7059 bytes at index 18 03:951 00:021 OCA: Detected table WPBT (54425057) (OEM 00000049204D2041) at 888BB000 of 60 bytes at index 19 03:974 00:022 OCA: Detected table BGRT (54524742) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889D9000 of 56 bytes at index 20 03:994 00:020 OCA: FACS signature is 0 (0) 04:017 00:022 OCA: Allocated new table SSDT at 88E6C000 04:048 00:030 OCA: Inserted table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0000434157414F4E) of 78 bytes into ACPI at index 21 04:346 00:298 OCA: Allocated new table SSDT at 88E6B000 04:370 00:023 OCA: Inserted table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0000434574647353) of 306 bytes into ACPI at index 22 04:393 00:023 OCA: Allocated new table SSDT at 88E6A000 04:414 00:021 OCA: Inserted table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0067756C50757043) of 900 bytes into ACPI at index 23 04:436 00:022 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table FACP (50434146) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 88A42000 of 276 bytes at index 0 04:457 00:020 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table MCFG (4746434D) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 88A46000 of 60 bytes at index 1 04:489 00:032 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0074647353757043) at 88A43000 of 8251 bytes at index 2 04:511 00:022 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table FIDT (54444946) (OEM 00000049204D2041) at 889FA000 of 156 bytes at index 3 04:534 00:022 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table FPDT (54445046) (OEM 00000000004C4D43) at 888BA000 of 68 bytes at index 4 04:555 00:020 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0020746473536153) at 889F5000 of 12492 bytes at index 5 04:578 00:023 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0074647353676550) at 889F1000 of 15994 bytes at index 6 04:607 00:029 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table HPET (54455048) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889F0000 of 56 bytes at index 7 04:632 00:024 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table APIC (43495041) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889EF000 of 356 bytes at index 8 04:653 00:020 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 7076525F72656854) at 889ED000 of 5243 bytes at index 9 04:675 00:022 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 3464736D635F6878) at 889E9000 of 15003 bytes at index 10 04:697 00:021 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table NHLT (544C484E) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889E7000 of 6177 bytes at index 11 04:720 00:022 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table LPIT (5449504C) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889E5000 of 148 bytes at index 12 04:750 00:030 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table WSMT (544D5357) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889E4000 of 40 bytes at index 13 04:774 00:023 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6376654464697450) at 889E1000 of 10016 bytes at index 14 04:795 00:021 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 4365707954746254) at 889DE000 of 9650 bytes at index 15 04:818 00:022 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table DBGP (50474244) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889DD000 of 52 bytes at index 16 04:838 00:020 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table DBG2 (32474244) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889DC000 of 84 bytes at index 17 04:861 00:022 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6C62615443627355) at 889DA000 of 7059 bytes at index 18 04:892 00:031 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table WPBT (54425057) (OEM 00000049204D2041) at 888BB000 of 60 bytes at index 19 04:915 00:022 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table BGRT (54524742) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889D9000 of 56 bytes at index 20 04:936 00:021 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0000434157414F4E) at 88E6C000 of 78 bytes at index 21 04:959 00:022 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0000434574647353) at 88E6B000 of 306 bytes at index 22 04:989 00:030 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0067756C50757043) at 88E6A000 of 900 bytes at index 23 05:013 00:023 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table FACP (50434146) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 88A42000 of 276 bytes at index 0 05:033 00:020 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table MCFG (4746434D) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 88A46000 of 60 bytes at index 1 05:056 00:022 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0074647353757043) at 88A43000 of 8251 bytes at index 2 05:078 00:021 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table FIDT (54444946) (OEM 00000049204D2041) at 889FA000 of 156 bytes at index 3 05:100 00:022 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table FPDT (54445046) (OEM 00000000004C4D43) at 888BA000 of 68 bytes at index 4 05:131 00:031 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0020746473536153) at 889F5000 of 12492 bytes at index 5 05:155 00:023 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0074647353676550) at 889F1000 of 15994 bytes at index 6 05:176 00:021 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table HPET (54455048) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889F0000 of 56 bytes at index 7 05:199 00:022 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table APIC (43495041) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889EF000 of 356 bytes at index 8 05:219 00:020 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 7076525F72656854) at 889ED000 of 5243 bytes at index 9 05:251 00:031 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 3464736D635F6878) at 889E9000 of 15003 bytes at index 10 05:273 00:022 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table NHLT (544C484E) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889E7000 of 6177 bytes at index 11 05:296 00:022 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table LPIT (5449504C) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889E5000 of 148 bytes at index 12 05:341 00:044 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table WSMT (544D5357) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889E4000 of 40 bytes at index 13 05:364 00:023 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6376654464697450) at 889E1000 of 10016 bytes at index 14 05:386 00:021 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 4365707954746254) at 889DE000 of 9650 bytes at index 15 05:417 00:031 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table DBGP (50474244) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889DD000 of 52 bytes at index 16 05:438 00:020 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table DBG2 (32474244) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889DC000 of 84 bytes at index 17 05:461 00:022 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6C62615443627355) at 889DA000 of 7059 bytes at index 18 05:483 00:022 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table WPBT (54425057) (OEM 00000049204D2041) at 888BB000 of 60 bytes at index 19 05:505 00:022 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table BGRT (54524742) (OEM 00002049204D2041) at 889D9000 of 56 bytes at index 20 05:536 00:030 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0000434157414F4E) at 88E6C000 of 78 bytes at index 21 05:560 00:023 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0000434574647353) at 88E6B000 of 306 bytes at index 22 05:787 00:227 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0067756C50757043) at 88E6A000 of 900 bytes at index 23 05:810 00:023 OC: OcLoadPlatformSupport... 05:831 00:020 OCSMB: Found DMI Anchor 89BA2000 v3.2 Table Address 89B9F000 Length 1359 05:854 00:023 OCSMB: Found DMI Anchor 89BA1000 v3.2 Table Address 89B9F000 Length 1359 05:876 00:022 OCSMB: Current SMBIOS System Product Name (ROG STRIX Z490-G GAMING (WI-FI) made by ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.) 05:903 00:026 OC: PlatformInfo auto 1 OEM SN 0 OEM UUID 0 OEM MLB 0 OEM ROM 0 - Success 05:933 00:030 OC: New SMBIOS: Acidanthera model iMacPro1,1 05:957 00:023 OCSMB: Post-override BIOS vendor Acidanthera 0 05:978 00:021 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 3 06:000 00:022 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 3 06:021 00:020 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 3 06:053 00:031 OCSMB: CPU1 display frequency is 2900MHz 06:076 00:022 OCSMB: Applying 2347 (1) prev 89BA2000 (4953/31), 89BA1000 (4953/24) 06:098 00:022 OCSMB: Patched 86FE4000 v3.2 Table Address 86FE5000 Length 092B 1E F5 06:120 00:021 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:name (9) - Success 06:143 00:023 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:Model (22) - Success 06:165 00:021 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:SystemSerialNumber (26) - Success 06:198 00:033 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:system-id (16) - Success 06:219 00:020 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:board-id (21) - Success 06:242 00:022 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:board-rev (1) - Success 06:264 00:022 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:StartupPowerEvents (8) - Success 06:287 00:022 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:InitialTSC (8) - Success 06:316 00:029 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:FSBFrequency (8) - Success 06:341 00:025 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:DevicePathsSupported (4) - Success 06:363 00:021 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:RPlt (8) - Success 06:387 00:024 OC: Setting HW_BID Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94 - Success 06:409 00:021 OC: Setting HW_ROM 18:FC:4A:05:EB:DA - Success 06:433 00:024 OC: Setting ROM 18:FC:4A:05:EB:DA - Success 06:465 00:032 OC: Setting HW_MLB C027167004NJG361M - Success 06:490 00:024 OC: Setting MLB C027167004NJG361M - Success 06:512 00:022 OC: Setting HW_SSN C02TLQZEHX87 - Success 06:569 00:056 OC: Setting SSN C02TLQZEHX87 - Success 06:593 00:024 OC: Setting system-id CC5568E3-2F79-2F44-96CC-0292CD59C545 - Success 06:625 00:031 OC: Setting FirmwareFeatures FD8FF53E - Success 06:649 00:023 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeatures 00000008FD8FF53E - Success 06:673 00:024 OC: Setting FirmwareFeaturesMask FF9FFF3F - Success 06:696 00:023 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask 00000008FF9FFF3F - Success 06:719 00:022 OC: OcLoadDevPropsSupport... 06:740 00:021 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0):device-id - Success 06:774 00:033 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0):device_type - Success 06:796 00:022 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0):model - Success 06:819 00:022 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x3):layout-id - Success 06:839 00:020 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):AAPL,ig-platform-id - Success 06:862 00:022 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):AAPL,slot-name - Success 06:893 00:031 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):device-id - Success 06:916 00:023 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):device_type - Success 06:937 00:020 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):enable-hdmi-dividers-fix - Success 06:960 00:023 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):enable-hdmi20 - Success 06:982 00:021 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):force-online - Success 07:005 00:022 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-con0-enable - Success 07:035 00:029 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-con0-pipe - Success 07:058 00:023 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-con0-type - Success 07:080 00:022 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-con1-enable - Success 07:103 00:022 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-con1-pipe - Success 07:124 00:021 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-con1-type - Success 07:156 00:031 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-con2-enable - Success 07:178 00:021 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-con2-pipe - Success 07:201 00:022 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-con2-type - Success 07:230 00:029 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-fbmem - Success 07:254 00:023 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-patch-enable - Success 07:276 00:022 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-stolenmem - Success 07:299 00:022 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-unifiedmem - Success 07:320 00:021 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):hda-gfx - Success 07:343 00:023 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):model - Success 07:375 00:031 OC: OcMiscLateInit... 07:398 00:022 OC: Translated HibernateMode None to 0 07:419 00:020 OC: Hibernation activation - Invalid Parameter, hibernation wake - no 07:442 00:023 OC: Panic log does not exist 07:493 00:050 OC: OcLoadKernelSupport... 07:691 00:198 OC: All green, starting boot management... 07:713 00:021 OC: Handing off to external boot controller 07:737 00:023 OC: Ready for takeoff in 0 us 07:794 00:057 OCUI: Failed to load image (1/1) Resources\Image\Acidanthera\GoldenGate\Background.icns prefix:Acidanthera\GoldenGate icon:0 - Not Found 07:832 00:038 OCUI: Failed to load image (1/2) Resources\Image\Acidanthera\GoldenGate\Apple.icns prefix:Acidanthera\GoldenGate icon:1 - Not Found 07:877 00:044 OCUI: Failed to load image (2/2) Resources\Image\Acidanthera\GoldenGate\ExtWindows.icns prefix:Acidanthera\GoldenGate icon:1 - Not Found 07:901 00:024 OCUI: Failed to load image (1/2) Resources\Image\Acidanthera\GoldenGate\Other.icns prefix:Acidanthera\GoldenGate icon:1 - Not Found 07:924 00:022 OCUI: Failed to load image (2/2) Resources\Image\Acidanthera\GoldenGate\ExtTool.icns prefix:Acidanthera\GoldenGate icon:1 - Not Found 07:947 00:022 OCUI: Failed to load image (1/2) Resources\Image\Acidanthera\GoldenGate\ResetNVRAM.icns prefix:Acidanthera\GoldenGate icon:1 - Not Found 07:968 00:021 OCUI: Failed to load image (2/2) Resources\Image\Acidanthera\GoldenGate\ExtShell.icns prefix:Acidanthera\GoldenGate icon:1 - Not Found 07:998 00:029 OCUI: Info->fontSize 10 Info->bitField 192 Info->charSet 0 Info->stretchH 100 Info->aa 1 08:030 00:032 OCUI: Info->paddingUp 0 Info->paddingRight 0 Info->paddingDown 0 Info->paddingLeft 0 08:053 00:022 OCUI: Info->spacingHoriz 1 Info->spacingVert 1 Info->outline 0 Info->fontName 08:073 00:020 OCB: Adding fs 827F0418 (E:1|L:1|P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(1,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x3F,0x64000) 08:096 00:022 OCB: Adding fs 827E1818 (E:0|L:0|P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,EF1BF0A2-F012-4598-BED2-4ACB90F8B468,0x8000,0x3A37D800) 08:118 00:021 OCB: Adding fs 82279518 (E:0|L:0|P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,7F2514F7-64F9-4C05-AA37-6F2705864645,0x64800,0x3A321800) 08:150 00:032 OCB: Adding fs 8225E118 (E:0|L:0|P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,0EDE226C-1511-4CDF-84D5-640F81D2012C,0x800,0xEE7B800) 08:171 00:021 OCB: Adding fs 82085518 (E:0|L:0|P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,5B-02-00-50-4B-A7-79-64)/HD(1,GPT,6A73AB4A-C6C3-426C-9510-828AB5454252,0x800,0x32000) 08:194 00:023 OCB: Adding fs 82065918 (E:0|L:0|P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,5B-02-00-50-4B-A7-79-64)/HD(3,GPT,0D6E1E8A-C01E-4298-9C9F-4F59BDAC3A99,0x3A800,0x3A23DE2B) 08:216 00:021 OCB: Adding fs 82064F18 (E:0|L:0|P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,5B-02-00-50-4B-A7-79-64)/HD(4,GPT,7E7E24C2-BF68-46F2-9B47-AA14C9B1F173,0x3A278800,0x10D000) 08:239 00:022 OCB: Adding fs 827E7C18 (E:1|L:0|P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x6403F,0x55BF88) 08:259 00:020 OCB: Found 8 potentially bootable filesystems 08:292 00:032 OCB: BootOrder/BootNext are not present or unsupported 08:314 00:022 OCB: Adding fs 2007C5F5 for 0 custom entries and BEP (aux shown) 08:337 00:022 OCB: Processing blessed list 08:358 00:021 OCPI: Partition table not supported 08:381 00:023 OCPI: Failed to retrieve disk info 08:410 00:029 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(1,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x3F,0x64000) 08:435 00:024 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 08:456 00:020 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 08:479 00:022 OCBP: Predefined \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 08:501 00:022 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi is missing - Not Found 08:524 00:022 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI was found 08:554 00:030 OCB: Adding entry type (T:1|F:0|G:1) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(1,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x3F,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 08:578 00:023 OCB: Discarding discovered OpenCore bootloader 08:600 00:021 OCBP: APFS recovery volume handle missing - \EFI\BOOT\ 08:623 00:022 OCB: APFS recovery is not present - Not Found 08:643 00:020 OCB: Got recovery dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(1,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x3F,0x64000)/\com.apple.recovery.boot\ 08:666 00:022 OCB: Adding entry type (T:4|F:1|G:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(1,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x3F,0x64000)/\com.apple.recovery.boot\ 08:697 00:031 OCB: Trying to get label from \com.apple.recovery.boot\.contentDetails 08:722 00:024 OCB: Trying to get label from \com.apple.recovery.boot\.disk_label.contentDetails 08:743 00:020 OCB: Registering entry BDU [AppleRecv:Apple] (T:4|F:1|G:0|E:1|B:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(1,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x3F,0x64000)/\com.apple.recovery.boot\ 08:767 00:024 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,EF1BF0A2-F012-4598-BED2-4ACB90F8B468,0x8000,0x3A37D800) 08:788 00:021 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 09:021 00:232 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 09:042 00:021 OCBP: Predefined \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:065 00:022 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi is missing - Not Found 09:087 00:021 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found 09:111 00:023 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,7F2514F7-64F9-4C05-AA37-6F2705864645,0x64800,0x3A321800) 09:133 00:022 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 09:167 00:033 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 09:188 00:021 OCBP: Predefined \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:211 00:022 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi is missing - Not Found 09:232 00:020 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI was found 09:255 00:022 OCB: Adding entry type (T:1|F:0|G:1) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,7F2514F7-64F9-4C05-AA37-6F2705864645,0x64800,0x3A321800)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 09:284 00:029 OCB: Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.contentDetails 09:309 00:024 OCB: Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.disk_label.contentDetails 09:331 00:021 OCB: Trying to detect Microsoft BCD 09:354 00:023 OCB: Registering entry Alles [Auto] (T:1|F:0|G:1|E:0|B:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,7F2514F7-64F9-4C05-AA37-6F2705864645,0x64800,0x3A321800)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 09:376 00:021 OCBP: APFS recovery volume handle missing - \EFI\BOOT\ 09:399 00:022 OCB: APFS recovery is not present - Not Found 09:430 00:030 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,0EDE226C-1511-4CDF-84D5-640F81D2012C,0x800,0xEE7B800) 09:453 00:023 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 09:475 00:022 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 09:498 00:022 OCBP: Predefined \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:519 00:021 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi is missing - Not Found 09:543 00:023 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found 09:644 00:101 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,5B-02-00-50-4B-A7-79-64)/HD(1,GPT,6A73AB4A-C6C3-426C-9510-828AB5454252,0x800,0x32000) 09:694 00:049 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 09:715 00:020 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 09:740 00:024 OCBP: Predefined \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:767 00:026 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi was found 09:802 00:034 OCB: Adding entry type (T:32|F:0|G:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,5B-02-00-50-4B-A7-79-64)/HD(1,GPT,6A73AB4A-C6C3-426C-9510-828AB5454252,0x800,0x32000)/\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi 09:823 00:021 OCB: Trying to get label from \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\.contentDetails 09:853 00:030 OCB: Trying to get label from \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\.disk_label.contentDetails 09:882 00:028 OCB: Registering entry Windows [Windows] (T:32|F:0|G:0|E:0|B:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,5B-02-00-50-4B-A7-79-64)/HD(1,GPT,6A73AB4A-C6C3-426C-9510-828AB5454252,0x800,0x32000)/\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi 09:905 00:022 OCBP: APFS recovery volume handle missing - \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\ 09:933 00:027 OCB: APFS recovery is not present - Not Found 09:965 00:032 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,5B-02-00-50-4B-A7-79-64)/HD(3,GPT,0D6E1E8A-C01E-4298-9C9F-4F59BDAC3A99,0x3A800,0x3A23DE2B) 09:987 00:022 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 10:010 00:022 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 10:031 00:021 OCBP: Predefined \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 10:062 00:030 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi is missing - Not Found 10:085 00:023 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found 10:108 00:022 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,5B-02-00-50-4B-A7-79-64)/HD(4,GPT,7E7E24C2-BF68-46F2-9B47-AA14C9B1F173,0x3A278800,0x10D000) 10:337 00:228 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 10:361 00:024 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 10:383 00:022 OCBP: Predefined \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 10:406 00:022 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi is missing - Not Found 10:427 00:021 OCBP: Predefined \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found 10:451 00:024 OCPI: Partition table not supported 10:482 00:031 OCPI: Failed to retrieve disk info 10:505 00:023 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x6403F,0x55BF88) 10:528 00:022 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (1/3 150) - 02 01 0C 00 D0 41 03 0A 00 00 00 00 01 01 06 00 00 14 03 05 06 00 16 00 04 01 2A 00 02 00 00 00 3F 40 06 00 00 00 00 00 88 BF 55 00 00 00 00 00 E8 86 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10:551 00:022 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (2/3 150) - 01 01 04 04 50 00 5C 00 53 00 79 00 73 00 74 00 65 00 6D 00 5C 00 4C 00 69 00 62 00 72 00 61 00 72 00 79 00 5C 00 43 00 6F 00 72 00 65 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 5C 00 10:573 00:022 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (3/3 150) - 62 00 6F 00 6F 00 74 00 2E 00 65 00 66 00 69 00 00 00 7F FF 04 00 10:603 00:030 OCBP: BlessedFileDP - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x6403F,0x55BF88)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 10:627 00:023 OCBP: Blessed file is valid 10:650 00:023 OCB: Adding entry type (T:2|F:0|G:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x6403F,0x55BF88)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 10:672 00:021 OCB: Trying to get label from \System\Library\CoreServices\.contentDetails 10:695 00:023 OCB: Trying to get label from \System\Library\CoreServices\.disk_label.contentDetails 10:716 00:020 OCB: Registering entry macOS Base System [Apple] (T:2|F:0|G:0|E:1|B:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x6403F,0x55BF88)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 10:748 00:032 OCBP: APFS recovery volume handle missing - \System\Library\CoreServices\ 10:770 00:022 OCB: APFS recovery is not present - Not Found 10:793 00:022 BEP: Reset NVRAM entry, preserve boot 0, apple 0 10:814 00:020 OCB: Adding custom entry Reset NVRAM (action|B:1) -> 10:837 00:023 OCB: Registering entry Reset NVRAM [ResetNVRAM:NVRAMTool] (T:256|F:0|G:0|E:0|B:1) - 10:859 00:021 OCB: Showing menu... 10:892 00:033 OCHK: InitHotKeys 10:913 00:020 OCKM: Allocated key repeat context 8115DF18 811E1418 81139F18 10:936 00:023 OCAE: Set screen resolution to 1920x1080 - Success 10:958 00:021 OCTY: Registered handler 10:990 00:032 OCAE: Set screen resolution to 1920x1080 - Success 11:012 00:021 OCUI: Console attributes: 0 11:035 00:023 OCUI: UseDiskLabel: 0, UseGenericLabel: 0 11:057 00:021 OCB: Trying to get image from .VolumeIcon.icns 11:080 00:022 OCB: OcGetBootEntryIcon - BDU in (volume icon) - Not Found 11:110 00:030 OCUI: Using flavour icon, custom: 0 11:134 00:023 OCUI: Console attributes: 0 11:156 00:022 OCUI: UseDiskLabel: 0, UseGenericLabel: 0 11:179 00:022 OCB: Trying to get image from .VolumeIcon.icns 11:200 00:021 OCB: OcGetBootEntryIcon - Alles in (volume icon) - Not Found 11:223 00:023 OCUI: Console attributes: 0 11:254 00:030 OCUI: UseDiskLabel: 0, UseGenericLabel: 0 11:277 00:022 OCB: Trying to get image from .VolumeIcon.icns 11:375 00:097 OCB: OcGetBootEntryIcon - Windows in (volume icon) - Not Found 11:426 00:051 OCUI: Using flavour icon, custom: 0 11:449 00:022 OCUI: Console attributes: 0 11:480 00:031 OCUI: UseDiskLabel: 0, UseGenericLabel: 0 11:502 00:021 OCB: Trying to get image from .VolumeIcon.icns 11:525 00:023 OCB: OcGetBootEntryIcon - macOS Base System in (volume icon) - Success 11:547 00:021 OCUI: Failed to convert icon - Security Violation 11:570 00:022 OCUI: Console attributes: 0 11:600 00:029 OCUI: UseDiskLabel: 0, UseGenericLabel: 0 15:363 03:763 OCHK: FreeHotKeys 15:390 00:026 OCTY: Unregistered handler 15:436 00:046 OCKM: Freeing key repeat context 8115DF18 811E1418 81139F18 15:458 00:021 OCB: Should boot from 4. macOS Base System (T:2|F:0|G:0|E:1|DEF:0) 15:521 00:063 OCB: Perform boot macOS Base System to dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x6403F,0x55BF88)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi (0/0) 15:585 00:063 OCABC: EfiBootRt candidate - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x16,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x000C86E8,0x6403F,0x55BF88)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 15:608 00:023 OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0) 15:637 00:029 OCSB: No IMG4 found - Not Found 15:660 00:022 OCB: Arch filtering 7FB8D018(723512)->7FB8D018(723512) caps 4 - Success 15:683 00:022 OCB: Matching <>/0[0] args on type 2 15:715 00:032 OCABC: Recovering trashed GetMemoryMap pointer 15:736 00:021 OCABC: VMware Mac installed on 811E1418 - Success 15:761 00:025 OCABC: Patching safe mode sur-2 at off 5FD9 15:783 00:021 OCABC: MMIO devirt start 15:806 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xE0000000 (0x10000 pages, 0x800000000000100D) skip 0 15:826 00:020 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFE000000 (0x11 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 15:858 00:031 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEC00000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 15:881 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEE00000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 15:903 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFF000000 (0x1000 pages, 0x800000000000100D) skip 0 15:924 00:021 OCABC: MMIO devirt end, saved 278604 KB 15:947 00:023 OCABC: All slides are usable! You can disable ProvideCustomSlide! 15:978 00:031 AAPL: #[EB.H.IS|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 16:001 00:023 AAPL: #[EB.H.IS|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 16:022 00:020 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0 16:045 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:INIT] 2023-11-26T13:30:28 16:067 00:021 AAPL: #[EB|VERSION] <"bootbase.efi 577~170 (Official), built 2023-04-15T04:14:26-0700"> 16:099 00:032 AAPL: #[EB|BUILD] <"BUILD-INFO[400]:{"DisplayName":"bootbase.efi","DisplayVersion":"577~170","RecordUuid":"66DF046F-46FD-4D43-8276-80823DCE6890","BuildTime":"2023-04-15T04:14:26-0700","ProjectName":"efiboot","ProductName":"bootbase.efi","SourceVersion":"577","BuildVersion":"170","BuildConfiguration":"Release","BuildType":"Official","Compiler":"clang-1403.0.22.11","SdkVersion":"13.4","SdkBuild":"22F47","TargetArchitectures":"x86_64"}"> 16:121 00:021 AAPL: #[EB.CFG.DEV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV booter-strict-xmlparser 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 16:144 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:DEV] r5 0x0 0x0 16:166 00:021 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0 16:189 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|WL:MODE] 0 16:209 00:020 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] boot-save-log 0x0000000000000002 (0x0000000000000002 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default 16:242 00:033 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] wake-save-log 0x0000000000000002 (0x0000000000000002 < 0x0000000000000002) default 16:289 00:046 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] console 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0x0000000000000001) default 16:313 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] serial 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0x0000000000000000) default 16:333 00:020 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] preoslog 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default 16:357 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] timestamps 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default 16:387 00:030 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] log-level 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 & 0x0000000000000021) default 16:411 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] breakpoint 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 & 0x0000000000000000) default 16:431 00:020 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] kc-read-size 0x0000000000100000 (0x0000000000100000 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default 16:454 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] force-error 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 & 0x0000000000000000) default 16:476 00:021 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0 16:509 00:032 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 0 0x00 16:530 00:021 AAPL: #[EB|BRD:NV] Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94 16:553 00:023 OCOS: OS set: macOS 11.0 16:575 00:021 OCOS: OS set: Apple Inc. macOS 11.0 16:598 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|B:VAw] 16:618 00:020 AAPL: #[EB|B:IAw] 16:650 00:032 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 2 0x00 16:673 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.BST.IDT|+] 16:695 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|BM] J137AP 16:717 00:021 AAPL: #[EB.BST.IDT|-] 16:740 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 3 0x00 16:772 00:032 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 4 0x00 16:795 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|BRD:NV] Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94 16:816 00:020 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 5 0x00 16:839 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.H.CHK|BM] 0x0000000000000000 16:861 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 16:884 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 23 0x0E 16:914 00:030 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 16:938 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 24 0x0E 16:960 00:021 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 16:984 00:024 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 17:006 00:021 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 17:040 00:033 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-image 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 17:062 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|H:NOT] 17:085 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|SB:P] 0x1 17:106 00:021 AAPL: #[EB.B.MN|BM:+SB] 17:129 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:DP] Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(14|0)/Usb(16, 0)/HD(Part2,Sig000C86E8) 17:158 00:028 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:FP] \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 17:388 00:229 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:OPT] 17:409 00:021 AAPL: #[EB|RPS] 0 0 0 17:433 00:023 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> 17:454 00:021 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> <"0"> 17:506 00:051 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> 17:530 00:024 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|LF!] Err(0xE) 17:562 00:032 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> 17:585 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> <"0"> 17:611 00:025 AAPL: #[EB|KF] <""> 17:631 00:020 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:CL] <""> 17:654 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:NV] <"-v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100"> 17:686 00:032 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:KF] <""> 17:709 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:OUT] <"-v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100"> 17:730 00:021 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:VERBOSE] 2023-11-26T13:30:30 17:753 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|OPT:BM] 0x200082 17:775 00:021 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\PlatformSupport.plist"> 17:798 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\PlatformSupport.plist"> <"0"> 17:831 00:032 AAPL: #[EB|P:CPR] N 17:854 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|P:MPI] N 17:876 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|P:BPI] N 17:898 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.RKS|!] Err(0xE) <- BS.LocP EDB4A040-6D8A-11EC-8FAD-3E22FB93ADCF 17:920 00:021 AAPL: #[EB|KMR] 220262400 17:950 00:030 AAPL: #[EB.CS.CSKSD|+] 17:974 00:023 AAPL: #[EB.CS.CSKSD|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-info-payload 8D63D4FE-BD3C-4AAD-881D-86FD974BC1DF 17:997 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.G.CS|-?] Ok(0) 18:017 00:020 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <""> <"1"> 18:050 00:032 AAPL: #[EB.B.SBS|SZ] 723512 18:079 00:028 AAPL: #[EB|B:SHA] <520e7ee6a29135b4538f361361fd2dad6e20c65f> 18:111 00:032 AAPL: #[EB.WL.PWLFNV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV wake-failure 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 18:132 00:021 AAPL: #[EB.WL.DT|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.WL.PWLFNV 18:156 00:023 AAPL: #[EB|WL:DT] 0x5affb97f 18:178 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|D] <"System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc.development"> 18:201 00:023 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.development"> <"0"> 18:224 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.development"> 18:256 00:032 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|R.2] <"System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc"> 18:279 00:023 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc"> <"0"> 18:537 00:258 OC: Kext reservation size info 59A000 exe 1209000 18:559 00:021 OC: Trying 64-bit XNU hook on System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc 20:082 01:522 OC: Result of 64-bit XNU hook on System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc (2068E14C) is Success 20:130 00:047 OCAK: Read kernel version 22.5.0 (220500) 20:210 00:080 OCAK: Zeroing _xcpm_core_scope_msrs 0xE2 applicable CPUs (76) 20:230 00:020 OCAK: Zeroing _xcpm_core_scope_msrs 0xE2 applicable CPUs (406416) 20:253 00:022 OCAK: Zeroing _xcpm_core_scope_msrs 0xE2 applicable CPUs (540672) 20:278 00:024 OCAK: 64-bit XcpmCfgLockRel replace count - 2 20:329 00:051 OCAK: 64-bit PanicKextDump replace count - 1 20:383 00:054 OCAK: Patch success kext dump 20:409 00:025 OCAK: 64-bit PowerStateTimeout replace count - 0 20:431 00:021 OCAK: No inline power state patch - Not Found, trying fallback 20:471 00:040 OCAK: 64-bit PowerStateTimeout replace count - 1 20:543 00:071 OCAK: Patch success power state 20:568 00:025 OCAK: Found jettisoning fileset 20:681 00:112 OCAK: Patching invalid size 75FF4 with 1111000 for com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHostFamily 20:708 00:027 OCAK: 64-bit RemoveUsbLimitIoP1 replace count - 1 20:730 00:021 OCAK: Patch success port com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHostFamily 20:767 00:037 OCAK: Patching invalid size 3CFF8 with FEA000 for com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI 20:790 00:022 OCAK: 64-bit RemoveUsbLimitV2 replace count - 1 20:812 00:022 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI 20:837 00:024 OCAK: Patching invalid size 24FF5 with FA3000 for com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCIPCI 20:860 00:022 OCAK: Skipping legacy port patch AppleUSBXHCIPCI on 220500 20:885 00:025 OCAK: Patching invalid size 32000 with 14B7000 for com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily 20:918 00:032 OCAK: 64-bit AppleIoMapper replace count - 1 20:939 00:021 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily AppleIoMapper 20:963 00:024 OCAK: Patching invalid size 5FF4 with 28C6000 for com.apple.driver.AppleRTC 20:985 00:021 OCAK: 64-bit DisableRtcChecksum64 replace count - 4 21:008 00:022 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.driver.AppleRTC DisableRtcChecksum 21:068 00:060 OCAK: Local relocs 689 on FFFFFF800434B000 21:097 00:029 OC: Prelinked injection Lilu.kext (V1.6.2 | Lilu.kext) - Success 21:120 00:022 OC: Prelinked injection Lilu.kext v1.6.2 21:146 00:026 OCAK: Patching invalid size 2000 with 192A000 for com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily 21:198 00:051 OCAK: Local relocs 515 on FFFFFF800437A000 21:291 00:093 OC: Prelinked injection VirtualSMC.kext (V1.3.0) - Success 21:313 00:021 OC: Prelinked injection VirtualSMC.kext v1.3.0 21:350 00:037 OCAK: Local relocs 1837 on FFFFFF8004394000 21:381 00:031 OC: Prelinked injection WhateverGreen.kext (V1.6.1 | WhateverGreen.kext) - Success 21:409 00:027 OC: Prelinked injection WhateverGreen.kext v1.6.1 21:448 00:039 OCAK: Local relocs 325 on FFFFFF8004415000 21:476 00:028 OC: Prelinked injection SMCProcessor.kext (V1.3.0 | SMCProcessor.kext) - Success 21:498 00:021 OC: Prelinked injection SMCProcessor.kext v1.3.0 21:528 00:030 OCAK: Local relocs 2168 on FFFFFF8004424000 21:568 00:039 OC: Prelinked injection SMCSuperIO.kext (V1.3.0 | SMCSuperIO.kext) - Success 21:595 00:027 OC: Prelinked injection SMCSuperIO.kext v1.3.0 21:646 00:050 OCAK: Local relocs 5711 on FFFFFF8004445000 21:709 00:063 OC: Prelinked injection AppleALC.kext (V1.7.4) - Success 21:735 00:026 OC: Prelinked injection AppleALC.kext v1.7.4 21:772 00:036 OCAK: Local relocs 602 on FFFFFF80045E4000 21:813 00:041 OC: Prelinked injection USBInjectAll.kext (V0.7.8) - Success 21:871 00:057 OC: Prelinked injection USBInjectAll.kext v0.7.8 21:902 00:031 OCAK: Local relocs 652 on FFFFFF80045F4000 21:988 00:086 OC: Prelinked injection FakePCIID.kext (V1.3.15) - Success 22:009 00:020 OC: Prelinked injection FakePCIID.kext v1.3.15 22:032 00:023 OC: Prelinked injection FakePCIID_Intel_I225-V.kext (V1.3.15) - Success 22:054 00:022 OC: Prelinked injection FakePCIID_Intel_I225-V.kext v1.3.15 22:082 00:028 OCAK: Patching invalid size 146FFD with 227B000 for com.apple.iokit.IO80211FamilyLegacy 22:114 00:032 OCAK: Patching invalid size 33FFA with 2969000 for com.apple.driver.AppleMobileFileIntegrity 22:140 00:025 OCAK: Patching invalid size 9FF7 with 25FC000 for com.apple.iokit.CoreAnalyticsFamily 22:169 00:028 OCAK: Patching invalid size 78FD0 with C8B000 for com.apple.kec.corecrypto 22:198 00:029 OCAK: Patching invalid size 9FFA with 251E000 for com.apple.kext.CoreTrust 22:220 00:021 OCAK: Patching invalid size 1EFF5 with 2AA2000 for com.apple.security.AppleImage4 22:251 00:030 OCAK: Patching invalid size 22FF5 with CBC000 for com.apple.driver.corecapture 22:299 00:048 OCAK: Patching invalid size 16FF4 with 171B000 for com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily 22:340 00:040 OCAK: Patching invalid size 2D000 with 13CE000 for com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily 22:368 00:028 OCAK: Patching invalid size 5000 with 14C1000 for com.apple.driver.mDNSOffloadUserClient 22:484 00:115 OCAK: Local relocs 2791 on FFFFFF8004601000 22:519 00:035 OC: Prelinked injection AirportItlwm.kext (V2.2.0) - Success 22:555 00:035 OC: Prelinked injection AirportItlwm.kext v2.2.0 22:576 00:020 OC: Prelink size 88424448 kext offset 69513216 reserved 18911232 22:599 00:022 OCAK: KC TEXT is 65536 bytes with 62328 Mach-O headers need 752 22:801 00:201 OC: Prelinked status - Success 22:998 00:197 AAPL: #[EB|SB:P] 0x1 23:024 00:025 AAPL: #[EB|SB:SBGMFNS] j137ap.im4m 23:056 00:032 AAPL: #[EB|SB:MF] System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.j137ap.im4m 23:079 00:022 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.j137ap.im4m"> <"0"> 23:103 00:023 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.j137ap.im4m"> 23:124 00:021 AAPL: #[EB.SB.VK|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.LD.LF 23:148 00:024 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKCFFP|!] Err(0x1A) <- EB.SB.SBVK 23:198 00:050 AAPL: #[EB|R:SRBM] secure-boot 23:227 00:028 AAPL: #[EB|R:ARB] 23:247 00:020 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x41 24 0x0E 23:270 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|RESET] 1 23:292 00:022 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:RESET:RECOVERY] 2023-11-26T13:30:35