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Hab heute versucht für das ASrock Z77 Extreme4-M ein Bios zu machen nach der Deutsche Anleitung Ozmosis Bios erstellen/bearbeiten...etc... Anleitung.
Die ozmosis Sachen hab ich mit OZMTool 0.3 aus meiem Z77NWIFI-F3-OZM-DSDT-G-1479.rom extrahiert!
- CpuSensorsKext.ffs
- GpuSensorsKext.ffs
- LpcSensorsKext.ffs
- SmcEmulatorKext.ffs
- VoodooHdaKext.ffs
- DisablerKext.ffs
- EnhancedFat.ffs
- HermitShellX64.ffs
- HfsPlus.ffs
- InjectorKext.ffs
- PartitionDxe.ffs
- Shellx64.ffs
- Ozmosis.ffs
- OzmosisBlackTheme.ffs
- OzmosisDefaults.ffs
Das DSDT.aml aus dem Original bios Z77E4M1.80 extrahiert und dann via MaciASL 1.3 gepatcht.
- AmiBoardInfo.bin
- DSDT.aml
Wen ich jetzt versuche die DSDT wider ins Bios zu schreiben bekomme ich diesen Fehler
- mc-icemaniMac:OZMTool_v03 mc-iceman$ ./ozmtool --ozmcreate -f /Users/mc-iceman/Desktop/bios\ roman/ozmosis-orig -d DSDT.aml -i /Users/mc-iceman/Desktop/bios\ roman/Z77E4M1.80 -o /Users/mc-iceman/Desktop/bios\ roman/OZM-MOD-Z77E4M1.80
OZMTool - v0.3
Warning: No KEXT-dir given! Injecting only Ozmosis files!
Info: Aggressivity level set to 'Do nothing - Inject as-is'...
Inserting supplied DSDT into image...
* Dumped AmiBoardInfo from BIOS...
* Injecting DSDT into AmiBoardInfo...
ERROR: PE32 has .ROM but not DYNAMIC_BASE set -> Unpatchable atm..
ERROR: Failed to patch DSDT into AmiBoardInfo!
ERROR: Failed to inject DSDT!
! Program exited with errors !Status code: 240
Was mach ich Falsch? oder was muss ich ändern? bim MaciASL kommt kein Fehler.
Das Bios hat auch genügend platz wie man hier sehen kann:
- mc-icemaniMac:OZMTool_v03 mc-iceman$ ./ozmtool --ozmcreate -f /Users/mc-iceman/Desktop/bios\ roman/ozmosis-orig -d DSDT.aml -i /Users/mc-iceman/Desktop/bios\ roman/Z77E4M1.80 -o /Users/mc-iceman/Desktop/bios\ roman/OZM-MOD-Z77E4M1.80
OZMTool - v0.3
Warning: No KEXT-dir given! Injecting only Ozmosis files!
Warning: No DSDT file given! Will leave DSDT as-is!
Info: Aggressivity level set to 'Do nothing - Inject as-is'...
Injecting FFS into BIOS...
* Current file: 'CpuSensorsKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'DisablerKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'EnhancedFat.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'GpuSensorsKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'HermitShellX64.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'HfsPlus.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'InjectorKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'LpcSensorsKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'Ozmosis.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'OzmosisBlackTheme.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'OzmosisDefaults.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'PartitionDxe.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'Shellx64.ffs'...
* File is already present -> Replacing it!
* Current file: 'SmcEmulatorKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'VoodooHdaKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
Deleting non required Filesystem FFS...
* Removed 'FileSystem' [93022F8C-1F09-47EF-BBB2-5814FF609DF5] succesfully!
Reconstructing final image...
* Image built successfully!
Warning: File already exists! Overwriting it...
Bios successfully saved to '/Users/mc-iceman/Desktop/bios roman/OZM-MOD-Z77E4M1.80'Starting verification... if you see any unusual warnings/errors -> DONT USE THE IMAGE!
NOTE: You are using this application on your own risk anyway..
NOTE: 'parseInputFile: descriptor parsing failed, descriptor region has intersection with BIOS region' can be ignored..
Danke schon mahl für eure Hilfe.