Um Kexte zu installieren und den Cache zu erneuern bietet sich dieses Tool gerade perfekt an. In der neuesten Version soll es auch unter El Capitan seinen Dienst erfüllen

Kext Utility immer aktuell
Und hier mal noch nebenbei die Version 2.6.6
for mac OS 10.5-10.12 (macOS "Sierra" Super Speed Edition)
- Super speed repair permissions for all system folders: /System/Library/Extensions and /Library/Extensions
- Starts a update (rebuild) system caches
- NEW! Starts a update (rebuild) system kernelcache_* for OS X with Extensions.mkext standart cache file (OS X 10.6)
- Install multiple kext files simultaneously
- Kext for ON|OFF some KU functions
- KU can automatically add/remove boot args: "-v" for verbose boot, "kext-dev-mode=1" for load unsigned kexts in MAC OS X "Yosemite" and "rootless=0" for perform any repair permissions operation and Unbelievable! in NVRam
- Patch msdosfs.kext Info.plist for add OSBundleRequired="Console". That provides access to an EFI partition in single user mode (disabled for 10.10 and up)
- Update a records about the unsigned installed kexts in the AppleKextExcludeList.kext (disabled for 10.10 and up)
- Pack kext files to mkext cache file
- UnPack mkext cache files