I have a piece of Gigabyte Rev1.1 Z77P-D3
My motherboard is Rev1.1, installed 1479 BIOS, the system is 10.10.5, but the sound card and network card can not work
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenI have a piece of Gigabyte Rev1.1 Z77P-D3
My motherboard is Rev1.1, installed 1479 BIOS, the system is 10.10.5, but the sound card and network card can not work
Hallo und !
Welche OSX Version willst du denn installieren? (Dann sollte der Thread evtl. in dieses Subforum verschoben werden)
I install Yousemite 10.10.5
Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen!
Vielleicht wäre Englisch eine Alternative oder deine Muttersprache, unsere Community ist groß.
Please edit your profil ... not always have to scroll.
Gruß derHackfan
Ich probiere es mal noch auf Deutsch.
Yosemite läuft aber ansonsten ohne Probleme?
Hast du bereits KEXTe für Audio und LAN installiert?
I moved your thread to "Yosemite Installs" because it should be be a issue with Yosemite's security system.
Go to Terminal (use Finder to navigate / it's part of the system utilities) and type the following line (and confirm with ENTER):
You will be asked for your password, while typing it there is no feedback like stars. Just confirm with ENTER.
Now you should be able to install (and use) kexts for your sound card and LAN card.
Ich habe deinen Thread in den Bereich Yosemite Installationen verschoben, da das Problem mit dem Sicherheitssystem von Yosemite zusammenhängen sollte.
Gehe ins Terminal (entweder über den Finder oder über die Dienstprogramme) and gib die folgende Zeile ein (mit ENTER bestätigen):
Du wirst nach deinem Passwort gefragt; während der Eingabe gibt es keine Rückmeldung in Form von Sternchen o.ä. - einfach anschließend mit ENTER bestätigen.
Jetzt solltest du die Kexte für Sound- und LAN-Karte installieren können.
How to solve the problem of the sound card and network card, the additional installation of kext files? install sound card and network card Kext drive?
For sound and lan you can use Multibeast.
Look in Downloads/ Tools
Morning @Holy
to solve your problems in regards to Audio and LAN it would be helpful to use a patched DSDT file.
This will inject the AudioChip ALC887 and also makes sure your LAN is available as "built-in" device, which is needed to logon in the App Store and iTunes.
I patched an DSDT which I extracted from the latest F8e BIOS and put it in the attached Archive.zip.
I also added the necessary AppleHDA and AtherosE2200Ethernet Kexts for your setup.
The DSDT has to go to the hidden EFI-Partition into the directory /EFI/Oz/Acpi/Load.
The Kexts can be installed with the Kext Utility which should be used in version 2.6.4.
Since you have changed the contents of the EFI-Partition, you have to do an NVRAM-Reset to make sure the DSDT will be loaded correctly.
To do that, you reboot your system, enter the BIOS and do nothing more than use the follow key combination:
The System will reboot and the DSDT will be loaded.
To verify the use of the new DSDT you should open up the System Report/System Information (via !About this Mac) and check the "PCI" section.
This should contain a couple of entries like:
That should be the case, but as you might already guessed yourself, there is no warranty for that.
Since I don't have your hardware at home and I also don't know which already installed kexts or tools might disturb or hamper your effort, I only can keep my fingers crossed.