Für den großen Rechner auf alle Fälle.
Bei den Laptops muss ich noch ein wenig probieren, da es hier wohl ein wenig mehr Aufwand wird.
Sollte es dort aber auch funktionieren, ist das mE die Lösung schlecht hin.
Suche: AppleHDA (v274.7) gepacht für RealtecALC1150 - GA-Z97X-UD3H
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Wirklich sehr interessante Entwicklung hier im Thread, bitte mehr von solchen Ergebnissen.
Edit: Ich habe das gerade mal bei meinem ASRock Z77 Pro4 mit ALC892 unter Yosemite 10.10.5 probiert.
Wenn der AppleALC.kext in EFI/Clover/Kext/10.10 liegt fährt der Rechner nicht mehr hoch, wenn ich nach S/L/E installiere habe ich keinen Sound.
Ich habe eine unberührte AppleHDA.kext unter Yosemite, weil ich bis jetzt den Sound immer über Bluetooth übertrage, daran kann es also nicht liegen.
Schlägt da vielleicht meine DSDT.aml in Clover quer und verhindert das Laden/den Inject ...? -
AppleALC is working fine for me in S/L/E, BUT:
could you please explain howto use AppleALC in Ozmosis Bios (or EFI partition)?
FredWst remarks on insanelymac weren't quite helpful:ZitatKext2Ffs does'nt convert Kext with plugins inside.
You must copy PinConfigurator.kext, remove directory plugin from AppleALC.
Put both into Kext2Ffs kext directory.
And it should work.
Fred -
This not impossible at this moment. We must wait new RELEASE Ozmosis.
yes this is one of solution. Or use and remove SmcEmulator from ROM and put FakeSMC and AppleALC in EFI partition and this work!!! Good luck!!! -
This is interesting...
I thought someone Said that fakeSMC and SMCEmulator are the Same...
Yes, it is the same -although there are a couple of different versions flying around ...
My current (working) setup uses FakeSMC in BIOS and a stripped AppleALC in /EFI/OZ/Darwin/Extensions/Common.
To my surprise a separate PinConfigs.kext prevented a reboot - so i deleted it. -
Yes SmcEmulator=FakeSMC. But different inject and this test is tried and works.
Who wont he shall take the test. -
Interesting topic.
But this does not work for me. I use the release kext and installed it in /s/l/e. And I use a DSDT with HDA patch from Mirone´s AppleHDAPatcher.
But after reboot, I still have no sound. Using the patched kext from the patcher works.
Using Clover and ALC 1150 codec. Can someone point me to the right direction? -
Use my patch!!! He work on Clover and on Ozmosis!!!
How can we solve the problem of loosing sound after wake from sleep. CodecCommander alternative for ozmosis? Because with all the setup i didn't managed to make it work.
I use the small App ResetHDA which works great with my Ozmosis Build.
How can we solve the problem of loosing sound after wake from sleep. CodecCommander alternative for ozmosis? Because with all the setup i didn't managed to make it work.
For AppleALC dont need. He work after sleep!!!
I tried with ALC. After wake from sleep sleep, no sound.
I attached my dsdt. -
One test use and put pin in black output and test. I must know that!!!
All good, noo need for edits, it was an error on my defaults.plist. Something about low power state imported from codec commander before I get to use AppleALC.
Solved. Thanks. -
Use my patch!!! He work on Clover and on Ozmosis!!!
Kann mir jemand dabei helfen und mal in meine DSDT.aml reinschauen?
In Clover kann ich nicht booten mit dem AppleALC.kext und in S/L/E habe ich keinen Sound, das ASRock Z77 Pro4 hat einen ALC892 Soundchip, der AppleHDA.kext ist OS X 10.10.5 vanilla.
Oder läuft das ganze nur mit dem Realtek 1150 Soundchip, dann trotzdem Danke im voraus? -
Hey @derHackfan
Try like and use this DSDT and add 5 or 7 layout-id in DSDT and Audio Inject ib config.plist -
Use my patch!!! He work on Clover and on Ozmosis!!!
Okay, got the original thing now working, had an old HDAEnabler kext still inside /s/l/e.
What would be the advantage running your kext?
Never to care about patching the AppleHDA after updates... ;).
I didn't mention the upcoming upgrade to 10.12...
That will be another story... -
youre right, but not for AppleALC.