Enabling audio MacOS Sierra ...? appleHDA or Voodoohda ..? My codec is using ALC 887 Clover!?

Enabling audio packs Sierra
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Use AppleALC.kext and -alcbeta bootarg and you are good to go
For ALC887 set AudioID to 5 also... -
this kext ALC is already modified? just install and use id 5 layout in Clover configurator ..? how should I do to activate applehda .kext codec 887 on MacOS Sierra ..?
The AppleALC works as an AddOn to the original AppleHDA.
It contains the necessary patches for lot of AudioCodecs.See the list in the following thread.
AppleALC - der dynamische AppleHDA Patcher - immer aktuellThere only the following things to consider and do, to make AppleALC work:
- If you don't use a DSDT to inject your devices, you have to use Clovers "FixHDA" in "Acpi"
- Also in Clover, you have to set the "Audio" -> "Inject" in "Devices"... In regards to the ALC887 with three backside outputs on your Board, I would suggest to use the number "3"... it this isn't working you can also try those numbers: 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13 or 17...
- Last thing before you use AppleALC in your directory "/EFI/Clover/kexts/other", make sure there is no other Audio-related Kexts, other then the original AppleHDA and it Plugins running on your machine... check and delete the following kexts, if necessary: VoodooHDA, patched AppleHDA, cloverALC, realtekALC, HDAEnabler, HDADisabler.
Good Luck
You need to install the kexts AppleHDA and Apple ALC.kext System / Library / Extension ....? and AppleHDA and AppleALC.kext at 10:12 folder clover ...? and use the alcbeta flag?
AppleHDA must go to /System/Library/Extensions if it is not already there.
AppleALC can be installed in /Library/Extensions, System/Library/Extensions or put into /EFI/Clover/kexts/other (or in any OSX-Version-Folder you prefer)
It has a version for Mac OS VoodooHDA Sierra to download ..?
I wouldn't use VoodooHDA as long as it is not absolutely necessary...
If you you tested AppleALC with all the above mention settings and Audio still doesn't work, then you might consider it.may I have a look at your config.plist and the results of the following terminal command:
Please attach both files to your next post... not as pure text, but as an attachment.
alcbeta the flag is needed ...? I would like you to do a tutorial with images of how to enable appleHDA codec alc 887 a step by step tutorial with images because the translator google translate ... with errors!
There is no need for a tutorial with pics, since the Steps are explained in here -> Enabling audio packs Sierra
The only thing that should be added is the info from @griven, to add the "-alcbeta"-flag to your boot arguments, but that is something which would be done in clover, like any other boot-arg... -
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