Hilfe fix DSDT for ASUS S551LN

  • Guten Tag! Bitte helfen Sie bearbeiten DSDT, entfernen Sie alle Bugs konnte ich nicht, danke im voraus!


    • DSDT.aml

      (91,22 kB, 263 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
  • Hallo und herzlich Willkommen im Forum... :)

    Was soll denn alles in der DSDT gemacht werden?
    Welche Hardware-Details gehören zu dem ASUS S551LN?
    Sollt eventuell auch die NVidia Karte damit deaktiviert werden?
    Welche Wifi-Karte ist eingebaut?

    Würdest du bitte deine Hardware Infos in deiner Signatur oder deinem Profil, im Bereich "Über mich", eintragen?

    We can also talk in english, if that helps... :)

    My questions above were:
    What should be done with the DSDT?
    What Hardware Details can be expected with your ASUS S551LN?
    Should we disable the Nvidia-GPU?
    What Wifi card is in your Laptop?

    Please add details of your Hardware either in your signature or your profile, in the section "About me".

    BTW: If we should disable the Nvidia GPU, you should also post all of your SSDT-files, since they seem to contain the relevant entries. ;)
    Also create an IOREG-File with the app "IORegistryExplorer", and post that file, so we can see where the hardware is connected on the PCI-Bus.
    And also add a screenshot from the app "DPCI Manager", from the following tabs: "Status" and "PCI List"


    Keine Unterstützung per PN oder Pinnwand... Eure Anfragen gehören ins Forum, nicht in mein Postfach!

  • Yes, English is easier :) I added in the signature "hardware". The DSDT I need to fix only 15 errors, since I can not use patches from MaciASL. My discrete graphics card does not work(GT 840M),so I'm using the built-in graphics intel 4400 HD. Nvidia graphics I disabled using SSDT. Network module does not work, so I ordered another from China. IOReg at the moment I can not take off because of the lack of a laptop, it is my wife

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