Z97X-UD3H & GTX 760

  • Hi everybody,
    Sorry I don't understand german. I'm french.
    I try to install Z97X-UD3H ozmosis bios but no screen with my GTX 760 (the last one for sierra). The computer start well, i can hear thunderbird sounds when email come in, any idea to have picture on my screen ?
    Thanks a lot

  • I don't understand your problem. Can you tell me exactly your problem?

  • There's no picture on the screen but the hack seems to run ok. The apple appears on load and then pffff nothing the screen say me no source. The bios for el capitan was ok, all was good.

  • When you switch on your computer you have picture on the monitor that is connected to the GTX760?
    Do you see the boot-proces on the gtx760?
    Do you see the login-screen on the gtx760?
    Have you installed the nvidia webdrivers?

  • When you switch on your computer you have picture on the monitor that is connected to the GTX760?

    Do you see the boot-proces on the gtx760?

    Do you see the login-screen on the gtx760?
    Have you installed the nvidia webdrivers?

    but just before the startup is complete, the picture goes away, no more picture on teh screen, the card doesn't give picture any more.

  • What system definition do have on your system?

    you are already upgraded to Sierra?

  • macpro 3.1
    I am el capitan, i want sierra but he doesn't want.
    I try to change my bios with the sierra one, and I have this problem with sierra bios.
    I don't know how to change smbios, (i would like to try imac 14.2) lizard doesn't work, it quit when i launch.

  • 14,2 is the best system definition for your system! but that is only important when upgrading to sierra

    but the new sierra rom should not brake your system as there are no big changes in the sierra rom. did you set your bios parameters correctly? especially for your graphics card? it's possible the the settings are wrong and the internal graphicscard has the picture. you can test that by changing the display cable.
    maybe you can boot the system in verbose-mode and post a picture of the results!

  • No. graphic card is good selected. No internal, my hack work like that for about one year. The picture is on the GTX 760. I agree with you 14.2 will be the best choice but how to change it ? My SIP is also desactivate, because it doesn't start if it is activated. Thanks for your help.

  • I'm out of options for the moment. Perhaps someone else on the Forum has a clue...

  • You don't have to create a new BIOS with the sysdef iMac14,2...
    Settings and the SysDef in Ozmosis can be changed with the use of a defaults.plist,

    Use the attached file and place it on your hidden EFI-Partition in the directory /EFI/Oz then reboot.
    Go into your BIOS or your Boot Selection Menu and use the keyboard combination "Alt+WinLogo+P+R" to do a NVRAM-Reset.
    This will reboot your machine again but also reloads the Ozmosis part including the new Defaults.plist settings...


    • Defaults.plist

      (2,27 kB, 93 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )


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  • Thank you for that. I will try. Griven have made a bios for me with imac 14.1. It seems to work good. Yesterday I have downloaded Sierra, now i have to try to install it. Maybe imac 14.2 is better than 14.1 ?

    edit : Sierra is now running on my hack.

  • That sounds great... congrats... :)

    The only phyiscal difference between 14,1 and 14,2 is the size of the iMac display, anything else should be the same.
    Since you use a Nvidia GPU I just added the variable "DisableNvidiaInjection=true", since that is normally disabled and can lead to problems while using one of the recent Nvidia GPUs.

    I'll mark this thread as solved then.


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  • Hi al6042,
    I try to put default.plist in my directory /EFI/Oz. I finally succeed in reset NV-Ram, but it doesn't change mac hack imac14,1 in 14,2. I don't understand. Does /EFI/Oz the real path ? or /EFI/Efi/Oz like i read somewhere ? (don't work too). I would try to put imac 15, because i have an I7. Can you give me an imac 15 default.plist ? If it doesn't start with imac 15, how to remove it ?
    A lot of questions.... Thanks

  • Why do you want to use iMac 14.2 instead of 14.1? The only difference is the Display size (Oh... I see al already wrote this :P ). I think it doesn't really influence the PCs behaviour in any way, so you can leave it as it is. And the iMac15.1 didn't have a GTX graphics card, why these only work with extra patches. This isn't worth the effort bro

  • @Fredde2209
    Within the Defaults.plist for @pinaudnico are some more settings then within the original OzDefaults.plist.
    I just changed the SysDef to directly see if the new .plist is in use.

    Do you have more then one Harddrive with GPT-Partitions in your rig?
    If so, check if the hidden EFI-Partitions on those HDDs contain an EFI-Folder.
    If so, delete them and do another NVRAM-Reset so the intended EFI-Partition on your OSX HDD/SSD will be used.


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  • griven

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