ozmosis 10.12.2 & SIP

  • Hello everybody,I've seen os x 10.12.2 can reactivate SIP. But on my ozmosis hack, i have desactivated it to have it working. If it is activated, os X doesn't boot. So can I upgrade to 10.12.2 or not ? Thanks for help. Nicolas

  • Hi

    What version of Ozmosis are you currently using?
    Is there a Defaults.plsit file under /EFI/Oz on yor hidden EFI-partition?
    If not, we should create one for you, since we have to make sure your system definition contains a Mac-model which will be supported by Sierra.

    If you don't use a Defaults.plist your hackintosh might still be a MacPro3,1, which we should change to a iMac14,2...


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  • Hi al604,
    My rom is Z97XUD3H_iMac14.1_F9_Sierra2.rom.zip
    No default.plist.
    I'm in Sierra 10.12.1 that doesn't reactivate SIP. but 10.12.2 will ?
    And my hack won't boot any more ?
    I'm afraid to upgrade.
    I know, i will make a copy of my hdd and try on it ans then test.
    I will say you...

  • I have the same board and ozmosis version and I could update to 10.12.2 without any problem.

    What bothers me more is that you write you don't have a defaults.plist! Is that really true? Where did you store your systemsettings?

  • @jboeren
    the SierraReady ROMs have a OzmosisDefaults inside, which should already point to a newer SystemDefinition.
    But it might lack the correct "csr-active-config" value...

    I just looked in my "Hackintosh-Support"-directory and found a Defaults.plist for you, which I created on October 3rd...
    This contains the correct SystemDefinition of a iMac14,2 and uses the "csr-active-config" with the value "0x7F"...

    I just added it here again, If you do not have this file on your machine.
    Put it on your hidden EFI-Partition into the folder /EFI/Oz.
    Reboot the box, go into the BIOS or the BIOS-Boot-Selection-Menu and use the following key combination for a NVRAM-Reset, which makes sure, the new file will be used:

    1. Alt+WinLogo+P+R


    • Defaults.plist

      (2,27 kB, 97 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )


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  • Thanks for that. But what is csr-active-config for ?
    I've got a apple keyboard, do you what is the key combination on it ?
    I will try that soon.

    edit :
    Ah ok. It controls SIP. Does 14.2 better than 14.1 ? I've got problems with long sleep.I also try to install sierra on another SSD and it boots with no problem. No internet and I don't remember which kext I use...

  • The "csr-active-config" is the option to deactivate the SIP-Settings of your OSX-Machine....


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