I have a P8Z77-V. Whenever I try to use OZMTool to create a patched BIOS or I use the BIOS from the downloads section, the system fails to POST and the CPU error LED blinks. I was able to boot and use the BIOS from Neueres Bios Asus P8Z77 -v but it does not support Sierra.
Can anyone help me with this?
If you need more information, let me know.
UPDATE: I've figured out part of the problem. Deleting the FileSystem module or relocating any modules causes the system to fail POST. I now have it POSTing and occasionally detecting HFS volumes, but it fails to boot Sierra.
UPDATE 2: I've managed to get it to boot the Sierra installer. I had to modify OZMTool to not delete FileSystem blocks, extract from a newer working Ozmosis image, and create my own image from that. I also ended up having to patch a bug in OZMTool that causes it to fail to insert Defaults.plist from the kext directory.
It's still installing and the graphics aren't working well, so we'll see how this goes.