Since the installation that went without worry, I observed:
- no sound,
- no sleep,
- no extinction.
- 2 USB3 ports are recognized on 4.
Could you help me please?
Thank you very much in advance.
Difficulties following installation on modbios ozmosis Z77-D3H
- Erledigt
- supergg12
- Erledigt
Here you go
I Just modified the stock Mod ROM to fit your needs so most of the problems should be solved with it. What I did:- Changed built in defaults from iMac15.1 to iMac14.1 which fits perfectly to your NVIDIA
- Applied DSDT Patches to make USB, Sound, Sleep and shootdown work as expected
- Fixed SMBUS and LPC Device in DSDT as wellJust flash and place attached appleALC.kext into /Efi/Oz/Darwin/Extensions/Common/ an everything should work like a charm.
Hello Griven,
Just to tell you that I have applied your advice and report that now only the sound works.
Sorry but the rest is not ok.
What is going on ? -
Have you used OZ before and have all USB3 Port worked with it or is it your first try on OZ?
The Boards specifications show that USB3 is partly driven by an Eltron EJ Chipset which might not bei compatible with OS-X without special kexts. You can try to use https://sourceforge.net/projects/genericusbxhci/files/ to fix your USB3 issue (The Eltron Chip drives two USB Ports on the Backpanel). Sleep/Wake should work oob since all needed DSDT Modifications are in Place. Do you have additional Extensions installed Eg. Sleepenable or stuff like that if so remove them.
Thanks for your feedback.
I had previously used OZ on el capitan which worked pretty well, but only two usb3 ports were working.
This is the first time I have encountered the problem of sleep and extinction.
I will try to inject the kext usb sourceforge and I will make you a return. -
You may also upload your previously used OZ Version and we just replace the OZ Core files?
You are sure that the rom Oz has been reviewed at the Core files because nothing seems to have been changed ?
Thanks a lot. -
Except that it makes macOS Sierra bootable there are no visible changes...
I noticed that the two usb3 ports of the motherboard are'nt still visible (2 of 4).
What is the solution ?After applying the new rom when mac os launches there is a crash at loading and the pc goes off abruptly.
Je suis vraiment désolé de vous relancer mais sauf pour le son, les problèmes évoqués au-dessus ne sont toujours pas résolus.
Accepteriez-vous de m'aider ?
Merci beaucoup de votre concours... -
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