macOS Sierra 10.12.3 working well on Gigabyte GA-X99-Ultra Gaming i7-6850K
My graphics card its a gtx 1080 g1 pascal. and its not working since apple have no pascal support yet!
Here it,s my EFI for Clover and Extra for Chameleon
macOS Sierra and High Sierra - Gigabyte GA-X99-Ultra Gaming i7-6850K
- Erledigt
- sygey
- Erledigt
Your CPU is not working yet! Your benchmark values are relatively low.
The i7 and 4,2GHz work on Geekbench 4 with more than 24000 Points
DaTec. 4,2GHz its only in clover,s cosmetic thing. My cpu run just on stock 3,6
I Compiled and loaded the. AppleIntelInfo.kext. Can anybody say if it,s this ok with my power management ?
AppleIntelInfo.kext v2.2 Copyright © 2012-2017 Pike R. Alpha. All rights reserved
enableHWP................................: 0Settings:
logMSRs..................................: 1
logIGPU..................................: 0
logCStates...............................: 1
logIPGStyle..............................: 1
InitialTSC...............................: 0x2206678655c7 (1039 MHz)
MWAIT C-States...........................: 8480
Processor Brandstring....................: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6850K CPU @ 3.60GHz
Processor Signature..................... : 0x406F1------------------------------------------
- Family............................... : 6
- Stepping............................. : 1
- Model................................ : 0x4F (79)Model Specific Registers (MSRs)
------------------------------------------MSR_CORE_THREAD_COUNT............(0x35) : 0xFFFFFF805CE05F00
- Core Count........................... : 6
- Thread Count......................... : 12MSR_PLATFORM_INFO................(0xCE) : 0x20080C3BF3812400
- Maximum Non-Turbo Ratio.............. : 0x24 (3600 MHz)
- Ratio Limit for Turbo Mode........... : 1 (programmable)
- TDP Limit for Turbo Mode............. : 1 (programmable)
- Low Power Mode Support............... : 1 (LPM supported)
- Number of ConfigTDP Levels........... : 1 (additional TDP level(s) available)
- Maximum Efficiency Ratio............. : 12
- Minimum Operating Ratio.............. : 8MSR_PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL.......(0xE2) : 0x3
- I/O MWAIT Redirection Enable......... : 0 (not enabled)
- CFG Lock............................. : 0 (MSR not locked)
- C3 State Auto Demotion............... : 0 (disabled/unsupported)
- C1 State Auto Demotion............... : 0 (disabled/unsupported)
- C3 State Undemotion.................. : 0 (disabled/unsupported)
- C1 State Undemotion.................. : 0 (disabled/unsupported)
- Package C-State Auto Demotion........ : 0 (disabled/unsupported)
- Package C-State Undemotion........... : 0 (disabled/unsupported)MSR_PMG_IO_CAPTURE_BASE..........(0xE4) : 0x0
- C-state Range........................ : 0 (C-States not included, I/O MWAIT redirection not enabled)IA32_MPERF.......................(0xE7) : 0xFF1686889E
IA32_APERF.......................(0xE8) : 0x1055FBC302A
MSR_0x150........................(0x150) : 0x20000000000
MSR_FLEX_RATIO...................(0x194) : 0xE0000
MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS.............(0x198) : 0x27F700002800
- Current Performance State Value...... : 0x2800 (4000 MHz)MSR_IA32_PERF_CONTROL............(0x199) : 0x3100
- Target performance State Value....... : 0x3100 (4900 MHz)
- Intel Dynamic Acceleration........... : 0 (IDA engaged)IA32_CLOCK_MODULATION............(0x19A) : 0x0
IA32_THERM_INTERRUPT.............(0x19B) : 0x0
IA32_THERM_STATUS................(0x19C) : 0x88460000
- Thermal Status....................... : 0
- Thermal Log.......................... : 0
- PROCHOT # or FORCEPR# event.......... : 0
- PROCHOT # or FORCEPR# log............ : 0
- Critical Temperature Status.......... : 0
- Critical Temperature log............. : 0
- Thermal Threshold #1 Status.......... : 0
- Thermal Threshold #1 log............. : 0
- Thermal Threshold #2 Status.......... : 0
- Thermal Threshold #2 log............. : 0
- Power Limitation Status.............. : 0
- Power Limitation log................. : 0
- Current Limit Status................. : 0
- Current Limit log.................... : 0
- Cross Domain Limit Status............ : 0
- Cross Domain Limit log............... : 0
- Digital Readout...................... : 70
- Resolution in Degrees Celsius........ : 1
- Reading Valid........................ : 1 (valid)MSR_THERM2_CTL...................(0x19D) : 0x0
IA32_MISC_ENABLES................(0x1A0) : 0x850089
- Fast-Strings......................... : 1 (enabled)
- FOPCODE compatibility mode Enable.... : 0
- Automatic Thermal Control Circuit.... : 1 (enabled)
- Split-lock Disable................... : 0
- Performance Monitoring............... : 1 (available)
- Bus Lock On Cache Line Splits Disable : 0
- Hardware prefetch Disable............ : 0
- Processor Event Based Sampling....... : 0 (PEBS supported)
- GV1/2 legacy Enable.................. : 0
- Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology.. : 1 (enabled)
- MONITOR FSM.......................... : 1 (MONITOR/MWAIT supported)
- Adjacent sector prefetch Disable..... : 0
- CFG Lock............................. : 0 (MSR not locked)
- xTPR Message Disable................. : 1 (disabled)MSR_TEMPERATURE_TARGET...........(0x1A2) : 0x640A00
- Turbo Attenuation Units.............. : 0
- Temperature Target................... : 100
- TCC Activation Offset................ : 0MSR_MISC_PWR_MGMT................(0x1AA) : 0x402000
- EIST Hardware Coordination........... : 0 (hardware coordination enabled)
- Energy/Performance Bias support...... : 1
- Energy/Performance Bias.............. : 0 (disabled/MSR not visible to software)
- Thermal Interrupt Coordination Enable : 1 (thermal interrupt routed to all cores)MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT............(0x1AD) : 0x2525282828282828
- Maximum Ratio Limit for C01.......... : 28 (4000 MHz)
- Maximum Ratio Limit for C02.......... : 28 (4000 MHz)
- Maximum Ratio Limit for C03.......... : 28 (4000 MHz)
- Maximum Ratio Limit for C04.......... : 28 (4000 MHz)
- Maximum Ratio Limit for C05.......... : 28 (4000 MHz)
- Maximum Ratio Limit for C06.......... : 28 (4000 MHz)IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS............(0x1B0) : 0x5
- Power Policy Preference...............: 5 (balanced performance and energy saving)MSR_POWER_CTL....................(0x1FC) : 0x2104005B
- Bi-Directional Processor Hot..........: 1 (enabled)
- C1E Enable............................: 1 (enabled)MSR_RAPL_POWER_UNIT..............(0x606) : 0xA0E03
- Power Units.......................... : 3 (1/8 Watt)
- Energy Status Units.................. : 14 (61 micro-Joules)
- Time Units .......................... : 10 (976.6 micro-Seconds)MSR_PKG_POWER_LIMIT..............(0x610) : 0x7FFD00014EA82
- Package Power Limit #1............... : 3408 Watt
- Enable Power Limit #1................ : 1 (enabled)
- Package Clamping Limitation #1....... : 0 (disabled)
- Time Window for Power Limit #1....... : 10 (2560 milli-Seconds)
- Package Power Limit #2............... : 4090 Watt
- Enable Power Limit #2................ : 1 (enabled)
- Package Clamping Limitation #2....... : 1 (allow going below OS-requested P/T state setting Time Window for Power Limit #2)
- Time Window for Power Limit #2....... : 3 (20 milli-Seconds)
- Lock................................. : 0 (MSR not locked)MSR_PKG_ENERGY_STATUS............(0x611) : 0x8A2EF03F
- Total Energy Consumed................ : 141499 Joules (Watt = Joules / seconds)MSR_PKG_POWER_INFO...............(0x614) : 0x1700460
- Thermal Spec Power................... : 140 Watt
- Minimum Power........................ : 0
- Maximum Power........................ : 0
- Maximum Time Window.................. : 0MSR_PP0_POWER_LIMIT..............(0x638) : 0x14FFD0
- Power Limit.......................... : 4090 Watt
- Enable Power Limit................... : 1 (enabled)
- Clamping Limitation.................. : 0 (disabled)
- Time Window for Power Limit.......... : 10 (10240 milli-Seconds)
- Lock................................. : 0 (MSR not locked)
MSR_PP0_ENERGY_STATUS............(0x639) : 0x0
MSR_PKGC3_IRTL...................(0x60a) : 0x0
MSR_PKGC6_IRTL...................(0x60b) : 0x0
MSR_PKG_C2_RESIDENCY.............(0x60d) : 0x463B98A26AC
MSR_PKG_C3_RESIDENCY.............(0x3f8) : 0x0
MSR_PKG_C6_RESIDENCY.............(0x3f9) : 0xB14B8EB0E40
IA32_TSC_DEADLINE................(0x6E0) : 0x22066B94879ACPU Ratio Info:
Base Clock Frequency (BLCK)............. : 100 MHz
Maximum Efficiency Ratio/Frequency.......: 12 (1200 MHz)
Maximum non-Turbo Ratio/Frequency........: 36 (3600 MHz)
Maximum Turbo Ratio/Frequency............: 40 (4000 MHz)P-State ratio * 100 = Frequency in MHz
CPU P-States [ 37 (40) ]
CPU C6-Cores [ 1 3 4 7 8 11 ]
CPU P-States [ 20 37 (40) ]
CPU C6-Cores [ 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 11 ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 20 37 40 ]
CPU C6-Cores [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 ]
CPU C6-Cores [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 20 33 37 40 ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 20 21 33 37 40 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 20 21 23 33 37 (40) ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 20 21 23 24 33 37 40 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 20 21 22 23 24 33 37 (40) ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 19 20 21 22 23 24 33 37 40 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 33 37 (40) ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 33 37 40 ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 33 37 40 ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 33 37 40 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 33 37 (40) ]
CPU P-States [ 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 33 37 (40) ]
CPU P-States [ 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 37 (40) ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 37 40 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 (40) ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 40 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 39 (40) ]
CPU P-States [ 12 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 39 (40) ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 (40) ]bash-3.2# cat /tmp/AppleIntelInfo.dat
Welcome to the Party Pal, I have the same CPU and currently working on this..
if you followed the guidelines of metacollin I can assure you it's somewhat not working as @MeO-Style found out as well.
Feel Free to Post Progress here, you can follow mine over here: Link
Working GTX 1080 on macOS Sierra 10.12.4
Nice! Good to know that I can safely upgrade my 980ti to a 1080(ti) in the future.
@sygey did you get that PowerManagement working? Mine crashes on loading the SSDT that was generated with the script.. I'm still testing/trying new Stuff but I'm also very pleased with the current results.
Hi man! Here are some benchmarks of X99 Ultra Gaming
I changed the plist. The machine its stable, an running very smooth .
Well it´s nice to see that there is progress in getting XCPM to work on X99 Plattform Builds
First of all let's not forget to thank all those who are involved in these projects, which give us the chance to run macOS on PC. Thank you once again for everything!
1) BIOS configuration ---- a--Load Optimized Defaultsb---overclock your pc to XMP profil 1 4,2
After you install later you can revert back
2.) Create Bootable USB --- Download the latest version of MacOS Sierra by performing the following actions:
a) Delete any version of the MacOS Sierra installer from your "Applications" folder if older versions of the installer exist.
Go to the App-Store, and download Sierra.--- Prepare an USB thumb drive with Disk Utility with the following options:
a) GUID Partition Table
Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
c) Use the name “USB”---Type in a Terminal the following command:
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/USB --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --no interaction
USB mean your tumb drive name
This will take some time
4.) Download and install the latest Clover distribution on your USB-DISK by verifying the proper Install-location (USB-DISK) and customizing (dont press "Install" but "Customize" instead) the following options:
a) Install for UEFI booting only
Install Clover in the ESP
c) Select the Bootloader Themes you want to install
e) Only select EmuVariableUefi-64.efi in the Drivers64UEFI menu!During installation, Clover will automatically create and mount the EFI partion drive of the USB installation.
3.) When Clover Installation completes, download and copy the "" file and replace entire EFI Folder of your USB installation drive.
4.) Boot the USB Installation drive . Install MacOS Sierra onto your system.
5.) Now perform the Post-Installation procedure described below. After finish boot again with USB and select your new instaled hard drive with sierra and finish the process.
--- Download and install the latest Clover distribution on your Sierra system disk by verifying the proper Install-Location (Sierra System Disk) and customizing (don't press "Install" but "Customize" instead) the following options:
a) Install for UEFI booting only
Install Clover in the ESP
c) Select the Bootloader Themes you want to install
d) Enable Install RC scripts on target volume
e) Only select EmuVariableUefi-64.efi in the Drivers64UEFI menu!
f) Select Install RC scripts on target volume
g) Select Install Clover Preference PaneDuring installation, Clover will automatically create and mount the EFI drive of your Sierra system.
6.)Download my ( extract and replace entyre EFI folder from your Sierra hard drive.
7.) Download and run Piker-Alpha's to add missing FrequencyVectors. Clone download chose zip
after download, drag the folder to your desktop, run terminal and type sudo (space) after this drag
the from folder in to terminal, hit Enter, flow steps below.
--- To do so, you have to choose some other plist-file from the drop-list, like e.g.
Code (Text):
[26] Mac-DB15BD556843C820.plist (iMac17,1)
which does have frequencies already defined.
Code (Text): v3.1 Copyright © 2013-2017 by Pike R. Alpha.
Available resource files (plists) with FrequencyVectors:[ 1 ] Mac-031B6874CF7F642A.plist (iMac14,1)
[ 2 ] Mac-06F11F11946D27C5.plist (MacBookPro11,5)
[ 3 ] Mac-06F11FD93F0323C5.plist (MacBookPro11,4)
[ 4 ] Mac-189A3D4F975D5FFC.plist (MacBookPro11,1)
[ 5 ] Mac-27ADBB7B4CEE8E61.plist (iMac14,2)
[ 6 ] Mac-2BD1B31983FE1663.plist (MacBookPro11,3)
[ 7 ] Mac-35C1E88140C3E6CF.plist (MacBookAir6,1)
[ 8 ] Mac-35C5E08120C7EEAF.plist (Macmini7,1 @ 2700)
[ 9 ] Mac-3CBD00234E554E41.plist (MacBookPro11,2)
[ 10 ] Mac-42FD25EABCABB274.plist (iMac15,1)
[ 11 ] Mac-473D31EABEB93F9B.plist (MacBookPro13,1 @ 3100 HWP/3400 HWP)
[ 12 ] Mac-4BFBC784B845591E.plist (Unknown Model)
[ 13 ] Mac-50619A408DB004DA.plist (Unknown Model)
[ 14 ] Mac-65CE76090165799A.plist (iMac17,1)
[ 15 ] Mac-66E35819EE2D0D05.plist (MacBookPro13,2 @ 3300 HWP/3500 HWP/3600 HWP)
[ 16 ] Mac-77EB7D7DAF985301.plist (iMac14,3)
[ 17 ] Mac-7DF21CB3ED6977E5.plist (MacBookAir6,2)
[ 18 ] Mac-81E3E92DD6088272.plist (iMac14,4)
[ 19 ] Mac-937CB26E2E02BB01.plist (MacBookAir7,2 @ 2700/3200)
[ 20 ] Mac-9AE82516C7C6B903.plist (MacBook9,1 @ 2200 HWP/2700 HWP/3100 HWP)
[ 21 ] Mac-9F18E312C5C2BF0B.plist (MacBookAir7,1 @ 2700/3200)
[ 22 ] Mac-A369DDC4E67F1C45.plist (iMac16,1)
[ 23 ] Mac-A5C67F76ED83108C.plist (MacBookPro13,3 @ 3500 HWP/3600 HWP/3800 HWP)
[ 24 ] Mac-B809C3757DA9BB8D.plist (iMac17,1)
[ 25 ] Mac-BE0E8AC46FE800CC.plist (MacBook8,1 @ 2400/2600/2900)
[ 26 ] Mac-DB15BD556843C820.plist (iMac17,1)
[ 27 ] Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6.plist (MacBookPro12,1)
[ 28 ] Mac-F305150B0C7DEEEF.plist (Unknown Model @ 2400/2600/2900)
[ 29 ] Mac-F60DEB81FF30ACF6.plist (MacPro6,1)
[ 30 ] Mac-FA842E06C61E91C5.plist (iMac15,1)
[ 31 ] Mac-FFE5EF870D7BA81A.plist (iMac16,2)Please choose the desired plist for your hardware (Exit/1-31) ? 26
in your case maybe imack17,1 well be another number
Triggering a kernelcache refresh ...Do you want to open Mac-F60DEB81FF30ACF6.plist (y/n)? type n
Do you want to reboot now? (y/n) dont type enytyng just waitdon’t type y to reboot just leve as it is opened because you ned to install nvidia webdriver .
8.) Download and install the latest NVIDIA Web-drivers and reboot as requested.
9) Download and apply the AGDPfix. just run wait for message ok and wait to confirmation.
10) Now Reboot
11) boot back in sierra hard drive, download and install Latest Version: CUDA 8.0.81 driver for MAC from nvidia
12) i well atash HWMonitor app, just copy to applications and set to start wen mac starts.
Hello, very good work!
Is it possible to adapt this installation to other processors? I have almost the same configuration as you: Gigabit Ultra Gaming X99, EVGA GTX 1080 Ti Founders Edition, samsung 960 MVMe, but I have a Xéon E5 2630 V3 ...
I suspect that IOCPUNumber must be changed (11 for the 6850 => 15 for the E5)
But I do not know what other changes are necessary and if there are any-
When I boot with clover, gets to the line:
MAC Framwork successfully initialized
AMFILoadTrustedKeysFromNVRam: failed getting NVRAM
Using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headersMy level of knowledge does not allow me to do anything other than to solicit you!
Thank you very much !
Hi! onsepakise!
I think you must remove all dsdt and ssdt files from acpi patched folder from clover .
And try not use all kext just try with essential kext fake smc and vodootscsync try to test with one by one kext
maybe you can try just with the dsdt file inside acpi patched folder
you have to play with some settings in clover config file ... special in Acpi section and Kernel & kext patches .
And a very important think its...that my fake cpu ID 0x0306F2 its not god for your processor type you have to find a fake cpu id for your model and change it in config plist kernel and kext patches
How can I use this with i7-5960X ??
"6.)Download my ( extract and replace entyre EFI folder from your Sierra hard drive."
You mean the usb EFI or do this after the MacOS installation? -
After the MacOS installation! Postinstall
Great work! I got this working on my Gigabyte Phoenix-X99 SLI mobo with the same processor and the Samsung 960 Pro SSD. Rather than using the HackrNVMe kext, I installed patch-nvme.
Have you tried updating to 10.12.5? I'm scared to run the update now that I have a nice working system.
I turned on autoupdates and I never had problems.
I,m running now 10.12.5 its very stable no issues
I have 2 hard drives with macOS Sierra , one for testing and one working untouched sistem
one the testing ssd I installed also beta versions 10.12.6 to test its all working ok on this sistem but no video on 10.12.6 because I no Nvidia web driver for this no graphics!After you update to 10.12.5 you need to download new Nvidia web driver for 10.12.5 and install, after install don't restart just run and apply the AGDPfix and restart
Or simply use NvidiaGraphicsFixup alongside with Lilu - Generic kext patcher (neue Grundlage für AppleALC 1.1.x und Shiki 2.x.x) and never again care about ADGPfix
I installed High Sierra without any problems and xcpm works!
All USB ports works but I'm pretty shore that not full . I mean I think it works just as usb 2.
I not tested!
Here are some screens an the files updated!