[v7xR1] - ASUS ROG Maximus IX Formula + i7-7700K + RX480... my next MacPro!

  • [v7xR1]

    Dears, as first, I apologize for the English idiom... I know it's a .de but I really love this (and you of course) :hackintosh:

    I want start and share with you that project as I am looking for the next-gen MacPro and because Apple didn't.... it is an alternative looking for a new Pro product from Cupertino.

    Here's the component I purchased (some in delivery that week):

    I would like to set it up with Sierra. I have a MacBook Pro 13" Late 2013, an iMac 21", macmini and all the fleet of iDevices available :P.

    I would set it in the following way 3ple boot:

    • macOS (primary) Sierra
    • Kali Linux (secondary)
    • 3th Windows 10 Professional.

    How should I proceed?

    Which one are the firsts step now?


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von sev7en ()

  • i Hope you just forgot to mention (in the Description) which CPU you want to use and didn't forget to buy it :D

  • Yes it should, because it only needs a different GPU, not a supported GPU. So, the HD630 boots until the graphics initialisation has finished and then it swaps to the output of the RX480. The only problem is, that you can't get any picture on the HD630 display, I recommend using a VGA cable on the internal graphics and a Display Port or HDMI cable on the dedicated AMD graphics card. This way, you only need to change the input from VGA to DP/HDMI and you don't waste a full monitor only for booting.

  • Any graphics card (with a HDMI or DP connector) will work in a Hack regardless of being supported by Apple. And so does the HD630.
    If it is not supported, you will not get no acceleration, that's all.

    Anyway, you can set FakeID to get acceleration for the HD630, should you need it.

  • Thanks to all for the follow!

    i Hope you just forgot to mention (in the Description) which CPU you want to use and didn't forget to buy it <img src="https://www.hackintosh-forum.de/wcf/images/smilies/biggrin.png" alt=":D" />

    You are right! Added on the topic not... on the body! Which one are the steps to follow now?

    I mean... I would like have a triple boot with macOS (primary), Kali Linux (secondary), 3th Windows 10. How should I set it up?

  • Do it all seperate.
    First of all install MacOS on one of your drives. When everythings up and running disconnect the MacOS drive.
    Afterwards connect a new drive and install Windows on it. After thats done...
    ...proceed to installing Linux on another drive after disconnecting all the other harddrives.

    At the point in time when each OS is set up, connect all drives to your computer and you're going to have a triple boot system ;)

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  • Do it all seperate.
    First of all install MacOS on one of your drives. When everythings up and running disconnect the MacOS drive.
    Afterwards connect a new drive and install Windows on it. After thats done...
    ...proceed to installing Linux on another drive after disconnecting all the other harddrives.

    At the point in time when each OS is set up, connect all drives to your computer and you're going to have a triple boot system ;)

    Thanks but which one should be the initial disk for boot up? How I have to do with macOS for the patching?

  • I would use the macOS drive with Clover as the initial disk, since there you can select the OS you want to use, on every boot.
    Make sure you install Linux and Windows in UEFI Mode... this will help Clover in finding the different OSs within the Clover Boot menu.


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