Please help me create a DSDT for MSI Z97 GAMING 3

  • Please help me create a DSDT for MSI Z97 GAMING 3, Thank you. :klatschen:
    My devices plist:
    CPU:Intel i7 4790k
    MotherBoard:MSI Z97 GAMING 3
    Graphics:Colorful GTX 770

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von chohsiao ()

  • Here you go...
    it contains Fixes for Onboard-Audio, IGPU (internal graphics) and GFX0 (external graphics), LAN, USB2.0/3.0, HDMI-Audio... etc.

    Good Luck... :)


    • DSDT.aml

      (78,99 kB, 312 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )


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  • Thank you, this DSDT can be work, but front panel usb3.0 port only find usb2.0 devices, I will try to fix it, Thanks very much.

  • Your welcome... :)
    Please do us all a favor and add your hardware details either in your signature or your profile, under the section "About me".
    And please make sure you have the USBInjectAll.kext on your EFI-Partition under /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other, where all the other kexts like FakeSMC should reside.
    Also check if in your config.plist the following KextsToPatch entry is added:

    Comment change 15 port limit to 26 in XHCI kext
    Name AppleUSBXHCIPCI
    Find 83bd74ffffff10
    Replace 83bd74ffffff1b

    With that all available USB Ports should be available and usable.


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  • Ok, I have updated my hardware details in my profile, if my bootloader is osmosis, should I insert the kexts like "USBInjectAll.kext" and "FakeSMC"? How do i modify this config.plist? Whether it is in OzmosisDefaults.plist?

    My English is not very well, many words I need to check the dictionary or use translation tools, if I do not understand what your mean, please do not mind. Thank you.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von chohsiao ()

  • Yes, I saw it with mmtool, I replace the applealc module and the OzmosisDefaults.plist in your rom, because the sound can not be work, and I insert the E2200 kext into the bios. :)
    But I do not understand the founction of "Lilu", Could you tell me that? Thank you. :)

  • Sound will noch work without a dsdt.AML file

    Lilu.kext is the kernel patcher, you need for the New Versions of AppleALC and Shiki. But you cant insert the .kext files, you need to concert them. But then you will probably have the same uuids for several kexts, witch will not work. It would be the best, if you just let it the way it is or let me do it. You can load your kexts from the EFI partition, this is mich easier.

  • Ok, I will do that like you say. I don't have the latest version of AppleALC and Shiki. Could you give me an archive ?
    I have a problem along time, My Graphics is Nvidia gtx 770, If my system sleep or my monitor sleep, after wake up my Graphics can't auto frequency, it's the fullest frequency work. I don't know how to fix it.

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