Hi everyone,
First of all please accept my apology because i can't write in german.
I have a problem with creating ozmosis bios for my mobo, I did exactly guided in this forum and few youtube videos but each time i get an error which tells my bios going explode. and my bios has 1.4 MB of free space but still getting that error.
at this rate i delete most of unused ffs or at least most of the guides tells but keeps needed files. finally i create one BUT when i flash my mobo with the new one when i hitting F12 to get to disk selection menu and choose vanilla usb installer my pc just BEEP and some times stuck at gigabyte logo or stuck in black screen . I can't even access bios to change my settings.
I have my own DSDT.aml which it makes USB3 works with helps of FakePCIID.kext & FakePCIIDXHCIMux.kext and i injected it to my bios too. i attache my DSTD so you can see it
I compressed all of my kext to ffs so i can get enough space.
I used OZMTools v0.3 and OZM package for sierra from this site.
Please help me