10.13. High Sierra mit Ozmosis
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- crazycreator
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For High Sierra you need an updated version of Ozmosis. There are already some files and packages for creating an new bios but atm it still seems buggy. Other users here including me didn't managed to make it working.
Ive already implemented new Oz into bios and APFS as well.
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Who know one way to drop ACPI "MATS" Tables to be able to boot system with Ozmosis. Unfortunately for my motherboard and CPU i have to do this. I did it in clover but i dont know a way for ozmosis. If i don't drop "MATS" ACPI Tables I get panic 0 cpu caller error on boot.
Thanks. -
As already mentioned on insanelymac, Ozmosis is not able to drop ACPI Tables, as Clover can do.
So, only solution its to change the platform or use Clover?
If you need to get rid of a ACPI table?
Yes, as far as I know. -
With you hardware it may be like this atm. But take into consideration that its the 5th day oft the beta so you cant expect everything to be solved yet. Right now oz is at least able to boot a drive with 10.13 installed and some people say that they were even able to do a fresh install just using Ozm. Thats already better than nothing.
Yep, I think I'll wait. Haswell with z87 it's still a very good platform and I don't intend to change it just because i can't drop MATS ACPI Tables.
Im Moment sieht es so aus als könne das gepatchte Ozmosis einen Install nicht selbstständig durchführen. Zum Install wird derzeit noch Clover benötigt, ein bereits laufendes OS X System läuft jedoch einwandfrei mit der neuen Oz Version.
Ich habe es mit der Version aufgegeben denn damit kann ich gar nicht mehr starten weder das installierte HighSierra noch Sierra. Nach dem Flash (ich habe lediglich das OZ File mit dem UEFI Tool ausgetauscht) kommt der OZ Splash Screen und ich sehe auch die Sierra Partition (HighSierra nicht da APFS) in der Boot Auswahl. Wenn ich die Sierra Partition wähle und mit Enter bestätige wird der Screen schwarz und es passiert nichts mehr also wirklich rein gar nichts mehr. Getestet habe ich mit und ohne angeschlossenem APFS LW und mit und ohne APFS Treiber. Leider also für meine Z77 Plattform überhaupt nicht zu gebrauchen.
Sorry if im a little offtopic but wich argument do I have to use in Defaults.plist for Sierra to remember permanently to use WebDrv for my GTX 1060. I tried -nvda_drv=1 but its not working and after every PRAM reset I have to go over systeprefferences and activate Webdrv.
Thanks. -
Thank you al6042!
cecekpawon@insanelymac forum says:
One important thing about ozmosis and MATS ACPI Tables dropping i saw over Insanelymac forumZitatFriend of ours recently did some research regarding "MATS" table here. In my case, by changing (bad) "Asl Compiler ID" to "INTL"& recompiling, it doesnt produce evil "0x98" byte as mentioned.
[000h 0000 4] Signature : "MATS"
[004h 0004 4] Table Length : 00000024
[008h 0008 1] Revision : 02
[009h 0009 1] Checksum : 45
[00Ah 0010 6] Oem ID : "ALASKA"
[010h 0016 8] Oem Table ID : "A M I"
[018h 0024 4] Oem Revision : 00000002
[01Ch 0028 4] Asl Compiler ID : "INTL"
[020h 0032 4] Asl Compiler Revision : 20140926Then he replied to me
"Dump your MATS.aml, modify "Asl Compiler ID". Compile & put in "Oz\Acpi\Load" folder to test if it work."
I don't really know how to do that properly. As far as i know oz has a acpi dump module by setting 0x45 but then its all i can do. -
Correct next go to your hidden EFI Partition and look into the /OZ/ACPI/Dump folder and locate MATS.aml and recompile it as advised. If you´re unsure how to do it just load it up and we´ll see what we can do.
This its all i have https://we.tl/2XkbTVHIB1
Well MATS is missing. Set ACPILoaderMode to 0x47 to get a fresh dump
could i do that via nvram command in terminal? I'll preffer that.
It may be sudo nvram 1F8E0C02-58A9-4E34-AE22-2B63745FA101:AcpiLoaderMode=0x47 right?I'll come back in a couple of minutes cuz im downloading something and i can't restart, yet!
Here its dump using clover https://we.tl/XfEHKaiejK