With 8.4MB BIOS replacement for 16.8MB BIOS, to expand the BIOS capacity into Ozmosis and APFS, etc., is it possible, if you can please give guidance? Thank you!
With 8.4MB BIOS replacement for 16.8MB BIOS
- Erledigt
- mike58555
- Erledigt
Did you search the internet about this?
There are several pieces of information that are incomplete but also very old
Are you talking about the capacity of the physical BIOS chip or the size of the BIOS-ROM-file?
What are the hardware details behind this question?Since the ROM-filr itself need to have enough space within so called "partition" in the ROM-File, it doesn't really matter if the chip is double the size.
The ROM-File itself cannot be larger than the already given filesize.
That's why everybody talks about getting rid of some functions to be able to add a couple of new ones. -
To be more specific consider the rom Image as a HDD image wich carries different partitions with different sizes for each of them some compressed others are not. Each partition may be of different size but all together summed up may not exceed the total size of the image they reside in and that´s the culprit. As @al6042 said in the end it does not matter wether your Bios chip offers more storage as the rom image indicates or not it simply does not matter since the image does not provide more space. This stuff is just like a CCC made backup of a existing installation you may restore it to a bigger drive but it will always allocate exactly the amount of space it was created with an leave the rest blank. For now there is no way to grow Rom Images above their origin Size...
Thank you, you see, I also tried to delete the network components, but the space is still not enough. Now I don't know how to expand a lot of space, because the APFS.FFS file needs 561KB. It's a headache
Hier gibt es die passende Größe von APFS.efi ...
macOS High Sierra Erfahrungen -
Hier gibt es die passende Größe von APFS.efi ...
macOS High Sierra ErfahrungenHello, this APFS.ffs seems unusable and still can't recognize the APFs SSD system disk
Doch sollte gehen ...
Hast du in der EDK Shell die High Sierra Platte hinzugefügt, Ozmosis HS ready findet die Partition sonst nicht.Here read Original ... www.hackintosh-forum.de/index.…?postID=356601#post356601