Tutorial: El Capitan - AMD - Legacy Installation

  • Ok, so I want to get it clear this time:
    1. Should I use OpenCore, Clover, or Enoch?
    2. Which Kernel should I use?
    3. Should I format the USB as GPT or MBR?

    And also, what BIOS setting should I use for my board?

  • Bios

    First load optimized defaults. then the settings:

    Tutorial: El Capitan - AMD - Legacy Installation

    If the board hat uefi, switch to legacy-mode

    I recommend Shanees and Bronyas kernel, depends on os-Version

    Kernels-Links are in Posts at the first site. Prelinked Kernel too. If you use a Prelinked Kernel, you only copy it to the folder.

    My method, in this Thread ist, Using Transmac, You load the dmg-File, an create an Bootloaderstick. Try the clover, Enoch, and OpenCore dmg. Every bootloader has pros and contras.

    and use the bootflags.

  • I ran the installer on my laptop which has Ventura. Should I run it from a computer that has Yosemite?

    Where is your Enoch folder?

  • Kernel
    You do not need a Kernel-File for Booting. You need only an Kernel-File to rebuild the prelinkedkernel, or macos is trying to rebuild the prelinkedkernel by itself.

    as a precaution: put a Kernel into the Kernel-Folder

    No booting without a prelinkedkernel in the Folder: System/Library/PrelinkedKernels
    Try other prelinkedkernel, Shaneees Tutorial?

    Build a prelinkedkernel

    You can build a prelinkedkerel, an try diffrent kernel. Every kernel has pros and cons.

    UEFI-Boards kann boot with OpenCore and Clover, and only need a EFI-Folder on a Fat32-Stick. The OpenCore and Clover dmgs from the tutorial have a EFI-Folder. Try other EFI-Folder

    The dmg-Files in the tutorial have a MBR too, so they can boot with legacy-Boards. For legacy-Booting you need a file „boot“ an the Yosemite-Stick oder Yosemite-SSD. The boot includes the bootloader. And change the boot-File. Depends on the Bootloader.

    (For Enoch), Try other Extra-Folder, maybee from Shaneee


    you need patience and time. sometimes the booting stocks some minutes. If macos rebuilds the prelinkdkernel during the booting, it spends some minutes

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von ralf. ()

  • but every single time it reboots immediately, no matter what kernel or prelinkedkernel or what extra folder