I recommend yosemite. it works better with the AMD

Tutorial: El Capitan - AMD - Legacy Installation
- Erledigt
- ralf.
- Erledigt
Ok, so I want to get it clear this time:
1. Should I use OpenCore, Clover, or Enoch?
2. Which Kernel should I use?
3. Should I format the USB as GPT or MBR?And also, what BIOS setting should I use for my board?
First load optimized defaults. then the settings:
Tutorial: El Capitan - AMD - Legacy Installation
If the board hat uefi, switch to legacy-mode
I recommend Shanees and Bronyas kernel, depends on os-Version
Kernels-Links are in Posts at the first site. Prelinked Kernel too. If you use a Prelinked Kernel, you only copy it to the folder.
My method, in this Thread ist, Using Transmac, You load the dmg-File, an create an Bootloaderstick. Try the clover, Enoch, and OpenCore dmg. Every bootloader has pros and contras.
and use the bootflags.
Im gonna use this kernel AMD Kernel Bronya
also, I use the enoch installer on macOS instead -
Load the extra-Folder up. (Dateianhänge).
Dont use the kernel-Patcher of enoch
Here it is, and the same error (reboots immediately)
Your log text file:
ProductName: macOS
ProductVersion: 13.6.6
BuildVersion: 22G630
this is Ventura.
Try my Enoch-Folder, and Yosemite
I ran the installer on my laptop which has Ventura. Should I run it from a computer that has Yosemite?
Where is your Enoch folder?
You do not need a Kernel-File for Booting. You need only an Kernel-File to rebuild the prelinkedkernel, or macos is trying to rebuild the prelinkedkernel by itself.as a precaution: put a Kernel into the Kernel-Folder
No booting without a prelinkedkernel in the Folder: System/Library/PrelinkedKernels
Try other prelinkedkernel, Shaneees Tutorial?Build a prelinkedkernel
You can build a prelinkedkerel, an try diffrent kernel. Every kernel has pros and cons.
UEFI-Boards kann boot with OpenCore and Clover, and only need a EFI-Folder on a Fat32-Stick. The OpenCore and Clover dmgs from the tutorial have a EFI-Folder. Try other EFI-FolderLegay
The dmg-Files in the tutorial have a MBR too, so they can boot with legacy-Boards. For legacy-Booting you need a file „boot“ an the Yosemite-Stick oder Yosemite-SSD. The boot includes the bootloader. And change the boot-File. Depends on the Bootloader.Extra-Folder
(For Enoch), Try other Extra-Folder, maybee from ShaneeeTime
you need patience and time. sometimes the booting stocks some minutes. If macos rebuilds the prelinkdkernel during the booting, it spends some minutes
but every single time it reboots immediately, no matter what kernel or prelinkedkernel or what extra folder
cpus=1 -x busratio=20
Made no difference