Hp 8470p Fixes!

  • Yes, that worked really well, and it is persistent across reboots!
    I was suspecting that there was something wrong with colour depth, as every monitor (internal and iMac) was reported to use a 30-Bit (ARG210210210) Framebuffer depth under System Report-> Hardware -> Graphics/Displays instead of 24-Bit (ARG888888).

    Really simple workaround, as it does not require a reboot to apply, perhaps a fine-tune in EDID (if possible) will make it more "elegant", but that's something for later ;)

  • We have the same LG Panel, I guess (previous post).
    The Edit is correct, I copied from under Windows, If you talked about that.

  • The string, which should be a link, is not working.


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  • Thanks for this post! Wondered if I'd ever get my 7650M to work. All is running well with the EFI, but I cannot get wifi working. I purchased a Broadcom 43224 card, as I've used these in the past with my 8470P/iNtel HD Graphics. For some reason, it is not being recognized. DPCI manager sees the card, but not working for me. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

  • It may be blacklisted under macOS (macOS blacklists several BRCM Cards SMBIOS Based in their Extensions and so kextloading may fail)...
    Have you tried to use BRCMFixup.kext with it?

  • I switched the 3 wire leads on to pins 2+3 and it worked! I have a strange issue, however... I own 2 x 8470P's with the same specs and the AMD GPU. One is working flawlessly with this EFI, however on the other machine, when I boot Safari, I get this screen. I made sure that I changed to 8bit in ResExtreme. Any help would be most appreciated, thanks very much.