Please advise, after booting from USB and other devices, the BIOS will remain dead. How do I delete them?
The motherboard is the Gigabyte GA-B150N Phoenix-WIFI.
Well thank you.
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenPlease advise, after booting from USB and other devices, the BIOS will remain dead. How do I delete them?
The motherboard is the Gigabyte GA-B150N Phoenix-WIFI.
Well thank you.
You can delete these entries with EasyUEFI, it is a Windows tool. But be careful!
Do you have the newest UEFI Bios installed? IF not do it.
After i have installed to the newest version my F12 Bootprompt deosn't show me these entrys.
I don't disable anything, because my hack is running fine with the default settings.
And i never use 3rd party tools to change setting on my setting, except the tools from the manufacturer of the mainboard.
The best solution is to install BIOS. I've already done it, but then I have to do small configurations - fan speed, turn off the motherboard illumination ... and that's what I wanted to avoid.
But thank you both
This is what i told you, the UEFI settings should't be touched. I never do that, but on some systems it should be neccessary.
I think I installed this tool 2 years ago, so it's an older version and it worked.