Dell inspiron 5370
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Super nett, thx
So, ich habe es jetzt auch (fast) hinbekommen. Leider konnte ich das Universal BIOS Backup Toolkit 2.0 nicht ausführen, da Windows das verweigert hat (Trojaner). Ich habe dann UEFI Shell von Firewolf gebootet und geprüft, was setup_var 0x272 ausgibt, nämlich 0x1 = APIC Interrupt. Mit setup_var 0x272 0x0 habe ich das dann auf GPIO Interrupt umgestellt.
One Of: Interrupt mode, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0x272, VarStore: 0x1, QuestionId: 0xAB6, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x1, Step: 0x0 {05 91 CA 0F CE 0F B6 0A 01 00 72 02 10 10 00 01 00}
0x40A10 One Of Option: GPIO Interrupt, Value (8 bit): 0x0 {09 07 49 0F 00 00 00}
0x40A17 One Of Option: APIC Interrupt, Value (8 bit): 0x1 (default) {09 07 48 0F 30 00 01}
0x40A1E End One Of {29 02}
Damit der GPIO-Controller von VoodoI2C auch lädt, benötigte ich noch einen Hotpatch. Der Nachteil ist nun leider, dass das Touchpad unter Windows 10 nicht mehr funktioniert und unter macOS nach dem Aufwachen aus dem Ruhezustand nicht mehr. Blöd...
I don't have these problems.
My touchpad works as before on Windows 10 and working after sleep on MacOS.
Strange. Looks like I have to revert back to APIC interrupt. Update: Touchpad works on Windows 10 somewhat, the HID device has the yellow error sign in device manager, though.
Maybe you should try uninstall and reinstall drivers from windows update.
And on macOS you should remove any ddst patches related to i2c touchpad.
I am not using any patches besides the one that enables loading the GPIO driver. Without it VoodooI2CController will not even load.
I don't need that patch. Or an other patch like crs and sta.
It looks like your hardware is/or settings are slightly different. TPD0 → name is <"MSFT0001"> on my laptop vs. <DELL0810> on yours. There is an option to change the device:
One Of: Connected device, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0x26D, VarStore: 0x1, QuestionId: 0xAB5, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x5, Step: 0x0 {05 91 C7 0F C9 0F B5 0A 01 00 6D 02 10 10 00 05 00}
0x409B9 One Of Option: Disabled, Value (8 bit): 0x0 {09 07 04 00 00 00 00}
0x409C0 One Of Option: Synaptics Precision Touchpad, Value (8 bit): 0x1 (default) {09 07 93 0F 30 00 01}
0x409C7 One Of Option: Synaptics Forcepad, Value (8 bit): 0x2 {09 07 CF 0F 00 00 02}
0x409CE One Of Option: SAR SX9306 Sensor, Value (8 bit): 0x3 {09 07 D7 0F 00 00 03}
0x409D5 One Of Option: SAR SX9310 Sensor, Value (8 bit): 0x4 {09 07 D8 0F 00 00 04}
0x409DC One Of Option: Custom device, Value (8 bit): 0x5 {09 07 2E 10 00 00 05}
Can you please boot into UEFI Shell and find out what setup_var 0x26D shows? This will not change anything, it just shows the value of 0x26D.
Default value is 0x01.
Thanks. For now I reverted back to APIC interrupt. Using GPIO interrupt on TPD0 the touchpad does not work at all with VoodooPS2Controller.
What's your default value for 0x26D ?
Do you think changing the value would have any affect?
By the way , do you know if there is an option that would enable backlight keyboard ? Mine doesn't come with one but I was thinking that maybe all models have it but it is not enabled in bios.
0x26D is 0x01 in my machine, too. Changing the value will most likely have an effect. I guess I am just not brave enough to try it.
I see a bunch of keyboard backlight setting in my laptops UEFI. I donot have it with me right now but I am pretty sure there is no option to disable it completely.
Would you mind sharing your EFI so that I can compare it to mine?
Here you are.
Thanks a lot, mathewgx !
I thought that ACPI files would be the same considering the UEFI-Update is, but that is not the case. I had a quick look at PCI0.I2C0.TPD0:
Inspiron 5370 APIC interrupt:
Name (SBFI, ResourceTemplate ()
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, ExclusiveAndWake, ,, _Y25)
Vostro APIC Interrupt:
Name (SBFI, ResourceTemplate ()
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, ExclusiveAndWake, ,, _Y25)
GPIO pins are equal (0x001B).
The method _INI is different, too.
possible _HID values Inspiron 5370:
DELL0810 (default)
possible _HID values Vostro 5370:
MSFT0001 (default)
Can you have a look at PCI0.GPI0 in IOReg and check if a driver loads?
Edit: Since APIC interrupt on your machine is 0x21 (less than 0x2F) VoodooI2C should work using that and there should be no need to change values with setup_var. _CRS patches will be necessary, tough.
hab da ein 5370 mit i3 7xxx günstig bekommen, greift da dieser Thread oder ist die Kiste eher ungeeignet?
Handelt es sich um ein Vostro, oder um ein Inspiron 5370? Auf beiden Laptops läuft macOS sehr gut, es gibt aber doch ein paar Unterschiede.
Can you have a look at PCI0.GPI0 in IOReg and check if a driver loads?
Edit: Since APIC interrupt on your machine is 0x21 (less than 0x2F) VoodooI2C should work using that and there should be no need to change values with setup_var. _CRS patches will be necessary, tough.
I know. But I would like to have touchpad without any patch at all.And I thing GPIO is better.
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