hey guys! So i would like to make a new build. My current setup would be the hackintosh and the cintiq 22hd that will be connected with a DVI cable to the mobo. Parts: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/B4qxxG
Mobo : Gigabyte Z370N wifi Cpu : i5 8400 Ram : 16gb (i picked ballistix) Storage : Nvme ssd evo 960 Fan: ? Power supply : ? (125w)
So i have few question. - As im gonna use this build only with photoshop, web sufring and need bluethoot for the apple keyboard, do you know if the 630uhd can handle photoshop, and more important the cintiq dvi connection will be avaiable? Because the cintiq 22hd has a dvi connector, that i maybe can connect by display port or hdmi, but do you think the 630 uhd could do the job? Or i need a gpu? In that case i would buy the i3 8100 and save money for a gpu
do you know any little case i could buy that resemble the mac mini? For the supply i saw many cases have a internal 150/250w ps, i dont know, are they good?