DarBoot – APFS Booteinträge mit Ozmosis
- Erledigt
- kuckkuck
- Erledigt
You meant BootOrder?
DarBoot will change your BootOrder value ONLY while:
- Adding new entry (if new founded path currently doesn't exists on your boot entries).
- Deleting existing entry (if one or more scanned entries doesn't have valid FilePath with 'DeleteInvalidPath' option set to <true/>).OR, will leave it as is if doesn't meet those situations.
Edit by Al6042 -> Please do not quote replies which are located directly above your answer...
YES~ Change the Boot Order in BIOS,To change Macintosh HD to boot from first,Exit Saving Changes,But start the Computer With the Old Boot Order(Recovery HD first)
Oz come with an option:
Idk if its related / helps. Check this post. Personally I set those value to <true/>.
It doesn't work~
Edit by Al6042 -> Please do not quote replies which are located directly above your answer...
NO,This is only Boot Order can't save..System time is right.
Deleting Recovery HD removes the problem. But this is a temporary solution.with darbut bios very unstable
The darboot works on Asrock Z370, it can add the correct boot options to the list.
But the change to the boot order can not be saved and will recover to default after restart. -
Boot Order can't save
Darboot is just 15 days old. Give it some time to develop further, bugs and issues will be addresseddarboot works on Asrock Z370
Just out of curiosity, are you running Ozmosis on Z370 (via rEFIt?)? -
Kann ich die DarBoot list auch von dem OZ Ordner laden oder muss die immer im Treiber sein?
Du kannst sie ebenfalls aus dem NVRam laden, oder von dem Ort von dem aus Darboot geladen wird.
Wird Darboot aus dem ROM geladen, kannst du entweder die Darboot.plist ebenfalls aus dem ROM laden, oder von /EFI (also nicht EFI/Oz
Noch was, er zeigt ja alles schön an nur Findet er nicht unter den Einträgen Recovery, High Sierra und auch Mojave, muss man den Pfade noch zur Platte mir angeben, in der Darboot.plist?
Sicher, dass er die nicht findet, oder werden die nur nicht in der Ozm GUI angezeigt weils nicht mehr auf den Bildschirm passt?
Schau mal bitte in das F12 Bootmenü rein...
das UserInterface ist gar nicht an, Darboot bringt doch selber ein BootMenu mit da braucht man das OZM Theme und UserInterface nicht wirklich.
Das DarBoot Bootmenü finde ich ja nicht so überzeugend... Stells vielleicht mal zum Test ab, denn die Entries im DarBootMenu und OZ GUI unterscheiden sich.
Help build a bios for my motherboard for Mojave Asus Rampage IV Extreme.
Bios file https://www.dropbox.com/s/h902zqsauxuqhbc/R4E.CAP.zip?dl=0
Video R9 290X
Try this:
Remove "Preboot" from DeleteEntries, activate DeleteInvalidPath and deactivate BootMenu. Then try to boot your OS using the F12 Bootmenu of your BIOS.
kuckkuck I've tried this already and not works, but I did it again to show logs and F8 (boot menu). Results:
It's weird because DarBoot finds this boot.efi and says it adding on boot menu but without resultAnd with BootMenu it shows this partitions to boot(Preboot, Macintosh SSD, Recovery) but when select one of them it says not found like on screen in post above.
Code- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
- || U ||| E ||| F ||| T ||| W || https://github.com/cecekpawon/UEFTW
- ||___|||___|||___|||___|||___|| DarBoot (r#39 | 2018-10-20 11:28:36)
- |/___\|/___\|/___\|/___\|/___\| On 2018-10-21 09:15:18
- 00:100 (00:100) | Got Apple boot-args: '-v -xcpm'
- 00:100 (00:000) | BootArgsOption ('-DarBootOff'): No
- 00:100 (00:000) | BootArgsOption ('-DarBootDebug'): No
- 00:100 (00:000) | BootArgsOption ('-DarBootSaveLogCompress'): No
- 00:100 (00:000) | BootArgsOption ('-DarBootSaveLogToFile'): No
- 00:100 (00:000) | BootArgsOption ('-DarBootSaveLogToDeviceTree'): No
- 00:100 (00:000) | BootArgsOption ('-DarBootSaveLogToNvram'): No
- 00:100 (00:000) | Running from: MemoryMapped(0xB,0xCCAF6000,0xCCED5FFF)/FvFile(D796347F-48B9-4576-BF08-B98899A4BA45)
- 00:100 (00:000) | SelfDirPath = \EFI
- 00:100 (00:000) | Get Plist from: NVRAM ... Not Found
- 00:100 (00:000) | Get Plist from: ESP: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,F2F90292-1D72-442D-B3D3-4FAE0983BF6B,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\DarBoot.plist ... Success
- 00:100 (00:000) | Parsing plist: ... Success
- 00:100 (00:000) | Preferences->Off: No
- 00:100 (00:000) | Preferences->Debug: Yes
- 00:100 (00:000) | Preferences->SaveLogCompress: No
- 00:100 (00:000) | Preferences->SaveLogToFile: Yes
- 00:100 (00:000) | Preferences->SaveLogToDeviceTree: No
- 00:100 (00:000) | Preferences->SaveLogToNvram: No
- 01:640 (01:540) | InitializeAppleBootPolicyProtocol ... Success
- 01:640 (00:000) | BootOrder: 1: Boot0002
- 01:640 (00:000) | 0) Boot0002: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
- 01:640 (00:000) | HD(1,GPT,F2F90292-1D72-442D-B3D3-4FAE0983BF6B,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\MICROSOFT\BOOT\BOOTMGFW.EFI
- 01:644 (00:004) | ScanWithAppleBootPolicy: Start
- 01:647 (00:003) | GetBootFile: Success
- 01:647 (00:000) | FilePath: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,823FDF1B-BA09-46BC-9363-D123F6836B05,0x64028,0xABB07D8)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,7E03C2D4E0ABBB41A55F656C87C1347A)/\DC34C134-B57E-48AA-B694-4BB4EB5E96BC\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
- 01:650 (00:002) | GetBootInfo: \DC34C134-B57E-48AA-B694-4BB4EB5E96BC\System\Library\CoreServices\ | DeviceHandle: 0xDAA00618 (PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,823FDF1B-BA09-46BC-9363-D123F6836B05,0x64028,0xABB07D8)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,7E03C2D4E0ABBB41A55F656C87C1347A)) | ApfsVolumeHandle: 0xDAA00118
- 01:650 (00:000) | ScanWithAppleBootPolicy: End
- 01:677 (00:026) | ScanWithAppleBootPolicy: Start
- 01:687 (00:010) | GetBootFile: Success
- 01:687 (00:000) | FilePath: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,823FDF1B-BA09-46BC-9363-D123F6836B05,0x64028,0xABB07D8)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,34C134DC7EB5AA48B6944BB4EB5E96BC)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
- 01:688 (00:000) | GetBootInfo: \System\Library\CoreServices\ | DeviceHandle: 0xDAA00118 (PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,823FDF1B-BA09-46BC-9363-D123F6836B05,0x64028,0xABB07D8)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,34C134DC7EB5AA48B6944BB4EB5E96BC)) | ApfsVolumeHandle: 0x0
- 01:689 (00:001) | ScanWithAppleBootPolicy: End
- 01:699 (00:009) | ScanWithAppleBootPolicy: Start
- 01:699 (00:000) | GetBootFile: Not Found
- 01:699 (00:000) | GetBootFileEx: Not Found
- 01:700 (00:000) | RecoveryVolumes:Add (0)
- 01:701 (00:001) | GetBootInfo: \DC34C134-B57E-48AA-B694-4BB4EB5E96BC\ | DeviceHandle: 0xDA9D7C18 (PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,823FDF1B-BA09-46BC-9363-D123F6836B05,0x64028,0xABB07D8)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,E9CCFAE88F4027418B2EAC0236881E32)) | ApfsVolumeHandle: 0xDAA00118
- 01:702 (00:000) | ScanWithAppleBootPolicy: End
- 01:703 (00:000) | ScanWithAppleBootPolicy: Start
- 01:703 (00:000) | GetBootFile: Not Found
- 01:703 (00:000) | GetBootFileEx: Not Found
- 01:703 (00:000) | ScanWithAppleBootPolicy: End
- 01:704 (00:000) | :: ListVolumeEntry
- 01:704 (00:000) | Id: 12
- 01:704 (00:000) | Name: Preboot
- 01:704 (00:000) | Label: Preboot (10.14.0)
- 01:704 (00:000) | Path: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,823FDF1B-BA09-46BC-9363-D123F6836B05,0x64028,0xABB07D8)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,7E03C2D4E0ABBB41A55F656C87C1347A)
- 01:704 (00:000) | BooterPath: \DC34C134-B57E-48AA-B694-4BB4EB5E96BC\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
- 01:704 (00:000) | BooterDir: \DC34C134-B57E-48AA-B694-4BB4EB5E96BC\System\Library\CoreServices
- 01:704 (00:000) | BooterFile: boot.efi
- 01:704 (00:000) | Blessed: 1
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersion: 10.14
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsBuildVersion: 18A389
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersionMajor: 10
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersionMinor: 14
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersionRevision: 0
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsType: 1
- 01:704 (00:000) | PartitionType: 4
- 01:704 (00:000) | PartitionTypeGUID: 900C7693-8C14-58BA-B44E-974515D27C78
- 01:704 (00:000) | VenMediaGUID: D4C2037E-ABE0-41BB-A55F-656C87C1347A
- 01:704 (00:000) | AddToBootOption: (BootNum: 0000) ... Success
- 01:704 (00:000) | ---
- 01:704 (00:000) | Id: 13
- 01:704 (00:000) | Name: Macintosh SSD
- 01:704 (00:000) | Label: Macintosh SSD (10.14.0)
- 01:704 (00:000) | Path: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,823FDF1B-BA09-46BC-9363-D123F6836B05,0x64028,0xABB07D8)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,34C134DC7EB5AA48B6944BB4EB5E96BC)
- 01:704 (00:000) | BooterPath: \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
- 01:704 (00:000) | BooterDir: \System\Library\CoreServices
- 01:704 (00:000) | BooterFile: boot.efi
- 01:704 (00:000) | Blessed: 0
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersion: 10.14
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsBuildVersion: 18A389
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersionMajor: 10
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersionMinor: 14
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersionRevision: 0
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsType: 1
- 01:704 (00:000) | PartitionType: 4
- 01:704 (00:000) | PartitionTypeGUID: 900C7693-8C14-58BA-B44E-974515D27C78
- 01:704 (00:000) | VenMediaGUID: DC34C134-B57E-48AA-B694-4BB4EB5E96BC
- 01:704 (00:000) | AddToBootOption: (BootNum: 0000) ... Success
- 01:704 (00:000) | ---
- 01:704 (00:000) | Id: 14
- 01:704 (00:000) | Name: Recovery
- 01:704 (00:000) | Label: Recovery (10.14.0)
- 01:704 (00:000) | Path: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,823FDF1B-BA09-46BC-9363-D123F6836B05,0x64028,0xABB07D8)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,E9CCFAE88F4027418B2EAC0236881E32)
- 01:704 (00:000) | BooterPath: \DC34C134-B57E-48AA-B694-4BB4EB5E96BC\boot.efi
- 01:704 (00:000) | BooterDir: \DC34C134-B57E-48AA-B694-4BB4EB5E96BC
- 01:704 (00:000) | BooterFile: boot.efi
- 01:704 (00:000) | Blessed: 0
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersion: 10.14
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsBuildVersion: 18A389
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersionMajor: 10
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersionMinor: 14
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsVersionRevision: 0
- 01:704 (00:000) | OsType: 2
- 01:704 (00:000) | PartitionType: 4
- 01:704 (00:000) | PartitionTypeGUID: 900C7693-8C14-58BA-B44E-974515D27C78
- 01:704 (00:000) | VenMediaGUID: E8FACCE9-408F-4127-8B2E-AC0236881E32
- 01:705 (00:000) | AddToBootOption: (BootNum: 0000) ... Success
- 01:705 (00:000) | ---
- 06:739 (05:033) | ((( Ozmosis is currently running )))
- 06:739 (00:000) | BootOrder: 2: Boot0000, Boot0002
- 06:739 (00:000) | 0) Boot0000: LOOL, Attr: 0x1
- 06:739 (00:000) | PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1A,0x0)/USB(0x1,0x0)/USB(0x3,0x0)/HD(1,MBR,0x00000000,0x800,0x3BC3800)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
- 06:739 (00:000) | 1) Boot0002: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
- 06:739 (00:000) | HD(1,GPT,F2F90292-1D72-442D-B3D3-4FAE0983BF6B,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\MICROSOFT\BOOT\BOOTMGFW.EFI
- 13:032 (06:292) | Found Booter (OS: 10.12 | Ver: 361.200.15)
- 13:032 (00:000) | Booter Path: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,823FDF1B-BA09-46BC-9363-D123F6836B05,0x64028,0xABB07D8)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,34C134DC7EB5AA48B6944BB4EB5E96BC)/System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
- 13:035 (00:003) | OSVersion: 10.14 | BuildVersion: 18A389
- 13:351 (00:315) | Found BootArgs at 0xC195D000
- 13:351 (00:000) | DarBoot: End