ozmosis BIOS swipes card successfully, but the apple system card is installed at the startup stage, only the white apple logo is displayed, everything is suspended.

  • BIOS swipes card successfully, but the apple system card is installed at the startup stage, only the white apple logo is displayed, everything is suspended.

    MY Chipsatz:HD4600

    There is only oz folder under efi folder, there are no files in it, please see the screenshot

    MY PC:

    1. Hersteller:intel i7 4790K

    2. Modell:GIGABYTE B85N Phoenix Wifi rev2.0(not rev1.1)

    3. Graphics:HD4600

    4. nvme 256G SSD

    5.Install macOS Mojave




    stop screen

    1. Hersteller: intel i7 4790K

    2. Modell: GIGABYTE B85N Phoenix Wifi rev2.0 (not rev1.1)

    3. GraphicsCard: HD4600

    4. Bios Version: F3 (need add nvme)

    5. Bios Link:mb_bios_ga-b85n-phoenix-wifi_f3.zip

    6. macOS Mojave

  • Please try to correct your BIOS settings and set DVMT prealloc to 128M.

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  • Please try to correct your BIOS settings and set DVMT prealloc to 128M.

    Still can't install, stop at the startup interface

    this video

    [Externes Medium: https://youtu.be/Ca-DXIx8L68]

    1. Hersteller: intel i7 4790K

    2. Modell: GIGABYTE B85N Phoenix Wifi rev2.0 (not rev1.1)

    3. GraphicsCard: HD4600

    4. Bios Version: F3 (need add nvme)

    5. Bios Link:mb_bios_ga-b85n-phoenix-wifi_f3.zip

    6. macOS Mojave

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von qzl520 ()

  • Reset BIOS to defaults, then set your BIOS Settings again, set GPU Memory Allocation to 32M, DVMT to 128 and disable CSM. Afterwards try to start macOS using Boot Override from BIOS.

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