AORUS PRO Z390, i9 9900K, Radeon Vega56 - Reboot nach dem erstem Login nach der Installation

  • Hallo,

    ich arbeite gerade an meinem dritten Hackintosh und habe massiv Probleme mit der Installation von Mojave auf der im Titel genannten Konfiguration.

    Nachdem meine eigenen Clover versuche gescheitert sind (Runtime-Error beim Boot, etc.) habe ich diverse EFI-Folder für genau meine Konfiguration ausprobiert, aber es hat nichts wirklich funktioniert. Auch der Install-Stick hier aus dem Forum für alle möglichen Systeme hat ebenfalls nicht geklappt...

    Wo stehe ich: Ich kann Mojave installieren - keine Probleme.

    Aber nach dem ersten Login, wo man die Sprache auswählen kann, Tastatur etc. rebootet die Kiste. Teilweise konnte ich auch schon ein Login anlegen, aber spätestens nach dem ich mich eingeloggt habe, kommt ein reboot.

    Es ist egal, ob ich die Installation mit FakeSMC oder mit dem neuen VirtualSMC durchführe, ob mit oder ohne iGPU, ob als iMac 18,3 oder mini 8,1, das Ergebnis ist immer das selbe. Installation klappt, spätestens nach dem ersten Anmelden -> reboot. Einige seltene Mal war ich wenige Minuten angemeldet, aber dann -> reboot.

    Ich habe schon den Speicher getauscht, die SSD auf der ich das System installiere getauscht, den PCI-Slot der Vega56 - kein Erfolg.

    Hat jemand eine Idee, woran man noch drehen kann?

  • I reply this in English.

    I have just built a similar configuration: AORUS PRO Z390 + i9 9900K + GIGABYTE VEGA 64

    Have you done some overclocking on the CPU? I had the same reboot after login when I set the CPU core voltage to 1.32. I then reset it back to Auto and since then there are no more crashes.

  • I've done no overckocking.

    Memory setting of XMP is very defensive. My BIOS setup was is done by resetting to default and then doing the normal hackintosh settings. The temperatures of the health monitor is about 30...

  • I attach my Clover configuration that works every time for me. Hopefully you can reuse it without any change. Hope this helps.


    • EFI

      (20,12 MB, 147 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
  • thanks for the EFI... I was able to boot, and I could login... but after opening Finder, i got a reboot. Actual I've disabled the internal GPU. Do you have it enabled or disabled?

  • Internal Graphics?? I can set it to "Auto" or "Disabled" or "Enabled"

    ahh... may you mean the INITIAL Display Output... I was talking about INTERNAL Graphics under the Chipset Tab.

  • Thank you.

    I've now changed internal GPU to Auto and get an direct reboot just before the login screen should appear...

    When I was able to login, some minutes before - my vega56 grew louder and louder from second to second... Just after login you can't hear the fans and a minute later the fan was rotating at max... It's all very strange.

  • Have you tried to reset the BIOS with Load default settings and then boot the system?

    If that does not work then try to apply the following settings:

    Check if the BIOS settings conform to the below:

    Change BIOS Settings
    • Save & Exit → Load Optimized Defaults
    • BIOS → Fast Boot : Disabled
    • BIOS → LAN PXE Boot Option ROM : Disabled
    • BIOS → Storage Boot Option Control : UEFI
    • Peripherals → Trusted Computing → Security Device Support : Disable
    • Peripherals → Network Stack Configuration → Network Stack : Disabled
    • Peripherals → USB Configuration → Legacy USB Support : Auto
    • Peripherals → USB Configuration → XHCI Hand-off : Enabled
    • Chipset → Vt-d : Disabled (Important for overclock)
    • Chipset → Wake on LAN Enable : Disabled
    • Chipset → IOAPIC 24-119 Entries : Enabled

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von al6042 ()

  • So, I've done a Load Optimized Defaults... Than I had to change:

    Legacy USB Support from Enabled to Auto

    USB XHCI Hand-off from Disabled to Enabled

    VT-d from Enabled to Disabeld

    and Wake on LAN enable from Enabled to Disabled

    Everything else was ok. I'm running BIOS version 7.

    I've done a reboot, and same result as before... after the apple log... no login screen -> reboot....

    Then I've changed the USB-Port of the booting USB-Stick... It was in one of the 4 USB-Ports at the top... Now I can login and I was even able to compute a Geekbench: 6361 Single Core and 35135 Multi-Core...

    I have changed the usb port several times, but without success

    May this was a major step.

    Your EFI was very different from all others.

    You use iMacPro 1,1... all the other configs I've testet used iMac18,3 oder macMini 8,1

    and instead of AptioMemoryFix-64, you use OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000.

    I will use this config as an starting point...

    Thank you very much.

    My Vega is still very loud, and very fast at 65° or 70° without anything todo...

  • I use imacPro1,1 because the GPU is more closer to the original configuration. Also that is based on 8 cores. But the main issue I had with iMac18,3 was that none of my images would open with Preview. There were two solutions one was to fiddle with the BIOS or use iMacPro1,1. I chose iMac Pro and did not see any issue. The Geekbench score was similar to yours.

    With AptioMemoryFix-64 I had the runtime error issue which was fixed by OsxAptioFix2Drv-free200 and I don't have boot issues anymore.

    The only problem I now have is iMessage that does not work. I have tried many things but that did not help. This does not bother me too much.

    My next step is to add thunderbolt so that I can use my two displays. I am using ASUS USB-BT400 Bluetooth USB but may look for a PCI card for the wifi and bluetooth.

    btw, my BIOS version is F8.

  • Ok... sounds good.

    i would like to try to go on an 18.3 with iGPU support. And I want to find out if my problems were solved by changing the USB ports or by the iMacPro 1.1 setting. For others, the iMac18.3 seems to work with iGPU. I'll let you know how far I'll get.

  • Hallo Beppo68 und herzlich Willkommen im Forum... :)

    Hast du dir mal meine EFI für das Asus Prime Z390-A angeschaut?

    Coffee Lake Sammelthread (lauffähige Konfigurationen) Desktop

    Dort arbeite ich mit einem iMac18,3.


    Keine Unterstützung per PN oder Pinnwand... Eure Anfragen gehören ins Forum, nicht in mein Postfach!

  • Hast du mal im Verbose Mode gestartet um herauszufinden, an welcher Stelle die Kiste stehen bleibt?

    Zudem muss wahrscheinlich noch der USB-Kext für dein Board angepasst werden.


    Keine Unterstützung per PN oder Pinnwand... Eure Anfragen gehören ins Forum, nicht in mein Postfach!

  • @nhasan77 your iMessage problem might have something to do with the fact that you don't have a EmuVariableUefi-64.efi driver installed (no NVRAM)

    You can try to add the EmuVariableUefi-64.efi and also install the RC scripts in the Clover installation. And use the slide=0 flag in the boot section.

  • I have working iMac18,3 configuration on the same system now. The iMessage and jpeg/quicklook issues are also gone now. The iGPU is set to Auto in my case. Here is the EFI Folder. Hope that helps.

    I am using EmuVariableUefi-64.efi.

  • that are great news... the EFI folder, you've sent yesterday was not containing the EmuVariableUefi.

    Thanks for you configuration, I will go and test it.

    Have you used "install RC-Scripts during Clover installation?

  • Okay then that was a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.

    No I did not use any RC scripts. I used an already preconfigured configuration from somebody who has the same components as me. All the best to you.