Hi i am the developer of TINU, and i am seeing quite a few people using the app here, in fact i think that this is one of the places in which it's used the most. So this is the right place to get feedback from you.
So, what do you think baout TINU so far?
To guide you to answer this question, try to answer to those ones to make an idea:
How has your experience with TINU been?
How do you feel when using TINU?
Which are the things you love the most about it?
How do you feel TINU is different from others?
Which things are wrong in TINU?
Which are the things you hate about it?
Which are the things you don't understand or you had problems understanding?
Which are the problems you had?
What can be inprooved in TINU?
What can be added in TINU to make it better?
Any other thoughts?
Any desired new feature?
Those questions helps me getting an idea about your relationship with TINU and which is your idea of the app, all to guide me to make it better.
Things like this are very important to make apps for every day users, because hearing back from the users is the beast way to know what is wrong about the app.
I hope you that many of you will answer me, because i really want to improove your experience and your hackintoshing.