Developing ASUS ROG GL553VD
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- mt-fr
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Look at this Guide, if you can follow it try it out if not I will implement it for you.
i did it , it never work for me because when i idid it my laptop FAN go to max speed! i tried it last year... after that i made my DGPU ssdt for turnoff GTX
The SSDT does the same thing as the methods used in the Guide. But I'll have a look tomorrow...
Well, it's a little complicated. You can try the attached SSDT but make sure to implement the following Renames, otherwise it won't work!
Code- <dict>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>change _WAK to XWAK</string>
- <key>Disabled</key>
- <false/>
- <key>Find</key>
- <data>
- X1dBSw==
- </data>
- <key>Replace</key>
- <data>
- WFdBSw==
- </data>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>change _PTS to XPTS</string>
- <key>Disabled</key>
- <false/>
- <key>Find</key>
- <data>
- X1BUUw==
- </data>
- <key>Replace</key>
- <data>
- WFBUUw==
- </data>
- </dict>
Well that makes no sense... The Laptop Fan or the GPU Fan?
gl553vd has just one fan !
Is the GPU only off after Sleep or also after the initial startup? Please check IOREG.
yes . it was off after sleep but fan speed was problem . now i fixed it .
cpu pkg using is 2.20w after and before sleep , it means gtx is off but fan work with MAX speed agin .
Weird... Try this:
before sleep fan is ok but after wake from sleep fan speed is MAX
I didn't know about that PG00 Fan stuff... Interesting.
its ROG work with laptop , it make very bad laptop with very bad Nvidia card . now fan is ok . but cpu pkg use 2.44W.
i think this laptop has PG01 and PG02 and they need to be off
my IOReg now :Mt’s MacBook Pro.zip -
but cpu pkg use 2.44W.
Nvidia should be off now but check Temps... I guess its badly configured PM... Did you try something like this? SMBIOS iMac17,1 / Skylake i76700K und Powermanagement - wie funktioniert es richtig?
Nvidia should be off now but check Temps... I guess its badly configured PM... Did you try something like this? SMBIOS iMac17,1 / Skylake i76700K und Powermanagement - wie funktioniert es richtig?
use imac 17.1 for smbios ?
MacBookPro14,3 uses i7 7700HQ.
When I use 14.3 HDMI doesn't working