Hi all!
New to the forums. I have a couple of C621 boards that I'm attempting to get Catalina running on.
One is a Domunis Extreme Socket 3647 with a W3175X
The other is a Gigabyte Aorus Xtreme with a W3175X
No joy at all with a standard Catalina install usb and config.plist on the Dominus. The Gigabyte however, boots right up and goes through the install start to finish however on the final boot where your install selection for country and applid entry are, as soon as it attempts to start clover a get a "Droping Tail with size 294368460" message. This happens I believe after the apple install converts the filesystem from HFS to APFS containers.
I have attempted on multiple drives and with different install USB's. Using the latest version of Clover.
Any assistance would be appreciated. I came here as I see you have some who are currently running Catalina on the Aorus Socket 3647.