Raptortosh I use Ozmosis first, but it can not boot that USB installation disk made with official dmg (do not have ESP)
PS: In fact, I don't know how to install MacOS with Ozmosis or how to make a useful USB installer with official dmg....
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenRaptortosh I use Ozmosis first, but it can not boot that USB installation disk made with official dmg (do not have ESP)
PS: In fact, I don't know how to install MacOS with Ozmosis or how to make a useful USB installer with official dmg....
You can make a Installer with TINU and the official app.
Can you upload the Ozmosis Bios?
Raptortosh When I flash it and found it doesn't work, I deleted it . But I can make a new one ...
Ok make a New one or give me the original bios so that I can make a New one.
Raptortosh I have a new questen: Can I use 167x-max to install 10.13.6 without these (special tool or ffs for 10.15.x) ?
No with XMAX you Need KernextPatcher for every OS. Can you upload the original BIOS for this board, then I´ll make a OZ. I don´t find anything About this Board.
Raptortosh My mainboard's original BIOS don't have enough space to insert most of ozmosis ffs files, so I delete all the CSM support files and compressed the CORE_DXE. I want to insatll 10.13, but 10.14 would be better. This mainboard use ALC887 and RTL8111, I hope the drivers can be built-in, but it's okay if we can't
I try to learn how to use the "TINU", but it can only running in OS X, I dont have a hackintosh yet, so what can I do ?
Thanks in advance!
Normally you shouldn´t do that with removing CSM Core. Have you flashed a BIOS without CSM? This way you can also mac a installer stick macOS Internet Recovery Stick: Installation ohne Mac oder VM. Here mhaeuser wrote that this could be dangerous. Ozmosis Bios für macOS High Sierra erstellen
Raptortosh It can running well in my mainboard, because of I disable all the CSM option and set it to UEFI Only.
this could be dangerous.
Sorry, which is dangerous? I can't understand this sentence, my native language is not english...
OK when it works than that isn´t so dangerous.
So now here a Rom to test. There isn´t much space so I can´t insert your Audio and Ethernet Kexts.
Is this the Board?
Yes, it is. I used to create some reports use MMTool, and compare theirs volume space, I found this may not be inaccurate.
I have used MMTool to create reports of different modified versions of this BIOS, and I found that the volume size shown in the report may not be accurate
This thread mentioned “Clover will be installed”, can this be used for ozmosis ?
OK. I don´t understand your second sentence.
Yes you can use this also with Oz.
Raptortosh I don't know why it doesn't work: when it's booting, the theme or kernel of the ozmosis can not be loaded, but is too late now for me now, I have to go sleep, I will try again tomorrow
Today I make a new one with the ffs files decompressed from you made for me tomorrow, I can't see the theme of ozmosis wihch I insterted in, and when I select "High Sierra install" from UEFI, the screen show me "No way sign".
I remember that last time I saw the Ozmosis' theme I used 167X MAX, download from this thread just ozmosis\EnhanceFat\APFS\HFS+\Default\FakeSMC, without DarBoot\kernextPatch
Do you have a Defaults in EFI/OZ or in the Rom? What did you set in the BIOS. I don´t know if this Needs UEFIPatch.
Raptortosh yes, I decompressed OzmosisDefault.ffs from OZMOSIS.rom you made for me, and the usb installer also have some built-in default.plist. I select one which support iris pro 5200, the broad name is MBP 11,1.... In fact, I think I need iMac 14,x
No I this Defautls isn´t made by me, it is from the OZMOSIS for Catalina Thread from @kuckuck.
OK with your CPU a MacBookPro SMBios could work.
Raptortosh my mainboard is desktop series, it doesn't matter ?
But your CPU not. You can try both. Is this your CPU? https://www.ebay.com/itm/MAGIC…7-W-LGA1150-/292931966067
Raptortosh Ok, I ask my friend to make a plist for me, he can use OZC
kuckkuck said that we shouldn´t use OZC anymore Ozmosis mit macOS Catalina 10.15 – OZ167X-XMAX (extended)