If not injected, it will run normally with a native environment? I delete the Clover floder, but the /EFI/boot/bootx64.efi looks like a part of Clover, and when I select booting from "Install Mac OS High Sierra" item, the screen just show me a apple logo, then it will be reboot
[Need Help] H87 Clover "End RundomSeed" +++ and reboot
- Erledigt
- June
- Erledigt
Try this Defaults. It could be a AptioFix Problem.
How can I use it ? rename as a .raw file and replace into Default.ffs?
No give in the ESP. EFI/OZ
I have flashed the abc0TEST and use last default.plist, this time it wasn't reboot, but screen just leave me a apple logo then system halt[USB mouse and keyboard all offline, debug card show me AD→halt→B0] B0 maybe problem with memory
Did you load any AptioFix with the UEFIShell?
I can't load efi files using efi shell, cause I don't know how to use efi shell, and my mainboard have no original built-in efi shell, the BIOS file was too tight to have enough free space insert efi shell
Here a UEFIShell the Folder EFI, inide the ZIP, you have to copy on a FAT USB stick and you can boot from it. Also do a AF on the stick to load.
I don't understand what you mean: Is the UEFIShell on /EFI/boot/bootx64.efi ? Which is the ZIP ? Can you describe this process in more detail? I am noob...
Yes but I forgot the ZIP...
You start from this stick and you copy a AptioFix (OsxAptioFix2) on it. in the Shell you search this (FS0: and after that dir). When you found the AF you enter "bcfg Driver add 1 "Name of AF.efi" "AptioFix". Then Restart and boot MacOS.
Do you have a AptioFix on the Stick? Don´t enter dir. Before "dir" you have to enter "FSx:" With that you can browse your Drives.
x =1 or 0
I mean the screen not display next line of "Shell> dir"
Even if you enter something?
Replace the BOOTX64.efi with this. -
I don´t know try this because this is the OZM Shell.
OK, I have tried AptioMemoryFix.R26.efi and AptioMemoryFix-64.efi, It doesn't work, I will try osxfix
OK I don´t know if this board will work with macOS. Clover and OZM are not working. You can try FWRuntime Services instead of AptioFix.
Ok , I will try it, but where can I download this FWRuntime Services.efi ?
I remember that FWRuntime Services only for OpenCore... Isn't it ?
EDIT: I have tried the lastest AptioMemoryFix and FWRuntimeService, they all can not boot my install program....
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