Help system crashes from time to time

  • he following is the crash report after the system has been frozen and must be manually restarted. Which direction should I solve? My specification is R5 2600 msi b450m mortar max Sapphire RX584G ADATA sx8000 dw1560 :

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von g-force ()

  • Code
    1. 這個問題已經解決,不要使用usb.kext,而是使用ssdt注入,效果很好<img src="" alt="[wech]" class="smiley" height="23" data-tooltip="weg" id="wscSmiley_0_0">

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von 7801bb () aus folgendem Grund: 已經解決了這個問題了!!!

  • Problem has been solved by using SSDT USB Injection instead of Kext therefore this thread ist marked as solved now.