hi @ all hab versucht bit sure zu installien boot stick erstellt Clover_r5122 boot efi erstellt und gebootet leider startet die installation nicht auch wenn die beta app starte und im clover boot menü install bigsure auswahle läuft die installation nicht weiter

macOS 11 BigSur Dev-Beta Clover Patch
- kuckkuck
- Erledigt
Schwarzkopf Bitte Post 1 genau lesen.
Alles gut.
Mein Beitrag war auch nicht auf mich gemünzt, das war ganz allgemein.
Bei Big Sur fange ich bei nahezu Null wieder an. Da gibt es viel zu suchen und zu lesen.
Ich traue mich kaum noch hier Fragen zu stellen.
Ich warte jetzt mal das offizielle Update ab, in der Hoffnung das Big Sur besser und stabiler wird als Catalina und auf meiner Hardware überhaupt noch läuft.
generell empfinde ich Big Sur angenhmer als Catalina, insbesondere auf meinen ThinkPads. Abgesehen vom WiFI auf dem T430
Bitte das Rotgedruckte in diesem Post lesen: macOS 11 BigSur Dev-Beta Clover Patch
我跟随[user ='34812']布谷鸟[/ user]的指示创建了一个靴子,最后得到了这张有趣的小图片:
[attach ='152617','none','true'] [/附加]
Big Sur是否仍可与BIOS配合使用?
</ s> </ s> </ s>
HfsPlus.efi[附加= 152840] [/附加]
Hi, are there any updated kernel patches for the latest BETA? I'd like to try it but i am still figuring out my upgrade to clover r5123 and r5122 won't let me boot since kext-injection isn't working with big sur (because i need the patches)
Why dont use 5123? This used opencore... https://github.com/CloverHacky…CloverBootloader/releases
Why dont use 5123? This used opencore... https://github.com/CloverHacky…CloverBootloader/releases
It requires some heavy mods to the config.plist i haven't figured out yet
For Beta 9, there are no patches, because PrelinkedKernel doesnt exist anymore (i checked, and booter-fileset also doesnt exist anymore in Boot.efi).
Beta 8, dont know.
Old kext injection isn't working now with Kernelcollections (kc).
In my Tests with cecekpawon , KernextPatcher didnt Patch KC, or didnt find it.
For Beta 9, there are no patches, because PrelinkedKernel doesnt exist anymore
I guess i have to upgrade to r5123 then, is there some reference about how to setup the new quircks options?, since those aren't there in the open core quircks
I dont know, because i dont use Clover, but Look in there: https://www.insanelymac.com/fo…lover-general-discussion/
Full quote deleted!
After some time i was able to boot at least into big sur beta 3 on an x99 board, now i have to figure out the update to the new clover which is still giving me plenty of issues
maybe you can explain a bit the modifications added to Clover.
Sorry for the huge delay, I was away for a while. The main modification is the patch released in the first post which you can look at using the disassembler of your choice. Since the Kernel&Kext-Patcher within Clover didn't work at the time and I couldn't get it to work without studying all the messy code, I deactivated it in kext_inject. Furthermore the addition of two nvram variables was needed which I did using Clovers SetNvramVariable function. Take a look at the Clover Source in order to understand how it works. You can use if (os_version >= AsciiOSVersionToUint64("XX.XX")) to only execute your code when e.g. Big Sur is loaded (see DataHubCpu.cpp for reference).
The nvram variables to force prelinked kernel don't work anymore. The Kernel&Kext-Patcher within Clover works but the patches have no effect since the prelinked kernel isn't loaded. Clover has switched to an OpenCore based Kext Injection which is exactly what I was talking about. As stated many times, my patches where just a workaround and not future proof in any way which is why there was no reason to release any code but only to explain what changes I made.
This should be enough information to reproduce exactly what I did if this is what you are looking for.