Tinu 1.1
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Denke du darfst nur eine App zurzeit im Programme Ordner haben !
Außerdem lade dir Mal die aktuellste Tinu Version aus diesem Thread ganz weit unten herunter.
Die 2.0er Version funktioniert prinzipiell, nur ist mein Stick (8GB) zu klein ;-).
Da hilft wohl nur ein 16gb stick
Mittlerweile gibt es aber die Version 3.0 Beta von Tinu....
Versuche Mal diese App
Oder hier.
Für den Catalina Stick reicht auch die Tinu 3.0 Beta2, die ohne den Diagnostic Mode arbeitet.
Ja, die meldet:
known bug which is being worked on, moove the app to the desktop and it should no longer be there
Proper catalina and big sur support has been added with beta 3, so i reccommend all the people to just use the latest beta and, to avoid the bug, just moove it to the desktop before opening it, because apparently the desktop is threated differently from other folders in terms of sandboxing, this issue is being worked on and it will be at least improoved with beta 4
HAI in your previous post you were using a version from 2017 which was coded poorly (respect to how i write code now) so go to github and grab the latest version of TINU (3.0 beta 3): https://github.com/ITzTravelInTime/TINU/releases
HAI Checks for installer app size and volume size will be added with BETA 4, those are currently tested and working and all the info in the app have been updated, i just need to update the github documentation when i release the beta
Mornin' ITzTravelInTime and thanks for the heads up...
In regards to permissions it makes perfectly sense to have TINU running on the desktop, since this is part of the user environment (located in "~/Desktop/", aka "/Users/%USERNAME%/Desktop") in which he or she has to have the highest permissions available to create documents and content of all sorts.
If TINU has issues to temporarily log stuff within its own file structure, wouldn't it be feasible to pipe this data to a file within the user context, i.e. ~/Library/Preferences (configurations) or ~/Library/Logs (log files)?
Mornin' ITzTravelInTime and thanks for the heads up...
If TINU has issues to temporarily log stuff within its own file structure, wouldn't it be feasible to pipe this data to a file within the user context, i.e. ~/Library/Preferences (configurations) or ~/Library/Logs (log files)?
Hi, for the files the diagnostics mode needs a .sh File to run the tinu executable from the terminal and that file is located inside the app right now and needs to have the executab le attribute in order to be successfully executed by the terminal, but i guess you are right i can just dinamically create the .sh file in ~/Library/Preferences or in any other folder in which my app has free access and then launch tinu from there, i have to do some research and try it out.
About the diagnostics mode file it is now dinamically created into the ~/Application Support folder which is freely accessible by any app and so those script files are created there when needed, and also the diagnostics mode is prompted just when needed, which is on catalina and newer version with SIP enabled.
By the end of the mounth the new beta 4, which includes all of this and way more stuff will be out for all of you to use, i still have to work some stuff reguaring a new aspect of the app, which you can't really experience yet, but it's almost completed, i have also uploaded a preview version to let you try the fixes, enjoy: