TINU error code
- Hecatomb
- Erledigt
Musst du nicht löschen, ist ein guter Anhaltspunkt für andere User mit dem gleichen Thema.
Den USB Stick konnte ich problemlos erstellen. Sehe ich das richtig das ich die vorhandene versteckte EFI Partition vom USB Stick für Clover und auch Open Core nutzen kann?
Ja das siehst du richtig...
Ok, dann sollte es so passen. 🙃
The new beta will fix the problem, if you want i can always send you a preview copy, it's almost finished i just need to implement some secondary stuff which isn't that important
ITzTravelInTime I`m interested in the new beta, maybe as a tester.
About the error: it was caused by a failure to perform an apple script to give the executable permition to a script file which then tinu opens with the terminal to use diagnostics mode. again this has been fixed with the new upcomping release, which will make the diagnostics mode mandatory only for catalina (or newer versions) users with SIP enabled
EDIT to have the new BETA PM me on telegram using the same nickname i use in the forum
The new beta 4 is out fixing this issue: https://github.com/ITzTravelIn…leases/tag/3.0_BETA_4_(82)
Corrected Link. Oroginal produdes 404 Error:
thank you, i think i have copied it badly