Audio issus on Catalina

  • about my machine:


    Graphics:HD 630

    Main Board:B250ET2

    Audio:ALC 891

    Ethernet:RTL 8111

    BootLoader:OC 0.6.1

    macOS Version:10.15.6

    any can help me fix audio problem ,I tried Use Latest AppleALC.kext and Lilu.kext ,add alcid=11,13,15 in config.plist,But no Lucky.

  • yes,I got this information from ubuntu,also I tried AppleALC887 and 891 Support Codec,No work;Before 10.13.6 all of the devices works,incloud Ethernet、Audio、Display、Sleep,Why Updated 10.15.6 without Audio

  • I suggest, you open current Hackintool, above klick PCI and below the Export Icon. After this you'll find some generated files. One of them is PciDevices.plist. Load this file and your current config.plist with PlistEdit Pro. In PciDevices.plist expand the device tree to find the PCI Adress of your Audio Device, drag&drop this tree into your already opened config.plist to DeviceProperties->Add. Make sure not to paste it into an already existing Device tree. After this you can play and test with different alcid's in bootargs.

    Gruß, karacho

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