I don`t think you will need "Network Stack" - this is for booting from network.

Lenovo Thinkpad T530
- antukst
- Erledigt
antukst Nice to see that it's working. Congrats.
A few setting I saw, that could be changed:
- You can re-enable Virtualization Technology and V-td for Windows if you need it. it's disabled in the config for OpenCore so it shouldn't affect macOS. But turn it off again if the system won't boot.
- I would disable WAN, Firewire (IEEE1394), ExpressCardSlot and E-Sata if you don't use them.
- Optional: disable Camera and Microphone for enhanced privacy if you don't use Facetime.
- Enable Boot Order Lock once your boot devices are setup in the correct order so it can't be changed by Windows Bootloader. Windows Bootloader likes to take over the first position in the list if you don't prevent it from doing so.
Last step:
Create a SSDT-PM for your own processor for better CPU Power Management using ssdtPRGen und put it in EFI > OC > ACPI. Next, create a new snapshot of the config using ProperTree to add it to config.
There's also a way to lower the idle frequency from the default 1200 mhz to 900 mHz (800 prevents booting) by using a modified user config for the CPU and modifiers in terminal but I don't remember he whole procedure right now. Takes a bit of fiddling. Something you can tweak down the road.
Have fun
Hi Dear
No, it's not working. I've been using it for the last year macos catalina
I have posted is because I can't update ......I want to update macos big Sur but now
currently i am using dual boot macOS Catalina and windows 10 but in the mean time i update this macOS system latest version as well
antukst Try this or compare config for differences: https://github.com/osbaldov/T530-BigSur-EFI
already use this not work for me ..i am fully sad
sorry dear for disturbing
Big Sur is working on the T530. I tested it shortly. And ... so far I remember me right... MacBookPro11,1 is enough for 11.0.
Sascha_77 That's good to know. Because I tried the 15,1 SMBIOS yesterday just to test if the system would still boot. It did, but CPU Power Management wasn't working correctly any more. Did you have to change anything else for running BigSur? I am not even sure if I am switching once BS is released. I am not a fan of the UI design at all.
No. Only switched the SMBios, and take the nightly Builds ( I think now it´s not necessary anymore) of Lilu and VirtualSMC and the Install worked like a charm.
I took 5T33Z0's config, switched to MacBookPro11,1. Removed airport and BNC kexts from the config to complete the installation/update.
Thanks 5T33Z0
PDM Nice. So you are running it on BigSur now?
One more thing: make sure to check the SSDT-PM file in ACPI to verify if it fits your CPU model. Because this file was created for an i7 3630QM. If you use a different CPU model create the file using ssdtPRGen. Because using the wrong file can influence Power Management and performance.
Yes, running on Big Sur (I had an old installer ready from my currently defunct NUC X43 and just replaced the EFI). The update to Beta 10 worked without any hickup.
Just running ssdtPRGen and renaming the file did not work. I think I need to read the manual first, never did it before.
Currently installing all the software via brew and a custom script. You need to download the 'command line tools' from the Apple developer portal.
i5-3320M, it's in my signature
PDM Here you go. I had this processor too before upgrading to an i7. Rename to SSDT-PM and replace the file in ACPI Folder.
This is a modified version. The stock version ssdtPRGen generates has a higher idel Frquency of 1200 mHz, but this processor clocks down to 800 mHz. Since using 800 prevents the system from booting I set it to 900 mHz which works fine.
Then, Open Config and change the following settings to improve Power Management (my online config doesn't have these yet):
ACPI > Delete > Drop CpuPm > Enabled = YES
ACPI > Delete > Drop Cpu0Ist > Enabled = YES
Kernel > Quirks > AppleXcpmCfgLock = NO (not necessary)
AppleXcpmExtraMsrs = YES (should be yes already)
Kernel > Quirks > AppleXcpmForceBoost = NO (if enabled, Turbo doesn't clock down in idle.)
5T33Z0: "before upgrading to an i7" can you elaborate on that? Because my X43-NUC is not longer working at the moment, I may need to beef-up the T530.
Hey, thanks for the power management, will try it immediately. Maybe the 900MHz was the issue during boot. But I remember now that this was mentioned in the past (I think by you), but I totally forgot.
OK, it booted! Stupid question, how do I verify that it's working?
PDM There are several i7 Options available for the T530:
i7-3940XM, i7-3920XM, i7-3820QM, i7-3840QM, i7-3720QM, i7-3740QM, i7-3632QM, i7-3630QM, i7-3612QM, i7-3612QE, i7-3610QM
The XM models will work, but will definitely need an improved thermal solution as they are 10w higher TDP than QM chip
EDIT: Just tried installing BigSur with MacBookPro11,1 and I am getting the feared Gray Screen with mouse cursor. I did change the prev-lang field in the config to blank and reset NVRAM. No Luck. Disabled DSDT as well. And most of the unnecessary kexts. still no luck. Running out of ideas…
Sascha_77 Hast Du bei dir irgendwas noch geändert an der Config, damit BigSur installiert werden konnte, oder ging das direkt so ohne Probleme? Brauche ich da nightly kexts für vielleicht? hmmm...
In your "release package" there are:
- ACPI > Delete > Drop CpuPm and Drop Cpu0Ist > Enabled set to "false" rather than "true" as you mentioned before. Is this intentional?
Yes, it's intentional. I had to do some research on it, but it's in the Fixing Power Management section:
"Initialling with OpenCore's setup in the Ivy Bridge section, we recommended users drop their CpuPm and Cpu0Ist to avoid any issues with AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext. But dropping these tables have the adverse affect of breaking turbo boost in Windows. So to resolve this, we'll want to keep our OEM's table but we'll want to add a new table to supplement data only for macOS. So once we're done creating our CPU-PM table, we'll re-add our OEM's CPU SSDTs."
After you have created you SSDT-PM with ssdtPRGen, it states "Finally, we can disable our previous ACPI -> Delete entries(
set to NO)."