Ahh, dev seed. ok thanks.

Lenovo Thinkpad T530
- antukst
- Erledigt
You need to be enrolled in the "developer beta" and not in the "public beta". You don't need to download anything. Once you are enrolled, the update will be offered via Software Update.
Big thank For: help
First of all, thank you so much for being with me and helping me step-by-step.
At first I tried many times but I got very depressed Because it did not work
Then I spend all night in many forums doing a lot of research and after recharging I edit some files and make it my own. I'm successful.
I delete all the files did I do not need and delete them from the patch, just leave the ones did are needed for Macos Big Sur and delete them all and set the display Bios Integrated display as well.
MacOs Big Sur Install Done Ahh i am very happy
Then I delete the PM file from the EFI file you (@ 5T33Z0 0) gave me and remove the extra patch. Now everything is working but there is quiet a problem.
My main hard disk is not showing. I had exactly the same problem when I gave Macos Catalina. I don't know how I did it all but I need to know it now. Please help me. Can not figure out what's working on it or not
My HDD, What could be the reason why he is not showing, please help me
Thank you so much for me
Is there a reason you selected "iMac" rather than "MacBookPro" as SMBIOS?
Is this your main drive? Where is macOS installed? Never encountered this problem before, sorry.
antukst Are you kidding me?! I think, I told you 3 or 4 times to disable the dicrete NVIDIA Grafics card in BIOS before installing macOS… goddamnit… anyway, glad it works now.
You need a driver for the file system if it is not formated in an apple-compatible file system like apfs or hfs+ or exfat
The drive could be corrupt. Try testing it in Disk Utility. Do some reasearch online. I'm out.
NTFS is read-only in macOS.
True, but known to the OS. His drive / filesystem is not known to the OS or corrupt (as you already mentioned).
What does diskutil list print?
Dear @5T33Z0
No i don't have any credit and my credit don't want any more all the credit only yours i just do some research just for myself.
Dear @5T33Z0
I've shown you what I've changed. See if it matches you. I've never lied here
I have said before
The two settings (integrated and discrete graphics) I saw didn't work a little bit
But working on my laptop now was not doing before I just said that.Same HDD Macos catalina still show before big sur update
I have the same problem with the tendency to talk about feeling, how can it be solved on Big Sur
Add hfs+ driver to EFI > OC > Drivers
Update config
Where do the Red Icons come from? These are no regular macOS Icons?
What file format is this disk using? -
Open Disk Utility
View > Show all devices
Select Disk from Toshiba
Perform First Aid
Dear Sir
5T33Z0 PDM
I'm using macOS Big Sur beta 11. Bootloader (Open Core)and everything works fine, as soon as it reaches Disk Utility, my HDD isn't showing up at all. It shows up in BIOS and diskpart (in Windows) so it's not the physical drive.
But it worked pretty well when I went macOS Catalina
I realized my hard disk is given in Windows format but I can do read with macOS big sur .
Some say initializing the disk with diskpart does the trick, some say installing SATA-100-series-unsupported.kext will too.
My question is, how do I go about initializing the disk (I know that Mac can only read HFS+ so basically this means converting an NTFS disk to HFS+ within diskpart? And what about installing kexts? I'm a total n00b when it comes to Hackintosh since this is my second attempt at doing this.
Any reply is greatly appreciated!
No, I have tried many tricks (Provide You And Others)but none of them worked. I think I will try again then release macOS BIG Sur Final version.
Well, my external Monitor is not working I see your Monitor is working now. can tell you the details of how it is working for me
First of all, if you use an external hard disk for both windows and mac, you should convert the disk to the exFAT format, because both Operating Systems can read and write to that!
Here's a guide for using NTFS on BigSur:
If you initialize the disk or not is up to you, since I don't know what happens to the data if you do that.
Please don't post Links to Olarila Stuff here.
Use the Displayport.
Modify your frambuffer. Follow this guide, read the documentation and linked content.
If you use a different connector you have to define it in the Patch. You can use Hackintool for that. I can't help you with that.