Ich habe meine "config.plist" mit dem KU geprüft und bekomme folgende Fehlermeldungen angezeigt:
- OCS: Missing key ProvideCurrentCpuInfo, context <Quirks>!
- OCS: Missing key AllowToggleSip, context <Security>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: Missing key Flavour, context <Tools>!
- OCS: No schema for AdviseWindows at 0 index, context <Generic>!
- OCS: Missing key AdviseFeatures, context <Generic>!
- OCS: Failed to parse string field as value with type boolean and <Auto> contents, context <CustomDelays>!
- OCS: Failed to calculate size of false field containing <empty> as type integer, context <GopPassThrough>!
- OCS: Missing key AppleEg2Info, context <ProtocolOverrides>!
- OCS: Missing key EnableVectorAcceleration, context <Quirks>!
- OCS: Missing key ForgeUefiSupport, context <Quirks>!
- OCS: Missing key ReloadOptionRoms, context <Quirks>!
- Serialisation returns 22 errors!
- OpenCanopy.efi is loaded at UEFI->Drivers, but Misc->Boot->PickerMode is not set to External!
- CheckMisc returns 1 error!
- NVRAM->Add->4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14->UIScale has illegal value!
- NVRAM->Delete: UIScale is duplicated at Index 0 and 2!
- CheckNvram returns 2 errors!
- Completed validating /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC/config.plist in 1 ms. Found 25 issues requiring attention.
Nun bin ich mit der Überarbeitung der "config.plist" überfordert und weiß nicht recht, wo ich anfangen soll. Kann mir jemand helfen?