HP Elite 8300 SFF HWC - Fence FV-HB1200

  • - Verschoben aus: HP Elite 8300 SFF - I5 3570 - AMD WX 4100 - Asus PCE-AC68 WLAN - 24GB - Sierra bis Monterey 12.0 Beta 5 , Anfrage an msart -

    i want to buy an HP 8300 elite i5-3470. I already downloaded your EFi as a base. Thank you very much for this. I own an MSI GT710 1 GB card (Kepler) so no problem with your EFI. But I'm using also a Fence FV-HB1200 card for wireless and bluetooth (pic-e card). Did you setup anything in your EFI according your Asus pic-e card? I don't see anything special.

  • Raptortosh

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet
  • Welcome Gertjuh !

    1st) better Buy the HP8300 with the 3570 CPU !

    Wlan and Bluetooth should work OOB with this Efi and your Card.

    If you install Monterey, do not forget to set SecureBootModel Option to Disabled.

    And you have to generate a Serial for the SMBIOS with Hackintool, and integrate in to the config.plist.

    Best is to use the demo config.plist of the downloadet OpenCore in the Documents Folder, and then Copy the Parts from it.

    I have used the EFI also with BCM943602CS on PCI-E Adapter only I had Connected the USB with a Cable to the Back USB, and not Internal !

    therefore you have to patch USB ports, cause I have deactivated Internals in Bios and with the Patching as well.


    The New Beginner's Guide to USB Port Configuration