hey bro, i tried it, and doesn't boot to repot to the Lenovo logo, nothing work sir
I know i ask too much but I will wait for Mr. OSX-Einsteiger to help me with EFI
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenhey bro, i tried it, and doesn't boot to repot to the Lenovo logo, nothing work sir
I know i ask too much but I will wait for Mr. OSX-Einsteiger to help me with EFI
Try the config.plist
Thanks OSX-Einsteiger
But still stuck on the same page, Please check the attached file.
I have recreated the EFI
Thank you, Sir
But still stuck in the boot I think something with CFG lock
, I'm not sure!
That shouldn't matter with my config.
Did you check the https://www.hackintosh-forum.d…re-2022-03-02-115100-txt/
what's different between EFI 001 EFI 002
Could you please upload them again, for somehow I cant unpack them I got an error even when I use keka
I did Use your EFI Folder, But I Dumped my own SSDT-AWAC - SSDT-EC - and SSDT-PLUG using SSDTTime .
But it reboots to the Lenovo logo after lots of ok text comes on the screen.
Here is my EFI Please Advice. https://ufile.io/elawnfkv
It's always better to do it from the scratch, at my end it was never expected it would work with my EFI.
Having said that, such a sudden reboot indicates there might be something set wrong in your BIOS. Unusual but it works here
This is not rocket science just follow any guide covering any other laptop with your CPU and simply create and use your own configuration files.
Finally, I got it to boot and I installed the Catalina!
The problem the SSD was not compatible I found out that is Micron 2200S, Many users have reported boot issues with this drive.it boots, but the WIfi not working, the Sound is not Working, The Graphic Display 7Mb.I have a wifi Card BCM94352ZThe Touch Screen was working but when I Copied the EFI from USB to Colatina EFI Folde the touch screen stopped working.