Interest in Ozmosis

  • Hello everyone
    I would like to ask here whether there is still interest in Ozmosis. If so, I would consider working on it. If you want to help you are invited.
    This boot loader was great and should not be forgotten. The last official release was almost 10 years ago. OpenCore, started and buried from Hermitcrabslabs, is not as easy to use in the application as Ozmosis and also not in the same way. It is a shame that the Ozmosis Source Code has never been released. The time for publication is now.

  • They can invest their time in something else.

    As extensive as OC is today, they would never get the old OZM versions.

    Also, OZM would have to be loaded from the EFI on newer systems anyway.

    That's wasted time and effort.




  • Also opencore is easier to use than OZM.

    You follow the dortania guide step by step and Bähm in 90% of the time a running system.

    That OZM is easier than OC is only true if griven, al6042, kuckkuck, derHackfan, Fredde2209, crusher and all of the users i have not mentioned have allready done the work for you.

    For reasons i had to mod the bios for my Z77 board by myself and it was a lot of reading and more work compared to OC.

    Also the risk of flashing the Bios and possibly brick the board.

    OC is saver, easier and it just works ...

    OZM is a dead horse. No need to ride it.

    Macbook Pro Retina 2015 + 16GB ram 1TBGB ssd AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB  OSX 14.x)
    GA-Z77 DS3H + i7 3770 + 32GB RAM, RX580 8GB,2TB SATA SSD, TP-Link T8E (AC Wlan) + Bluetooth usbstick OSX 13.6.7 OC 1.0

  • They can invest their time in something else.

    As extensive as OC is today, they would never get the old OZM versions.

    Also, OZM would have to be loaded from the EFI on newer systems anyway.

    That's wasted time and effort.

    You can Flash Ozmosis also on newer Systems.

    Why old versions? Look at the 2023 version, it has nothing to do with the old versions. I'm working on newer versions!

    You hardly have to configure ozmosis, flash bios and boot macos.

  • Ich versteh euch nicht ganz, Leute: OC ist ja vielleicht bei manchen Rechnern kinderleicht, bei anderen steckt der jeweilige User viele, viele Stunden in die EFI, weil wieder irgendwas hakelt (ich möchte nur an meinen X99 erinnern..).

    Ich hab sicher für verschiedenste Rechner um die 50-80 Ozmosis-BIOS gebaut. Mit dem entsprechenden Toolkit war das eine recht einfache Sache: DSDT sauber durchgepatcht, los ging's.

    Aber dann war eben Feierabend mit dem Z97-AMI-BIOS und vor Allem schon für das Booten von Montoya nicht mehr geeignet. Wie sieht das da denn jetzt aus? Selbst meinen Quo hatte ich ja irgendwann auf Clover umgestellt..


  • You can't boot Monterey. The current version is able to boot Catalina without an external kernel patcher. If someone with the appropriate knowledge would help, newer macos versions would also be usable. However, there is still a lack of developers who are able and willing to do so.

    This ozmosis version has new features, unlike old versions like 167X-MASS. This includes, among other things, that you can edit the settings of the Defaults.plist in the BIOS, similar to how you can overclock a cpu.

  • 77, 87 and 97 chipset series, OZM was usable.

    Today, Clover or OC is sufficient, with the right instructions everything is quick.

    Why should people go to the trouble of working on OZM when further development already exists.

    I also found your OZM2023 version in other forums, doesn't look like there's much interest in it.

    In addition, it is not a great advantage that it only works up to macOS version 10.15.

    We've talked about this here before.

    2022 beta

    When I see the lack of interest here, nobody really wants it anymore.…page/250/#comment-2809312

    Please don't waste your life energy and time if nobody wants you to.




  • In October even version 12 will be obsolete.

    Who the heck will still use 10.15?

    Macbook Pro Retina 2015 + 16GB ram 1TBGB ssd AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB  OSX 14.x)
    GA-Z77 DS3H + i7 3770 + 32GB RAM, RX580 8GB,2TB SATA SSD, TP-Link T8E (AC Wlan) + Bluetooth usbstick OSX 13.6.7 OC 1.0

  • Ozmosis also works with newer chipsets.

    I may have expressed myself somewhat unclearly.

    OZM was very good with the older chipsets before Skylake.

    Show me an LGA1200 that runs with your version.




  • There is no sane way to update Oz for recent macOS versions. The current ways with the external kernel support already is batshit crazy. Also, no, Oz is not easier than OC. It might appear to be easier on the platforms it supported well, while on some others it will simply not work at all. All auto-detect configuration done by Oz - and still done by Clover - are heuristics that work ok most of the time but every now and then fail phenomenally.

    Why don’t you spend your time making OC easier to use as you see fit rather than trying to revive is zombie?

  • There is no sane way to update Oz for recent macOS versions. The current ways with the external kernel support already is batshit crazy. Also, no, Oz is not easier than OC. It might appear to be easier on the platforms it supported well, while on some others it will simply not work at all. All auto-detect configuration done by Oz - and still done by Clover - are heuristics that work ok most of the time but every now and then fail phenomenally.

    Why don’t you spend your time making OC easier to use as you see fit rather than trying to revive is zombie?

    Did you know that Ozmosis Catalina can also boot without an external kernel patcher?

    I'm not such a good developer to e.g. Modify OpenCore so that it can be loaded from the BIOS

  • Du schreibst selbst, dass du kein guter Entwickler bist. Suchst du nur ein paar Dumme, die für dich die Arbeit machen?

  • If you have no idea about a topic, don't criticize others and hold back. Are you even aware that Ozmosi's source code is not publicly available, and that no version after 167X-MASS is publicly available?

  • I think mhaeuser has a bit of knowledge and can estimate whether it makes sense or not 😉

    Mac Pro - Gigabyte GA-H87-D3H - i7-4790K 4.40 GHz - HD Graphics 4600 - 4 x 8 Gb DDR3-RAM - OS X 10.9.5 - MacOS 10.15
    Power Mac - Foxconn G31MG-S - Core 2 Duo E8500 3.17 GHz - 2 x 2 Gb DDR2-RAM - ATI HD6450 1GB - OS X 10.9.5 - OS X 10.11.6

    ThinkPad T450

    ThinkPad X240
    iMac 27" (Late 2015) - Mac mini Server (Late 2012)

  • Nobody else here interested in reviving this good old bootloader? Last year, the version was also tested by users here, and you could see that it works.

    mhaeuser you should have a clue about the topic, I was told

    Why aren't ozmosis features added to opencore (bios integration, HII settings)?

  • Simple as that: Ozmosis is obsolete, Opencore is the way.

    In this forum/community there is no demand for ozmosis.