Interest in Ozmosis

  • Ozmosis still has potential. It also has advantages compared to OpenCore. It could be a good alternative. If someone would support adapting Ozmosis to the needs of newer macos versions, that would be very helpful and you could continue to use it.

  • It also has advantages compared to OpenCore

    What are the advantages of OZM over OC?




  • What are the advantages of OZM over OC?

    It can be integrated into the BIOS.

    It's easier to use.

    It can boot macos directly from the

    BIOS. Changing and reinstalling the hard drive is easier.

    You can directly make settings for the boot options in the BIOS.

    NVRAM reset can be done immediately after switching on.

    Hotkeys most similar to mac.

  • Zitat

    It can be integrated into the BIOS.

    Sometimes. With more recent macos versions you need more kext and space.

    The space of the most bios chips is to small.

    Even when OZM was the hot new shit often you had to put the ethernet drivers in S/L/E or in your efi.

    So no benefit over open core.


    It's easier to use.

    When all the work is done for you as written so many times.

    When you have to learn how to extract OZM from other firmwares and build your own bios (and also brick your BIOS chip)

    Then following an easy step by step guide which doesn't roast your hardware ist much easier.

    Or is desoldering a bios chip from your motherboard and reprogram and then solder it back to the board "easier"?


    It can boot macos directly from the BIOS.

    Woho you gain ~6s a year.

    I normally reboot my mac only for macos updates so 5-10 times a year.

    Otherwise the mac sleeps.


    Changing and reinstalling the hard drive is easier.


    Opencore on usbstick?

    Ever heared of usb thumb drives?

    Or just use the EFI of the hard drive.

    Also opencore can easily handle linux, windows, macos. bsd on one drive which doesn't wok with ozm in 80% of the time due to the included patched DSDT.


    You can directly make settings for the boot options in the BIOS.

    Can also be done in OZM


    NVRAM reset can be done immediately after switching on.

    ok again you loose 1-3 Seconds of time in opencore.

    How often you you need to reset.

    [sarcasm on]

    You also can reset the NVRAM without turning on the pc by removing the battery and power plug

    [sarcasm off]

    Hotkeys most similar to mac.

    most is not true.

    because ozm uses the SAME hotkeys as apple.

    opencore uses the SAME hotkeys as apple.

    Macbook Pro Retina 2015 + 16GB ram 1TBGB ssd AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB  OSX 14.x)
    GA-Z77 DS3H + i7 3770 + 32GB RAM, RX580 8GB,2TB SATA SSD, TP-Link T8E (AC Wlan) + Bluetooth usbstick OSX 13.6.7 OC 1.0

  • 1. Have you ever compared how small a bios was at that time compared to today?

    2. There is software that makes the whole thing much easier. A few console commands can be expected of the user.

    3. It's easier if you want to change something. Open the usual boot menu and select the macOS drive directly. In addition, if the Hackintosh is always in sleep mode, this increases the power consumption.

    4. Do you also have an additional bootloader USB stick on a real Mac? Will your new hard drive come with perfectly configured OpenCore?

    5. I don't understand your point. This is related to Ozmosis (=OZM).

    6. If you think that you are doing a normal NVRAM reset with the battery method, you are wrong. The bios will be reset and all settings will have to be redone!

    7. So you can use the hotkeys directly at the BIOS boot with OpenCore?

  • Zitat

    1. Have you ever compared how small a bios was at that time compared to today?

    Does OZM boot from an actual Bios ?



    So an 200MB EFI partition is still bigger than every BIOS.


    2. There is software that makes the whole thing much easier. A few console commands can be expected of the user.

    There are also config tools for opencore.


    3. It's easier if you want to change something. Open the usual boot menu and select the macOS drive directly. In addition, if the Hackintosh is always in sleep mode, this increases the power consumption.

    What is easier. You can directly change settings by thinking?

    On open core i open a boot menu which exactly looks and work like the one on a real mac.

    It also plays the mac startup chime.

    Does this works on OZM?

    Ok i don't care -> as written normally i only reboot at a maximum of 10.

    Macos does a hybrid sleep so it uses the same power as it would be turned off.


    4. Do you also have an additional bootloader USB stick on a real Mac?

    Will your new hard drive come with perfectly configured OpenCore?

    Actually until i buy a M4 mac mini all of my real 4 mac run open core.

    OZM doesn't work there

    Will your OZM come perfectly configured.

    You have to setup several NVRAM variables by hand to setup your serials. congrats.


    5. I don't understand your point. This is related to Ozmosis (=OZM).

    You use no quotes so i can't see/know what is is related on.


    6. If you think that you are doing a normal NVRAM reset with the battery method, you are wrong. The bios will be reset and all settings will have to be redone!

    Oh boy/girl

    7. So you can use the hotkeys directly at the BIOS boot with OpenCore?


    Macbook Pro Retina 2015 + 16GB ram 1TBGB ssd AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB  OSX 14.x)
    GA-Z77 DS3H + i7 3770 + 32GB RAM, RX580 8GB,2TB SATA SSD, TP-Link T8E (AC Wlan) + Bluetooth usbstick OSX 13.6.7 OC 1.0

  • I get burnout just from reading this conversation. It is beyond me how “directly at the BIOS level” is cited as an advantage over and over again when UX-wise there literally is no difference. OC actually supports hotkeys a lot better than Oz did. Firmware integration is not implemented because it is too broken on many machines, same for UEFI boot options. We literally put them in their own isolated space in NVRAM, so that the firmware cannot bug out on macOS’ unconventional formats. Even when Oz was recent, there was firmware that started duplicating the macOS boot entry till NVRAM ran full or overflew and then the firmware was bricked - and no, there is no sane way to resolve this. These simply cannot run something like this - but they can run OC just fine.

    You are nitpicking on tiny usability differences that have as many drawbacks as advantages (flashed firmware is convenient to use, but inconvenient to maintain and recover), while you ignore TONS of deal-breaking roadblocks to make this streamlined (do yourself a favour and read through Configuration.pdf regarding quirks and stuff like WriteFlash). Sometimes I wish people would trust we put some thought into all this.

  • 1. Ozmosis is part of the BIOS. Need all the space on your EFI partition?

    2. Ozmosis doesn't really need to be configured, the tool (Ozmtool) integrates the required data into the BIOS with a simple console command.

    3. You can select the appropriate partition directly in the bios. Alternatively, Ozmosis also has a Mac-like GUI. You can make settings for Ozmosis directly in the bios - Ozmosis Platform Manager.

    4. A current Mac does not need OpenCore. OZM is configured in the BIOS to the extent that macos can boot. A newly purchased hard drive does not have OpenCore.

    5. This is the Quote:


    Can also be done in OZM

    7. Really? OpenCore hotkeys can be used in the boot process of the BIOS? Or directly in the bios? That's new to me.

    I get burnout just from reading this conversation. It is beyond me how “directly at the BIOS level” is cited as an advantage over and over again when UX-wise there literally is no difference. OC actually supports hotkeys a lot better than Oz did. Firmware integration is not implemented because it is too broken on many machines, same for UEFI boot options. We literally put them in their own isolated space in NVRAM, so that the firmware cannot bug out on macOS’ unconventional formats. Even when Oz was recent, there was firmware that started duplicating the macOS boot entry till NVRAM ran full or overflew and then the firmware was bricked - and no, there is no sane way to resolve this. These simply cannot run something like this - but they can run OC just fine.

    You are nitpicking on tiny usability differences that have as many drawbacks as advantages (flashed firmware is convenient to use, but inconvenient to maintain and recover), while you ignore TONS of deal-breaking roadblocks to make this streamlined (do yourself a favour and read through Configuration.pdf regarding quirks and stuff like WriteFlash). Sometimes I wish people would trust we put some thought into all this.

    Having a bootloader directly in the bios is a big advantage. Why is there no (test) version of OpenCore that can be integrated? If you would continue to develop Ozmosis, you could fix bugs and improve Ozmosis.

    Can you help integrate OpenCore into Ozmosis?

  • hyux1 Du solltest Dir die Zeit nehmen und Ozmosis weiter entwickeln. Nimm dir die Zeit und stehle diese nicht anderen.



    "Ein Hackintosh ist wie ein Garten - es gibt immer was zu tun"

  • There is absolutly no demand for Ozmosis, 0,0% here in this community.

    Sorry, case closed.

  • Because as you can see, there is no demand. Or did I miss something?

    If it is such a big thing for you, feel free to give Ozmosis a second life.

    I am Kungfu-Marek and i want Schutzgeld from you, ansonsten Messä im Bauch, dat is ne angemessene Reaktion! (Joke aside)

    I am a Member since 2019, I think i have a good standing here in this community.

    What about you? Oh i See Member since June 2023...

    Sorry if I hurt you feelings, get over it.

    I am out here.



  • There are still some who are interested. Some in DM.

    I try, but my knowledge alone is not enough.

    Just because you've been a member since 2019, do you have to determine what is needed and what isn't? You also have the Ozmosis source code?

    A year has passed, opinions change. Competition is good.