Interest in Ozmosis

  • du redest viel wenn der Tag lang ist. Was hat das damit zu tun, hier Fragen zu stellen die nur Du selbst beantworten kannst. Willst die hier die User aufs Glatteis führen?


    Edit: Damit will ich meinen Beitrag hier abschließen.



    "Ein Hackintosh ist wie ein Garten - es gibt immer was zu tun"

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Arkturus ()

  • du redest viel wenn der Tag lang ist. Was hat das damit zu tun, hier Fragen zu stellen die nur Du selbst beantworten kannst. Willst die hier die User aufs Glatteis führen?


    Edit: Damit will ich meinen Beitrag hier abschließen.

    The license itself is called the Creative Common License.


    • LICENSE.txt

      (20,81 kB, 10 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
  • Ozmosis has always been under the copyright of HermitCrab Labs and never been released to the public as also stated in the header of the posted File:

    As long as you are not the legitimate owner of the code or have the explicit permission of owners/creators publishing copyright protected code is a copyright infringement and is therefore not allowed in our forums. If you really feel the need to publish copyright protected material without the owners permission, what I highly advise against, use an other Plattform than ours (eg. GitHub or anything else suitable). Don't get me wrong it is nothing personal but I have to protect our platform and its users from possible legal consequences that might arise and therefore deleted the posted file...

  • Yeah Github links are okay in my opinion:)

    1. It is NOT your source code.
    2. Each file contains a copyright notice that clearly states „all rights reserved“.
    3. You most likely don‘t have written confirmation of all authors involved in creating the code to republish the code under a GPL.
    4. You can‘t argue the code has fallen under open source because of that.
    5. Still, you attached the GPL info to your repo, misleading others, violating the TOS of GitHub and violating the rights of the original author(s).
    6. Moreover, you haven‘t even modified/forked the original code in any meaningful way, so you have no ownership at all over the code base.