Hi, ich habe seit neuestem den boot0 error. Bin bereits nach der Anleitung aus dem Forum vorgegangen aber ohne Erfolg. Habe einen Auszug aus der
"Chameleon_Installer_Log.txt" angehängt. Habe gesehen, dass der Bootloader in /dev/rdisk0 installiert ist. Wie bekomme ich den dort wieder weg um chameleon nochmals neu zu installieren.
Backing up Chameleon files
Backing up stage2 file /Volumes/System/boot to /Volumes/System/Chameleon.Backups/2012-12-02-17h56/boot
Backing up /Volumes/System/Extra folder to /Volumes/System/Chameleon.Backups/2012-12-02-17h56/Extra
Clearing options...
Running Standard postinstall script
Target volume = /Volumes/System on /dev/disk0s2
Target disk already has existing Chameleon stage 0 loader - boot0
Stage 0 loader not written to /dev/disk0.
Written boot1h to /dev/rdisk0s2.
Written boot to /Volumes/System on /dev/disk0s2.
Preparing to check target disk for previous installations.
Going to check the EFI system partition also.
Mounting /dev/disk0s1 as /Volumes/EFI.
Checking disk0.
Nothing found that could cause any problems.
Disk: /dev/rdisk0 geometry: 14593/255/63 [234441648 sectors]
Signature: 0xAA55
Starting Ending
#: id cyl hd sec - cyl hd sec [ start - size]
1: EE 1023 254 63 - 1023 254 63 [ 1 - 234441647] <Unknown ID>
2: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused
3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused
4: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused
Setting /Volumes/System partition active.
Standard script complete
Added boot option: Legacy Logo=Yes
Added boot option: EthernetBuiltIn=Yes
Added boot option: UseKernelCache=Yes
Added boot option: Kernel Flags=darkwake=0
Added boot option: GenerateCStates=Yes
Added boot option: GeneratePStates=Yes
Added boot option: GraphicsEnabler=Yes
Running Post postinstall script
Target volume = /Volumes/System
Unmount all volumes named EFI
/private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.4q1JbE/Scripts/org.chameleon.post.x4WeDL/UnMountEFIvolumes.sh: line 25: /private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.4q1JbE/Scripts/org.chameleon.post.x4WeDL/InstallLog.sh: No such file or directory
/private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.4q1JbE/Scripts/org.chameleon.post.x4WeDL/UnMountEFIvolumes.sh: line 26: /private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.4q1JbE/Scripts/org.chameleon.post.x4WeDL/InstallLog.sh: No such file or directory
Post postinstall script complete