Was bedeutet das hier:
Kam bisher IMMER:
kernel_patcher.c (534) Patching 64bit XNU Kernel 12.2.0
Darwin Kernel Version 12.2.0: Sat Aug 25 00:48:52 PDT 2012 *patched-2050.18.24 1/REALEASE_x86_64
commpage_patch.c (87): _commpage_stuff_routine patched.
lapic_patch.c (76): lapic_init panic removed
bootstrap_patch.c(167): KLD Bootstrap: readbooter Ex(nicht erkennbar) s () call injected into KLDBootstrap : : readprilink...
ERROR: dcbtable_version is 0x10
ERROR: nVidia ROM Patching failed!
Kam jetzt neu dazu:
Unable to handle key current-network
Unable to handle key preferred-networks
Unable to handle key MLB
Unable to handle key ROM
Unable to handle key LocationServiceEnabled
Unable to handle key cmm-compuer-name
Unable to handle key boot-gamma
Foto kann ich euch leider nicht zeigen, da die größ zu hoch ist (Mit iPad 3 Fotografiert 5 Megapixel)