Beiträge von Huberer

    Could be a bug could also be possible of the in ozmosis integrated kexts. I've no clue. Do you have an opportunity to measure the power consumption of your hackintosh? With this you can be sure if speedstep is working proberly and if the power consumption is down when the power gadget shows the cpu idling. There you can be sure that everything is working like it should. In my opinion I would leave it like it is. If you try to work with different kexts (like fakesmc or similar) you risk of bricking your system and have to reinstall everything again.

    So, next try. I inserted your ssdt into the dsdt. Use the attached dsdt but remove your ssdt.
    Also attached is the AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementInfo.kext from PikerAlpha to check if speedstep is working. But it into EFI/Oz/Darwin/Extensions/Common/ and the dsdt into EFI/Oz/Acpi/Load/ (I guess you know where to put ;) )
    Reboot your system and with this command in Terminal

    1. cat /var/log/system.log | grep "AICPUPMI:"

    you can check your CPU speedsteps and also iGPU P-states. Post the output here (I guess you only can make a screen shot with "cmd"+"shift"+"4" - only a part of the screen and not the whole).

    Edit: Very important - remove your ssdt from EFI!!! (it's within dsdt)



      (30,89 kB, 106 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    Don't know why it is like that. Maybe there's something running in the background which causes the high usage.
    Please do me a favour. Make a new ssdt (with the script from PikerAlpha (ssdtprgen) and post it (text file) together with the dsdt which you use at the moment here.
    Thanks in advance

    According to the usb mounting problem. If you have a look in the www you will find a lot of such problems mentioned by "original" apple user caused with EC. It looks like that the mount error is not related to the dsdt but rather caused by OSX.

    Genau, das habe ich mir gestern Abend auch noch gedacht, als ich versucht habe mich an mein altes Asus P77 MoBo zurück zu erinnern. Wie war es damals mit dem Bios update? Da war ich mir nicht mehr sicher, ob man für dieses Flashen überhaupt einen Monitor braucht. Hab auf Youtube nachgesehen und habe ich Recht. Du brauchst nicht einmal eine CPU zum Bios-Upgrad.
    Schau dir diese Anleitung auf Youtube hier mal an. Ich weiß nicht wie du es geschafft hast sowas von falsch ein Update zu machen. Sollte dein Englisch etwas eingerostet sein, so wirf einfach das Ozmosis-Bios von hier (nimm das mit dem Header integriert) auf einen FAT32-formatierten USB-Stick, steckst ihn in den entsprechenden USB-Port (Achtung: es geht nur einer der für dieses Flashen vorgesehen ist - schau also bitte im Handbuch nach, welcher das ist - das ist der unterste links neben dem Flash-Knopf , der rechte von dem Knopf ist ein USB3 und der ist es nicht - nur damit du es gleich erkennst). Ist der Stick angesteckt dann drückst und hälst du den Flash-Button auf der Rückseite des Motherboards für mindestes 3 Sekunden gedrückt. Nach drei Sekunden fängt das Licht zu blinken an und kannst du den Knopf loslassen. Das Flashen dauert dann eine gewisse Zeit (wie lange steht im Handbuch nicht dabei aber ich schätze schon so um die 30 Sekunden - besser länger warten).
    Bevor du das Bios updatest dann schalte vorher den Computer aus. Bitte das nicht im laufenden Betrieb machen. Also ausschalten aber nicht vom Strom trennen. Wirst eh sehen, da Flash-Button muss glaublich leuchten. Also ausgeschalten aber am Strom hängen.
    So nun starte einen neuen Versuch...

    Thanks for the info. I have a similar approach. With Yosemite I had a look at the "namings" of the usb connectors.
    HSXX stands for USB2.0 and SSPX stands for USB3.0 and these countings/namings are in the DSDT (just open the dsdt with MaciASL and look for HS01 or SSP1).
    So I found out that the internal USB3.0 connector of the Z87MX has the countings SSP1, HS01, SSP2 and HS02. The USB3.0 connectors on the back of the mobo have SSP3, HS03, SSP4, HS04,... One USB3.0 counts for two connectors (USB3.0 and USB2.0). The two USB-connectors in the back have HS09 and HS10.
    All in all this motherboard has 21 USB countings. So you have two options for the USB-problematic of El Capitan (15 ports limit): The first is to make a workaround with "homemade" kexts or scripts to bypass the 15 number limit and to risk an instable system because from Apple it's not planned to have more than 15 usb ports. Or second, to say to El Capitan (via the dsdt) my hardware has not more than 15 usb ports. For that you have to remove the unneeded usb countings within DSDT. E.g. one internal and not used USB connector has HS07, another HS08,... Because of this knowing I've removed the part within DSDT which belongs to the mentioned connectors. So I came down to the 15 number limit and therefore you don't need any special "homemade" kexts which can lead to an instable system (like mentioned before). A negative side effect of this (removing part of dsdt) is that this usb connector (e.g. internal USB2.0 with HS07) doesn't work anymore. Because OSX looks in the dsdt which hardware is existing, doesn't find it and don't use it.
    As you could see some dsdt's ago (good naming) one USB3.0 and USB2.0 of your front ports didn't work. I've removed the SSP2 and HS02 parts of the internal USB3.0 connector. This showed that the connector needs all 4 countings (SSP1-2 and HS01-02) and it was a mistake from my side to remove it.

    Coming back to the description of PikerAlpha. I did quite the same but he made one mistake. When you have a look at his drawing and you count the USB port numbering you will see that he has 16. This is one to much and therefore one USB3.0 will not work. Why USB3.0 and not USB2.0? I guess that EC starts with the countings of the HSXX (USB2.0 ports) because they come first in the DSDT followed by the SSPX (USB3.0). He also wrote that all USB2.0 ports (which he described) work and some USB3.0. Now you know why he wrote "some" and not "all"....

    I hope I could explain in that way that you understand it. I'm also a noob in this case and read a little bit about it. My plan was to go the Vanilla route (the less external kext to use the better is it) and therefore I found this description. Now I found everything out but don't use EC because I love Mavericks and it's that fu**ing stable that I don't want to switch.

    Also. As you can see you have different options. At least one paid and one free. Don't know which one works better. You can try. I also suggest you to read this thread here. I had the problem that my hackintosh (with Mavericks and with El Capitan) woke up every 2 hours (while it was sleeping). With patching the the problem under Mavericks was gone. Under El Capitan I had to use this command:

    1. sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ProgramArguments -array-add -DisableSleepProxyClient

    but SIP must be disabled and you have to restart the computer afterwards.

    So it looks like that your problems are partly solved, doesn't it?

    Ok thanks for the info. Look at the PN I sent you.
    There's a program called sleepwatcher. With this program you can do a lot of things before and after sleep (e.g. unmount drive/mount drive again). At there's a good description but only in german.

    Ok, I see that you already have a ssdt. So it wasn't necessary to post it here. But no problem.
    With my lasted dsdt sleep is not working absolutelly like the others before, right?

    Edit: One last try. I've added a new dsdt. Please check if sleep and plugged in thumb drive is working.



      (17,88 kB, 107 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    Ok, somit dürfte es an den ROM's liegen wenn es beim Originalen geht. Jetzt habe ich auch keine Idee mehr wie du dieses Bios rauf bekommst.

    Edit: bin jetzt zufällig auf diesen Beitrag hier gestoßen. Es geht zwar um die X99-Boards, aber vielleicht hilft es in deinem Fall auch. Probiere mal ein älteres Original-Bios (also Downgrade) einzuspielen (mittels flash back) und update dann auf das neue Ozmosis-Bios. Ebenso über Flashback.

    Ok nikoZ, I just wanted to know I you use all of the usb ports in the back. But no problem I could strip down the usb port number within dsdt so that all usb ports in the back and both usb 3.0 in the front are working. But be aware all internal usb-connectors, except the only USB3.0 connector, don't work because of the removed settings within dsdt.
    Attached you can find a new dsdt. Please test if sleep is also working.

    According to sound. When I used Ozmosis with my Z77MX-D3H (I don't use this hackintosh anymore) I've installed ALC892 via Multibeast 6.0.1. But this was with Mavericks and I had no problems with sound after sleep. I've to confess that I also used a usb-sound-card because the sound was much better then with the ALC-one.

    Another question: Do you use a ssdt? If yes post it hear and if no make one immediatly. The description you can find here. It's quite easy. I can't do that for you because I don't have such a cpu you use. The script reads the values from the cpu to get speedstep working.
    You open terminal and enter this command:

    1. curl -o ~/

    If you get an error here. Try with sudo at the beginning. Like: sudo curl -o .....
    After that you make the script executable with this command:

    1. chmod +x ~/

    Than run the script with the command:

    1. ./

    The script starts, will do some things, and than you get the question that it should copy the dsdt.dsl (or similar) to the "Extra"-Folder. You don't have this so just answer with no. The second, and important question is, if the ssdt should be opened in Texteditor. Here you have to answer with yes. Save this textfile whereever you want and attach it here so I can work with it.
    Thanks in advance

    Edit: I've forgotten to add the new dsdt. Here you go..



      (17,95 kB, 97 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    I have no idea why sleep isn't working proberly. You say that wol is important. So that means you have enabled wol in bios and also under OSX. What happen when you disable it? Does sleep work?
    Another question. Is there a usb-port on the back you don't use? I'm asking because I will create a new dsdt, with cutted down usb entries. That means that your both front usb will work but I've to go down to 15 because of EC restriction. Therefore you don't need any kext.

    Ok, now I have no ideas anymore. Sorry for that. The only thing I can suggest is to switch over to clover. For that you have to flash the original uefi. During my test with EC I didn't have such problems (only shutdown and I could fix it)
    Or you say you stay with Ozmosis and life with the problems you have. Sorry for that. I've no clue anymore.