Beiträge von ammoune78

    Ah ok, the username change, didn't know it's you :top:. I already know cecekpawon GitHub releases, and already used the old releases from 2018, with also 100 Series. But know there's much more changes, and I think I don't know what to enable from the plist file and what to disable I'm in the need of renamepatches and what to drope and patch. You can see my previous post from the log what renames I was attempting to do, then if you can make them in plist please and in ffs, can you do it?

    Thank you Raptortosh , yes I can boot to Catalina. But my main problem is I don't have kextpatches for USB using KernextPatcher, and AcpiPatcher don't drop, patch and replace names in ACPI, it only read the plist but don't patch BIOS. Even with SSDT that contain USB EHC1,EHC2,XHC patches I still don't have required power on ports. Previously it worked, in Catalina, USB ports and ACPI patching, after flashing bios for NVME and formatting the entire Catalina disk, the files was deleted and forgot to backup them.

    Like you will see in the screenshot, VirtualSMC doesn't give board sensors as well, but FakeSMC have all the sensors of the Z87X-UD3H in the LPCSensors, so it's much more appreciated for me than VirtualSMC, because no enough or complete hardware monitoring.

    Please can you upload a Working ACPIPatcher with the patches given in the previous post, with some KextsPortPatching for USB in the KernextPatcher, it will really help me!

    I can't use the mouse actually without hassle and connecting ExternalUSBDrives

    Hallo Freunde, ich brauche einen funktionierenden AcpiPatcher für Catalina mit den folgenden Patches,

    da ich viele ausprobiert habe, aber niemand für Catalina gearbeitet hat. Sie funktionieren nur für Mojave und frühere Versionen von MacOS. Bitte, da ich jetzt seit Jahren von der Hackintosh-Szene abwesend war und Lagerbestände hatte.

    Benötigen Sie auch einen USB-Patch für GA-Z87X-UD3H KextsToPatch und den neuesten Catalina KernelToPatch.

    RehabMan-FakeSMC 2018 wird nicht für Catalina geladen, weiß nicht, welche Version damit funktionieren soll.

    Bitte, es wird hilfreich sein, denn ohne Patches für Ports ist die Maus jetzt wie verrückt, von rechts nach links, auf und ab und instabil, und nur USB-Sticks wurden geladen, überhaupt keine externe Festplatte von USB.

    Hier ist Log Files



    Unfortunately it doesn't show something in the boot-args, it remain only in a black screen. Maybe we need someone that have HD 4600 to try booting Mojave using Ozmosis?

    Got it working using the settings above from BIOS:

    Intel Processor Graphics Memory Allocation to 32M

    DVMT Total Memory Size to 128M

    But, after installing Mojave, surprised by no Dark Mode, it looks like High Sierra, with content of Mojave. Damn thing, finished the first problem, now running into another. But finally got it working :hurra: .

    Is there a clover patch for HD 4600, please?

    I have nothing in the EFI folder because it never get loaded, the reason is KernextPatcher and AcpiPatcher log file aren't there, if not it the log isn't in efi it explain that reboot loops, it can not read the EFI partition, same thing for the Mojave usb installer.

    Here's my entire rom so you can check it

    IntelGraphicsFixup from lvs1974 repos or source forge?
    Lilu is on the rom, but I think I'm gonna delete it, and keep only FakeSMC staffs, then keep it with AppleALC with IntelGraphicsFixup on common folder.

    Ok I see now, it's the same one, i'm gonna use it and report back if worked.

    Hey guy's

    Have anyone had issue for booting Mojave installed drive or USB Installer for Mojave, while using only Intel HD 4600 graphic? For me, it always keep rebooting after showing Apple logo for a two or three seconds, it's a reboot loops!

    Note Ozmosis can boot with external graphic, this is already done on the first day of Mojave release Beta, using my SAPPHIRE R9 280X, but I would like to do the installation with HD 4600 to.

    You have to use both GfxSsdt and GpuSsdt, LanSsdt, HdfSsdt, SatSsdt, MeiSsdt, UsbSsdt with the help of DTGPSsdt in order to have complete booting, or you can use only GfxSsdt GpuSsdt, SatSsdt and DTGPSsdt, you can either use AcpiPatcher to rename devices while booting but you need to use your Own Ssdt's for IGPU and EGPU.

    Here's cecekpawon UEFTW last release.

    I want to do an tut video for this 100 series, but a headache that I'll have is to create another Chanel in youtube, and in other way because insanelymac now have trouble for uploading files, I can now no longer upload file bigger than 999kb ||

    Maybe I'll upload it to Dropbox, but i need some time, because of life problems!

    This was the SSDT's missing that i'm speaking for, without all stuffs and SSDT's and Injector.kext i've made, you'll not be able to reach desktop!

    Every word i said in my guide is sensitive and important, if you miss only one step, it will stop at that point!

    This is not a joke, because the ACPI tables in skylake mobos aren't the same as previous generation, there's a lot of _DSM that makes problem!