c:\Users\michael\Downloads\Z97XUD3H.8d>OZMTool --ozmcreate --aggressivity 1 --co
mpressdxe --kext ffs --ffs ffs --out outputfile --input z97xud3h.f8d
OZMTool - v0.2
Warning: No DSDT file given! Will leave DSDT as-is!
Info: Aggressivity level set to 'Delete network stuff from BIOS'...
Info: Compressing CORE_DXE is selected!
Injecting FFS into BIOS...
* Current file: '1FA1F39E-FEFF-4AAE-BD7B-38A070A3B609_PartitionDxe.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: '4CF484CD-135F-4FDC-BAFB-1AA104B48D36_HfsPlus.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: '961578FE-B6B7-44C3-AF35-6BC705CD2B1F_EnhancedFat.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: '99F2839C-57C3-411E-ABC3-ADE5267D960D_OzmosisDefaults.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'AAE65279-0761-41D1-BA13-4A3C1383603F_Ozmosis.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'AC255206-DCF9-4837-8353-72BBBC0AC849_OzmosisBlackTheme.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'C57AD6B7-0515-40A8-9D21-551652854E37_HermitShellX64.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'DADE1001-1B31-4FE4-8557-26FCEFC78275_SmcEmulatorKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'DADE1002-1B31-4FE4-8557-26FCEFC78275_DisablerKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'DADE1003-1B31-4FE4-8557-26FCEFC78275_InjectorKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'DADE1006-1B31-4FE4-8557-26FCEFC78275_CpuSensorsKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'DADE1007-1B31-4FE4-8557-26FCEFC78275_LpcSensorsKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'DADE1008-1B31-4FE4-8557-26FCEFC78275_GpuSensorsKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
* Current file: 'VoodooHdaKext.ffs'...
* File not existant, inserting at the end of volume
Converting Kext & injecting into BIOS...
Compressing CORE_DXE to save space...
* Trying to compress 'CORE_DXE' [5AE3F37E-4EAE-41AE-8240-35465B5E81EB]
* File was injected compressed successfully!
Deleting network BIOS stuff (PXE) to save space...
* Removed 'TcpDxe' [B1625D3C-9D2D-4E0D-B864-8A763EE4EC50] succesfully!
* Removed 'Dhcp4Dxe' [8DD9176E-EE87-4F0E-8A84-3F998311F930] succesfully!
* Removed 'Ip4ConfigDxe' [8F9296EF-2880-4659-B857-915A8901BDC8] succesfully!
* Removed 'Ip4Dxe' [8F92960F-2880-4659-B857-915A8901BDC8] succesfully!
* Removed 'Mtftp4Dxe' [61AFA223-8AC8-4440-9AB5-762B1BF05156] succesfully!
* Removed 'Udp4Dxe' [10EE5462-B207-4A4F-ABD8-CB522ECAA3A4] succesfully!
* Removed 'Dhcp6Dxe' [8DD9176D-EE87-4F0E-8A84-3F998311F930] succesfully!
* Removed 'Ip6Dxe' [8F92960E-2880-4659-B857-915A8901BDC8] succesfully!
* Removed 'Mtftp6Dxe' [61AFA251-8AC8-4440-9AB5-762B1BF05156] succesfully!
* Removed 'Udp6Dxe' [10EE54AE-B207-4A4F-ABD8-CB522ECAA3A4] succesfully!
Deleting non required Filesystem FFS...
* Removed 'FileSystem' [93022F8C-1F09-47EF-BBB2-5814FF609DF5] succesfully!
Reconstructing final image...
reconstructVolume: 8C8CE578-8A3D-4F1C-9935-896185C32DD3: root volume can't be gr
ERROR: Image exploded...
! Program exited with errors !
Status code: 17